Out to Get Lunch

Kara sat down patiently in the elevator, sitting next to Jess's legs. Stevie had followed them, as security for Jess. The guard was standing behind Jess, who was looking down at her phone, who seemed to squeal every once in a while, before clearing her throat. They were making their way to the lobby.

Kara thought, sniffing Jess's shoes, a part of her curious for some reason.

Kara raised her head when she heard the elevator

Jess made no move to exit the elevator, so Kara stayed put. A woman entered the elevator, shooting a glance at Kara. Kara shot the woman a wide puppy smile, and saw the woman start to smile. Kara let out a small bark.

Kara glanced at Stevie, who glanced at her with a slight smile on his face. Kara felt her tail start to wag.

"Come along, Kara." Jess started to move forward. Kara stood up and trailed after her. Kara glanced around the lobby, looking at all the ongoing bustle. Kara was careful, sticking close to Jess as they made their way to the exit doors.

Once they made it to the doors, they walked out onto the street. Kara immediately started sniffing the ground. Kara raised her head, continuing to follow Jess.

It felt nice to be outside. The slight wind she felt through her fur coat felt amazing. Kara hadn't realized how much she missed the outdoors until now.

Kara spotted a couple of dogs in the distance, but Jess seemed to make sure not to get too close to them.

It took a few minutes until they made it to Noonan's. Kara sniffed, raising her snout up high. Kara whined, feeling hungry again.

Jess handed the leash to Stevie, who led Kara to the edge of the street to wait. Kara sat down, the sunlight feeling lovely on her fur, still sniffing the amazing smells from the store. Kara heard a loud booming noise in the distance, making her ears perk up. Kara glances at Stevie, who didn't seem to worry.

Kara closed her eyes, and focused.


"Any updates with the alien, 'Supergirl'?" Alex asked, keeping J'onn and the alien in her sights. The alien had managed to smash through a couple of shops along the street as a rhino before J'onn managed to get its attention. Several DEO agents, along with some NCPD, were focused on extracting several injured civilians from the damaged stores.

"It appears it can't communicate with me, neither verbally nor through telepathy." J'onn let out a grunt as he forcefully stopped the rhino's charge. "I think this is the alien we have been tracking lately. A rhino doesn't appear out of nowhere."

"Very well. Keep it from charging. Winn?"

"I looked into the surrounding cameras, and the rhino didn't appear out of nowhere exactly." Alex could hear the tapping sounds of a keyboard.

"Explain." Alex jogged over to one of their black vans, a couple of agents keeping watch. Alex kept an eye on the rhino and J'onn.

"The barbershop managed to capture a black cat transforming in the alleyway next to it-Why are there so many alleyways in Natio-"

"Winn, focus." Alex said firmly. She opened the door of the van, glancing at the weaponry stored within.

"Sorry! Anyway, the cat transformed into the rhino, leaving behind the same looking goo that we have picked up. So yeah, it's the alien we've been tracking."

Alex glanced at the weapons, eyeing the tranquilizers. Alex pressed one of the buttons on her earpiece. "Any remaining agents to me, we are going to tranquilize the rhino. Agents currently extracting civilians, continue to aid the NCPD."

Alex reached into the van, pulling out one of the tranq guns. She checked to see if it was loaded. It was. The DEO's tranquilizers were much stronger than regular tranquilizers used by hunters.

Several agents made their way to Alex, who tossed them tranq guns until they were all armed with them.

"Supergirl, we will be shooting the rhino with all tranq guns at once. It may be a rhino but it's still an alien." Alex looked on at J'onn who managed to keep the alien in one place for the last couple of minutes.

"Hurry. It seems to be getting angrier." The rhino let out a huge roar in front of J'onn's face, making him grimace.


Kara could only hear a loud roar in the distance.

Jess had walked out of Noonan's holding two bags of food, the smell making Kara open her eyes.

Kara stood on her hind legs, the scent of the food making her even hungrier. Kara felt Stevie pull a little on her leash.

"Kara. Sit." Jess said gently, reaching into one of the bags, bringing out a small plastic container.

Kara could sit. So, Kara sat down, her tail going crazy behind her. She couldn't stop sniffing.

Jess opened the plastic container, and brought out a meatball.

Even when she was in her normal, not dog form, those meatballs had smelled so good, that she had been tempted to order them for herself.

Jess handed out the meatball in her right hand, lowering to Kara's height. Kara gently took the meatball, biting into it and chewing until she was done. Kara licked her chops.

Kara shot Jess a pleading look. Jess just chuckled, closing the plastic container.

"I can carry them, Jess. Here, take Kara." Stevie took the bags, and handed Jess the leash. They started to walk back to LCorp.

Kara looked back in the direction where she heard the loud roar, before following Jess, who had tugged a little on her leash.


Once they made it to the top floor of LCorp, Kara rushed to the doors of Lena's office, making Jess let go of the leash. Stevie went back to his position beside the elevator, handing Jess the bags of food.

Kara stood up in her hind legs, resting her paws on the door, looking back at Jess, who shook her head amusedly.

"Go on." Jess opened the door, allowing Kara to rush in. Kara's tail went crazy at the sight of Lena, whose eyes were focused on a document on her desk.

Kara rushed to Lena's chair, standing up on her hind legs and pawing Lena's knee.

Lena looked down at Kara, smiling. "Hey Kara." Lena rubbed Kara's head.

"Here you go, Ms. Luthor." Jess placed the bags on Lenas desk, opening them and taking out two containers of food.

"Thank you so much, Jess." Lena moved the document to the side.

"I also bought a few treats for Kara. There are a couple of meatballs that I'm sure she'll like." Jess took out the small plastic container.

Kara immediately started sniffing.

"You have to eat your food first." Lena gently chided Kara. Lena looked towards Jess. "Could you please give her some dog food while I finish organizing this." Lena gestured to the document.

"Of course. Come here Kara." Kara padded over to her kennel, waiting for Jess to put dog food in her dog bowl.

Kara sniffed at her second dog bowl, which was empty.

"Here you go Kara." Jess lowered a cup of food into her dog bowl, then grabbed her second dog bowl.

Kara immediately started to eat. A few seconds later, Jess placed her second dog bowl next to her, filled with water.


"How was she Jess?" Lena asked, opening her container of food.

"She is such a good puppy, Ms. Luthor." Jess walked over to Lena. "Bailey had been surprised by her. She must've been very well trained. She knew how to walk on a leash, how to sit, and she was very gentle when taking food. I did avoid walking close to other dogs, since we don't know if she is good with other dogs."

Lena looked thoughtful for a second. "Do you think I should take her to the dog park? Let her be social there?"

"That's a good idea. I could also sign the both of you for puppy classes. Kara may know a couple of commands, but she could always learn more. Puppy classes tend to be a whole group of people with their dogs, so she could get to be social there as well."

"Could you sign us up for a few puppy classes then?"

"Of course. Do you have any day in mind, Ms. Luthor?"

"Just try to fit any classes in my schedule, Jess." Jess nodded.

"Very well. I will leave you to it, Ms. Luthor." Jess made her way to the doors.

"One more thing, Jess."

"Yes, Ms. Luthor?"

"Please send me the pictures Bailey took of Kara." Lena reached below her desk and placed a small pair of sunglasses on her desk. "Be sure to remind Bailey to pick up his pair of sunglasses later."

Jess chuckled sheepishly. "Will do, Ms. Luthor." Jess walked out of Lena's office.

Lena started to eat her lunch.