Chapter 171

Lena watches her wife with horrified fascination as she absolutely demolishes whatever food is put in front of her. Kara pauses for a moment with a mouth full of potstickers and grins at Lena, somehow managing to do so without spewing the half-chewed food all over.

Lena smiles back at her wife, shaking her head fondly before turning back to her own food, which she doesn't stuff in her face.

The dinner goes by quickly, with a few more occasions where people tap their glasses to get Lena and Kara to kiss. Kara beams as the music starts to get louder, indicating that the first dance with her wife will be starting. She stands from her seat and offers Lena her hand, which Lena takes with a warm smile.

Kara whisks her to the dance floor, quite literally, using her superspeed. Lena laughs and clutches her wife as she lifts her up. To anyone without the ability to track her movements, they disappear and then reappear on the dance floor, both looking slightly windswept but neither minding at all.

Lena rearranges her posture and moves her hands with Kara's hands in hers to a waltzing position. The music swells when the musicians realize that the first dance as newlyweds is starting, and Lena begins to slowly lead Kara in a waltz.

The waltz isn't one of the dances that Kara's most comfortable doing, but she knows that Lena loves it, loves the closeness of it, the motions. So she's taken it upon herself to learn how to do it better. And while Kara knows she's not the greatest, her superspeed and inhuman reflexes allow her to look graceful-ish and it means that she won't step on Lena's toes when she missteps.

Lena hums in her ear a song that Kara doesn't recognize at first. They go across the dance floor, moving slowly, their heads pressed together. Lena leads and twirls Kara occasionally, not just because it's fun but also because of the smile that lights up her wife's face.

As they dance, Lena begins to sing softly in her wife's ear, her voice quiet and gentle but beautiful all the same. This is something meant for Kara, and just for her ears. Kara recognizes the song immediately and practically melts in her wife's arms, having to physically resist the urge to scoop her up into a big hug. The song is one of the ones she remembers from Krypton, one of the few she managed to write down so she wouldn't forget it.

Kara's favorite songs, other than the bouncy bubbly ones that she can dance to, are the ones that tell stories. And this one is a Kryptonian song that does that. It's a song about two lovers who fell for each other, two Kryptonians, who had to fight to be able to be with each other. Their houses are enemies, and one of them is forced to duel the other's father. They refuse to kill the father, and he begrudgingly accepts their marriage, which begins slowly mending the rift between the families. The last bit of the song is how they're hopeful for peace and prosperity for both their families.

Kara sings softly along with her, their voices entwining together into a beautiful melody. Their voices are still too soft to be heard over the music, but everyone can tell that they're either talking or singing.

Kryptonese from her wife's lips, after all Lena's lessons, sounds like home to Kara. She knew a couple people who were ambassadors or people who worked for or with her parents that learned Kryptonese as a second language and became fluent, and that's what Lena sounds like to her. It's not perfect like someone born speaking it would be, but it's almost second nature to Lena by now. It's lovely and melodic, and it makes Kara fall for her all over again knowing how much effort Lena had to put in to sound so good.

The last words fall from their lips as the music begins to die down, signaling the end of the song. Lena pulls back just enough to be able to look at Kara's face and is unsurprised to see tears in her eyes, because she has tears in her own eyes as well.

"Thank you," Kara murmurs in Kryptonese. "I couldn't imagine that being more perfect."

"Anything for you, my love." Lena says with a soft expression, pressing a kiss to her wife's lips before pulling back to look at the parents approaching. Eliza and J'onn are heading to them first, with warm smiles on their faces.

Kara's cheeks pinken and she beams at her wife, pressing another kiss to her lips before turning to greet Eliza and J'onn.

J'onn walks to Kara and Eliza walks to Lena, both extending their hands. Lena and Kara take their hands and begin to dance.

"I'm so proud of you, Lena." Eliza says softly to her. "I'm glad it was you who my daughter fell for."

"Thank you. I am too." Lena glances over to where Kara and J'onn are dancing, both of them floating in the air and waltzing, large smiles on both their faces.

"You're good for her, and she's good for you too. And I want you to know, Lena, that you're part of this crazy little family as much as Alex is, or Winn, or Maggie."

"You've ended up adopting quite a few kids into your family." Lena notes, smiling softly.

Eliza laughs softly. "I suppose we have. And we love all of them as if they were our own. Including you."

Lena tries and fails to keep the tears at bay, giving her new mother a grateful smile. Eliza squeezes her hand and gives her a kind smile back.

"I love you too. Thank you for letting me be a part of this family."

Eliza chuckles. "You've been part of this family since my daughter fell for you. This just means we're family in everyone else's eyes too."

Next chapter I think I'll wrap the wedding up? And I'll have to figure out how I want to write smut... I haven't read a lot if Supercorp stuff lately so I don't remember what headcanons I have... I think I liked Kara either being a service top or Lena being a top... Feel free to give me your opinions! And I'll warn you guys before we get to the smut so if that's not your thing, you can skip it! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!