Chapter 168

There are more people gathered outside than Kara expected. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but even with Alex talking about how they needed more security, she didn't expect this many people to show up for her wedding.

Some faces she recognizes, some vaguely, but there are many that she doesn't recognize. Some of them are people that she has helped or rescued along the way, and it makes her smile grow to see them happy and healthy, let alone here to support her on her wedding day. Everyone has dressed up to the best of their ability, some limited because of budget. But that doesn't matter to her, everyone looks amazing in Kara's eyes.

Jeremiah walks with Kara, moving slowly forward, the crowd parting easily in front of them. She can just see the crowd parting towards them ahead of her, and Kara resists the urge to rush forward. Kara focuses on her adoptive father next to her, the sun's light warming her skin, and the sound of footsteps behind her of her friends slowly walking behind her.

The crowd between them gets thinner and thinner until Kara and Lena meet eyes. It's almost like the world slows down as they look at each other, seeing their fiancée for the first time wearing the clothes they're going to get married in.

To Kara's surprise, Lena didn't decide to wear a dress like she expected. Instead, Lena's wearing a traditional Kryptonian robe, which makes Kara's eyes immediately start watering when she realizes that. It's a beautiful fabric dyed a dark red, closed with pins to one side and a slit down from the hips for both legs. The robe moves as she walks, revealing bits of pale skin through the slits. On the upper left of the robe, where a Kryptonian house is usually displayed, there's the symbol for the Luthor Kingdom.

Kara herself is also wearing a Kryptonian robe, which she promised herself long ago she would still get married in, even if she weren't on Krypton anymore. Hers is similar yet slightly different than Lena's. She went with a design that she always liked, which has larger shoulder pads, kind of resembling armor. Like Lena's, it has the slits for her legs. But she chose to have hers dyed a deep blue like her suit with the linings being red. On hers, there's also a slight collar that's raised.

Lena and Kara keep moving forward, their smiles softening as they reach each other. J'onn and Jeremiah let their linked arms fall away, allowing the women to meet in the middle and begin walking together towards where they're going to get married.

Kara and Lena ascend the stairs into the platform and Kara's eyes water more at the sight of a large piece of sturdy glass that's perfectly carved to resemble the Jewel of Truth and Honor. On Krypton, it was tradition to get married on it.

Jeremiah takes his seat next to Eliza in the front and J'onn is the first to step onto the platform with them, heading to the opposite side of the Jewel. Their friends go on either side of them, all smiling at the couple, who only have eyes for each other. J'onn subtly catches their attention and they step onto the Jewel. He clears his throat and the gathered crowd falls silent.

"In the name of truth and honor I declare he marriage vows binding upon you! From this day forward, throughout all time and space, even into eternity, you will be partners. We, as friends, family, and the people of the Kingdoms, have come here today to witness not just a historic wedding, but a wedding between two amazing women who were destined to find each other." J'onn falls silent for a moment, allowing his words to rush over the crowd. "Queen Lena of the Luthor Kingdom and Princess Kara of the Danvers Kingdom, you may now say your vows."

Lena and Kara look to each other and Kara nods, silently telling Lena that she can go first.

"Kara, when I first met you, I thought you were some odd alien girl who crashed into a tree." There's laughter from the crowd. The story of how they met has undoubtably been spread throughout the Kingdoms. "You were and you still are, but you're so much more than that. It didn't take me long to see your kindness and your intelligence. You were one of the first people since Lex to look at me and see me as Lena and not another Luthor who's bound to go crazy, and I hope you realize how much that means to me. Your empathy and understanding is one of your greatest strengths, and like I said, you're so smart. I would argue that you're smarter than me, and I honestly never expected to find a partner I could talk to about math and science and have them understand it."

Lena can hear Alex murmur out a "nerd," but she can also hear the tears in her future sister-in-law's voice.

"You're you in all the best ways, and I'm honored that somehow you fell as hard for me as I fell for you. This past year or so with you has been nothing short of absolutely amazing, and I can't wait to see where we go from here. Separately, we can do good, but together we can do wonderful things and it'll be fun to see how we can improve our Kingdoms and the world." Lena's eyes crinkle slightly as she smiles warmly at Kara, who has a slow stream of tears slipping down her cheeks as she beams back at Lena. "I love you, Kara Zor-El Danvers, with everything I am. And I can't wait to be able to say that I'm your wife."

Hey! Long time no see! Sorry about that, work and preparing to move back to college completely screwed up what little time I had to write! But now that I'm moved in, the updates should be a LOT more regular! Thank you for your patience! Next chapter is Kara's vows! And guys, I didn't write this for so long that I forgot what I was originally going to have them wearing... But it worked out, hopefully! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!