Chapter 134

(More smut)

When Maggie comes down from her high, she isn't sure if her legs will hold her up for much longer. So she gets off of Alex and flops down next to her, breathing hard. Alex's thighs are pressed together, occasionally clenching with her body's impatience. But Alex is content to look at Maggie, at how beautiful her wife looks with beaded sweat on her forehead and hazy eyes.

Maggie attempts to catch her breath, knowing that Alex is probably more than ready to come. Once she does, she gets on top of Alex, who watches her with darkened eyes.

"It's not going to take much," Alex admits.

She spreads her legs automatically as Maggie's hand moves down her torso. Alex's hips jolt as she gets closer and her back arches when Maggie slips one finger inside of her. Alex lets out a breath, relieved that her wife isn't going to make her wait. Maggie pulls out her finger and then pushes back in with two. Alex's hips twitch again and her breathing gets heavier, her eyes lidded as she focuses solely on the pleasure.

Alex inhales sharply when Maggie's other hand moves to her breast, and whines softly when her wife's lips wrap around her nipple. Gods, she can feel herself on the edge already but this isn't quite enough for her to come. Maggie can tell and uses her thumb to rub sloppy circles around Alex's clit. It's an awkward angle for Maggie, but she makes it work as best as she can. Plus, she knows that Alex loves when the pressure on her clit is unpredictable.

Alex's back bows a moment later, and a stream of high-pitched, breathy moans fall from her lips in between gasps of Maggie's name. Her body shakes with the intensity of it and Maggie pulls back, staring in awe as she watches her wife come for the first time since they got married.

Alex's eyes reopen and Maggie smiles softly down at her wife, gently capturing her lips. Alex moves sluggishly at first, still coming down from an amazing high. Maggie gently pulls her thumb away and then takes her fingers out. Alex's hips twitch but she doesn't move otherwise.

"Have I broken you, Allie?" Maggie teases, slightly concerned.

"No," Alex breathes out. "I'm good."


Maggie leans down and kisses Alex again, slow but intense. She kisses her back with just as much enthusiasm. They get lost in it; Alex reaches up to tangle her fingers in Maggie's hair to draw her closer. Maggie trails kisses down Alex's jaw and down her neck before making her way up to her wife's ear.

She nibbles gently on the earlobe and then whispers. "I want to go down on you, Allie. Is that okay with you?"

"Gods, yes!" Alex replies immediately, and she blushes at her own enthusiasm.

Alex can feel her wife's smile against her neck as she presses a kiss there, then sucks hickies onto her skin. Alex can already tell that she's going to be covered in them by tomorrow, she can tell when Maggie is in a marking mood and she certainly is now.

Maggie moves slowly down Alex's body, stopping to create hickies wherever she wants. Maggie doesn't respond to Alex's squirming and gentle pushes at her head and shoulders in an attempt to urge her to move more quickly. Maggie eventually makes it all the way down and Alex looks down at her, propped up on her elbows. Maggie picks up one of Alex's legs and moves the thigh so that it's over her shoulder. Alex presses her heel against Maggie's back gently and can feel Maggie's muscles shift as she moves into a better position.

Maggie meets Alex's gaze, both with darkened gazes. Maggie lowers her head slightly, letting her warm breath hit her, causing Alex's thighs to flex. Once Alex starts to feel impatient, Maggie leans her head down and slides her tongue through Alex's folds. She was already wet from her first orgasm, but after all that time Maggie spent sucking bruises into her skin, Alex is soaked. Alex taps Maggie's back with her heel, as if telling her to stop being so smug and do something about it.

Maggie licks again, cleaning up some of the excess wetness, and again, more than happy to take her time. Alex's hand goes to her hair again and she tugs gently but impatiently. Maggie complies. After all, Alex did so much for her, she wants to return the favor.

So Maggie gets to work, throwing an arm over Alex's hips to keep them from bucking too much and sliding her tongue inside of her wife. Alex jolts and her hands tighten in Maggie's hair as she lets out a breathless gasp. Maggie's tongue works wonders and Alex's back arches again, her head turned to the side and her hips grinding as much as they can. It's not enough and they both know it.

Maggie thrusts inside of her with her tongue, flexing it and moving it around to hit Alex's sensitive spots. Alex can feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, her body clenching around Maggie's tongue to get more friction. Maggie pulls her tongue all the way out and Alex whines with frustration, clenching around nothing.

Alex's head tilts back against the pillow when she feels Maggie's fingers slip inside of her. She gasps out pleas and encouragements, begging her wife for more. Maggie's mouth latches onto Alex's clit and it only takes a couple seconds of flicking her tongue and sucking lightly for Alex to come again.

Alex lets out a feminine high gasp, her entirely body tensing with the waves of pleasure washing over her. She slumps bonelessly back onto the bed, breathing hard. Maggie crawls back up her body, pressing reverent kisses to the path of hickies she made. Maggie kisses Alex again and she kisses back lazily, a dopey smile on her face as she pulls Maggie close.

That's the last chapter of smut (for now?)! Next chapter, just a bit more Sanvers and then we finally get back to Supercorp! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!