Chapter 169

Kara's smile is wide but her expression is soft at she looks at the woman she's marrying. "I..." She chuckles wetly. "That's going to be really hard to follow up. After Krypton exploded, I never thought I would have the chance to do this. I didn't think I would find someone to spend my life with, let alone someone as wonderful and understand as you. But then you came into my life, or rather I crashed into yours. And a tree." She winks at Lena, who smiles wider through her tears. "I didn't think I would find anyone other than maybe Alex and later, some of my friends who have become like a family to me, I didn't think I would find anyone that respected my... Not just my culture, but who I am

Lena squeezes Kara's hands, giving her a tearful smile as she continues. "Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have a partner who was willing to learn my language. To wear ceremonial robes like we did on Krypton. Let alone, to marry me in the traditional Kryptonian way. You've gone above and beyond what I ever expected Lee, and I love you. I can't wait to spend every day for the rest of my life with you and making you happy. And I have to admit, it is really nice to have a partner that understands what I'm talking about when I talk about technology on Krypton.

Kara squeezes Lena's hand in return. "And I know you talked about my empathy, but yours is just as prevalent and just as amazing. You love so fiercely and I'm glad I have the pleasure to be one of the people you love. I can't wait to be your wife, and to call you my wife. You're everything I hoped for and more. I love you."

"I love you too." Lena says, tears falling from her eyes too.

J'onn clears his throat and wipes a tear off his cheek. "With the vows finished, it's time for the exchange of the bracelets. Ladies, if you will." He nods to Maggie and Alex, who hand Lena and Kara their bracelets while J'onn addresses the audience. "For those of you unfamiliar with Kryptonian culture, there is a woven bracelet made for each couple. The colors it's made with are unique to that couple and can't be replicated by another couple. It's reminiscent of the human tradition to exchange rings." He looks back to Lena and Kara. "You may exchange bracelets."

Kara goes first and slowly slides the bracelet over Lena's wrist. "With this I bind myself, heart, soul, and mind, to you."

Lena puts hers on Kara's wrist. "With this I bind myself, heart, soul, and mind, to you."

J'onn watches them with a smile. "You have been made wife and wife this day-and for all days hence. May the countenance of Rao ever shine on you." There's a brief flash of sadness through Kara's heart as she feels the heat of the yellow sun upon her skin, but it's overpowered by her love for Lena. And she knows that even if His light is faint here, Rao always watches over His children. "You may now kiss your bride."

Kara and Lena take a step closer to each other and meet in the middle, their lips moving together effortlessly. The world fades away, the cheers around them muffled like heard through water. It's just them, just their love for each other coming out and visible for all to see in a tender kiss.

When they pull back, the roar of the crowd hits them full force and they grin warmly at each other before giving one last peck.

"That was beautiful," Winn says. He approaches them and Kara laughs wetly when she sees that his cheeks are shiny with tears.

Kara keeps one hand holding Lena while the other wraps around her brother in a hug. "Thanks," she says as she pulls back. "I think... I think we forgot that it was vows and stuff and not just declaring our love for each other."

"I would like to think there were some promises and vows in our speeches," Lena says. "Maybe not explicitly stated, but there nonetheless. And besides, I don't think there's much to vow that we haven't already promised to each other." Her eyes sparkle with mischief briefly. "Except for maybe making your side the bed." She can see Kara about to pout and continues. "Darling, you have superspeed."

Kara still pouts, making her wife laugh and press a kiss to her lips. Which, of course, replaces the pout with a beaming smile.

They all head off the stage to where Eliza and Jeremiah are waiting for them while J'onn begins directing people to where the party will be. Eliza and Jeremiah greet them all with hugs, lingering on their newly married daughters.

"I would like to officially welcome you to the family. Again," Jeremiah winks at Lena.

"Thank you sir, Jeremiah." She corrects herself.

"If you're comfortable with it, you can always call me Dad." Jeremiah says with his warm smile.

Lena's heart feels like it skips a beat and she knows that she's finally found her family. "Thank you."

"Of course."

There's a brief pause before Maggie breaks it. "Hey Lena, what are your guys' last names now? Kara kind of already had two and you have one as well."

"For the sake of ease, Kara and I decided that our last names will just be hyphenated to Luthor-Danvers, but on official papers and such we are the Zor-El Luthor-Danvers."

"That's a lot of hyphens in one last name," Winn says.

Lena nods. "Two, yeah. There's a space between the El and Luthor."

"Oh, that makes more sense." Winn murmurs.

"Now, are you all ready to freshen up?" Eliza asks after another pause. "Afterwards, we need to head to the party. Bring the guests of honor." She beams proudly at Kara and Lena.

Next chapter, the wedding party thing! And yes, I did just call myself out for forgetting that it's called vows for a reason lol. Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!