When Kara gave up on holding it, she had just froze, not knowing she had to lift her leg in order for her pee to avoid touching her fur.
Which means...bathtime.
Kara said internally, sitting in one of Lena's bathtubs. The warm around her lower body was warm, which felt rather nice.neverKara let out a whimper.
"Oh sweetie, it's okay. Just a quick bath, then dinner." Lena opened a bottle of puppy shampoo. "Thankfully Jess got some shampoo as well." The brunette dropped some of the shampoo on her right hand.
Kara eyed Lena's hand which got closer to her. Kara huffed, not moving.
And so Lena washed Kara's puppy form, who struggled not to nip at Lena's hands.
Kara yelped as she felt Lena's hands on her hind legs.
Kara went limp as she felt Lena's hand scratch below her neck.
"Good girl. We're almost done." Lena grabbed a small container, scooped up some water, then dumped it on Kara, rinsing some of the shampoo from Kara's fur.
Kara shifted her weight on her paws. Kara glanced at Lena, who reached for more water.
Kara couldn't help but feel mischievous. Lena got even closer to her.
Kara shook her body as hard she could, spraying some water on Lena, who squealed. "Hey!"
Kara inwardly laughed, but her puppy form had her tongue sticking out of her mouth, blue eyes wide in glee.
Lena chuckled. "Silly pup. One more rinse. I'll dry you off with a towel, then I'll blow dry you." Lena dumped more water on Kara, who huffed. Once Lena got all the shampoo off, she picked up the puppy with a fluffy towel, drying some of the water. Lena pulled the plug in the tub, draining the water.
Kara thought, feeling lax. Lena rubbed the towel around Kara, who nipped at the soft towel.
"Okay, now to blow dry you." Lena let go of the towel, placing Kara on the ground with the towel resting around her. Lena reached over for the blow dryer, turning it on.
Kara heard the sound of the blow dryer and immediately lunged at the machine, which Lena quickly raised out of the puppies reach. "No no, sit down."
The puppy glared at the blow dryer.
"Sit down." Lena said sternly.
So Kara sat down, staring at the blow dryer.
"Good girl. You are a very smart puppy, aren't you?" Lena continued to blow dry the Golden pup, who grumbled.
It took a few minutes before Kara was completely dry.
"All done." Lena turned off the blow dryer, heaving a sigh of relief. "Who knew giving a bath would be hard work." The brunette picked up the towel and dried the water on the floor, then threw the towel in the hamper that was in the corner of the room.
Kara tilted her head at Lena. '
Lena walked to the door of the bathroom, opening it. "Come on girl, let's go eat dinner. Then I need a shower, I smell like a wet dog." Lena walked out of the bathroom, with Kara trailing behind her, whose fur was now fluffy and glistened as she walked.
Kara yipped, her tag wagging behind her.
Lena walked to her kitchen and opened up her large fridge, picking out a container, which contained a dinner that had already been prepared by a chef early in the morning.
Kara barked excitedly, going up on her hind legs, pawing at Lena's wet dress pants.
"No no, this is human food. C'mere girl." Lena placed the container on the kitchen counter, heading over to her living room, where there was a spread of dog products. She walked over to the dog food section of the cluster, and picked up two dog bowls, one for food and the other for water. "Look at all the food Jess got for you."
Kara padded over, eyeing her choices of food. Kara glanced at all the bags. ' Kara licked her lips.
"Which one girl?" Lena asked the puppy, seeing her pad around.
' Kara glanced again at all the bags. Kara pawed one of the bags.
"That one girl?" Lena reached the bag.
Kara barked, doing a spin.
Lena laughed. "Okay let's go eat." She picked up the bag, then walked back to the kitchen, with Kara trailing behind.
They had dinner.
( Kara growled, her nose picking up a horrid scent.
"What's wrong girl?"
Once they had dinner, Lena had left Kara in one of her dog beds in the living room, next to the couch, while she went to take a shower.
Kara felt pleasantly full as she laid sprawled out on her memory foam dog bed. Kara turned around so her belly was facing the ceiling.
"C'mere girl!" Kara's ear perked up. '
"C'mere!" Kara turned over. She got up from her very comfortable dog bed and padded down the hallway to Lena's bedroom, where she heard the woman's voice coming from.
Kara woofed, entering the room, and saw Lena exiting her bathroom, wearing a bathrobe. Lena walked over to her closet.
Lena started to untie her bathrobe, making Kara run out of the room.
Kara howled internally, diving into her dog bed.
Kara waited a few minutes. Lena eventually made her way back into the living room, now dressed in sweatshirt and sweatpants. Oh and wore black rimmed glasses on her face.
Kara thought, gazing at the woman.
Lena chuckled the sight of the puppy, who was resting on her back, belly facing the ceiling, paws spread out. "You came to my room, didn't you girl? Why did you run off?" Lena made her way to the side of the couch, where Kara's bed was closest too, and sat down.
' Kara thought, accepting Lena's belly rubs, which felt wonderful to say the least.
Lena looked at the clock. "It's only 10, but we might as well sleep. I need a good night's rest before I deal with work tomorrow. I already feel the headache coming in." Lena looked down at the puppy. "Do you want to go to work with me? You want to meet Jess?" Lena continued to rub the puppy's belly.
Kara barked.
"I hope you sleep for the whole night." Lena muttered to herself, although Kara could hear her just fine.
Kara then yawned widely, making Lena giggle.
"C'mon girl, let's go to bed." Lena stood up, and picked up the dog bed with Kara still on it, who yelped.
Lena carried the puppy to her bedroom, placing the dog bed next to her bed. Lena picked up a remote from her dresser, and pressed a button. Kara noticed the lights in the hallway turn off. Lena closed her bedroom door, then got into bed.
Kara remained sprawled out on her dog bed, and started to close her eyes, feeling sleepy.
"Good night...I really need to give you a name." Lena muttered, then turned off the lights.
Kara's ears twitched as she was roused from her sleep. Kara lifted her head and sniffed.
Kara turned to face Lena's bed.
Kara stood up, reaching about halfway the height of the bed. She stood on her hind legs, resting her front paws on the bed. She was able to see the brunette, who seemed to tense up.
Kara woofed softly.
"No!...didn't.." Lena seemed to curl up.
Kara felt worry building up.
Kara tried to jump, and then bit onto the bed sheets, using her hind legs to push herself further onto the bed. It took awhile, but eventually, she made it on the bed. She padded over to Lena, who had turned to lay on her back, chest heaving.
Kara got closer to Lena, curling up near Lena's right shoulder. Kara licked Lena's cheek who seemed to settle down. It took a few seconds before Lena's breathing eased.
Kara closed her eyes, lulled by Lena's breathing.
Kara fell back asleep.