
Kara thought, looking up at her pillow. Her earlier panic had settled, and all she felt was calm. Safe.

"Good afternoon Jess, can you please cancel the rest of my meetings for today? Something urgent has come to my attention...No, I haven't been kidnapped...No I haven't been arrested...No, the FBI hasn't contacted me." Lena said amusedly. Lena's hand on her furry back was soothing. The smooth motions felt wonderful, calming.

"No, she wasn't there, apparently she didn't show up for work today....Oh be quiet, you know why I came to look for her...Jess!" Lena seemed to warm up under her.

Kara's nose twitched as she sniffed Lena again, burrowing her snout in Lena's dress shirt, crawling closer to the woman. Lena's hand scratched her head, making her melt.

"Look, just cancel the rest of my meetings for today, I can deal with them tomorrow...Really?...If he decides to hound you even more, send him to me. I have some words for him." Lena muttered angrily, making Kara whimper, who smelled the change. Lena rubbed her ears, making Kara's whimper settle down.

Kara's eyes flew open, looking up at Lena, who smiled down at her, still rubbing her ears.Kara grumbled, closing her eyes again.

"Thank you Jess...One more thing, please have some pet supplies delivered to my penthouse, you can choose whatever you like...A dog, or rather, a puppy...Yes, I will probably bring it to my office tomorrow...Thank you, Jess. If anything urgent happens, please let me know." Lena hung up her phone, placing it back in her purse.

Kara huffed, hiding her snout in Lena's shirt, making the woman chuckle.

"Are you hiding? It's like you know we're going to the vet." Lena kept scratching her head.

AndKara howled internally.

"Ms. Luthor, we have arrived." Shaun said through the speaker.

Kara whimpered.

The trip to the vet was interesting to say the least.


"Looks like she has no chip." The vet said after waving a weird machine around Kara's body. Kara lunged at the contraption, but was held down by the vet.

"Good to know." Lena sighed in relief.


"Appears to be 7 weeks old....female...weighs 13 pounds, a little above normal, but it's fine." The vet informed Lena, who nodded.

Kara barked from her position on the weight scale.


"Okay, so we are going to take her temperature." The vet said, holding a thermometer.

Kara howled.


Kara growled at the approaching vet, who held a needle.

"It's okay, little one. It won't hurt a bit." Lena said soothingly, making Kara's growl ease a little.

Kara saw the vet take a step.

"It's okay." Lena rubbed her back gently.

Kara barked, before falling silent and limp in the vet techs arms.

"It's alright." The vet inserted the needle.

Once the vet was done, they said, "Just one more with the chip, alright?"

Kara growled.


Once they were back in the limo, heading towards Lena's penthouse, Kara couldn't help but think,

Kara was in Lena's lap, who was, once again, rubbing her back.

"I should give you a name right?" Lena muttered. "Although, no good names come to mind right now."

Kara grumbled. Kara hid her snout in Lena's dress shirt.

"Oh it's okay. No more trips to the vet for another year." Lena said soothingly.

Kara thought.


At the DEO:

"What do you mean she's not answering?!" Alex glared at Winn, who flinched.

"Her comm is online, but she's not responding to me. It looks like she hasn't moved for hours."

"Then find out why!"

"Y-yes ma'am!"


"Well, here is your new home, darling." Lena placed the puppy on the ground gently.

Kara looked around, padding across the wooden floors.

Lena walked towards her living room, where she saw a couple of packages and a couple of bags, with the puppy trailing behind her.

"Well, Jess certainly got you a lot of toys." Lena grabbed one of the bags, then sat down on her couch. The brunette took off her heels, sighing in relief.

Kara sat down in front of her, eyeing her heels.

Lena chuckled, seeing her look at her shoes. "No, you are not going to chew on my heels. That's why Jess got you some toys. Lets see what she got for you." She opened the bags, and pulled out a tennis ball.

Kara's tail began to wag at the sight of the bright ball. Kara looked away from the ball.

"Oh it's a squeaky toy. Here you go." Lena tossed the ball down the long hallway. Kara could hear the squeaks as it bounced up and down. Kara remained sitting, although her tail wagged furiously.

"Not your kind of toy, huh? That's okay. Oh, actually it looks like this bag is full of tennis balls." Lena dumped the bag in front of her, dropping about 20 squeaky tennis balls in front of the puppy.

Kara lunged at the tennis balls, grabbing one in her mouth then biting down.

Kara dropped it then grabbed another, biting down.

Lena couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the puppy lunging at the tennis balls.

Kara growled with the ball in her mouth, shaking her head furiously.

"You do like them. Lets' see what else Jess got for you."

Lena continued to open the bags and packages, with Kara sniffing each item. There were a few more dog toys, dog beds, some treats and dental treats, some collars and leashes, several types of dog food, dog training books, puppy pads and poop bags. Oh and some costumes.

"Jess certainly thought of everything." Lena muttered to herself, organizing what was trash and what was recyclable.

Kara thought, looking at the puppy pads and poop bags. ' Kara shifted awkwardly, feeling a weird sensation build in her bladder.

Kara barked, rushing to the brunette, who looked down at her.

"What's wrong?" Lena raised an eyebrow at the puppy.

Kara rushed to the box of puppy pads, nudging at the box.

"What about the pads?" Lena kneeled down, rubbing her back.

" Kara kept nudging at the box, whining at the woman.

"What's wrong?" Lena asked worriedly.

Kara kept bouncing awkwardly, nudging at the box.

"Do you need to go potty?" Lena asked cutely. If it had been another day, Kara would have been embarrassed by her tone.

Kara yipped, body shaking.

Lena's eyes widened, seeing the puppy shake. "You really do need to go. Hold it okay. Hold it!" Lena rushed to open the box of puppy pads.

Kara couldn't hold it.