Sunlight and Fear

Once Kara was done with her dog food and drank her water, she padded over to the large windows of Lena's office. She had avoided getting close to the windows, her puppy instincts suggesting she keep away from them. While she was eating her dog food however, she had noticed more and more sunlight reach Lena's office. Seeing the sunlight made a sudden urge rise.

She wanted to feel the sunlight on her fur.

Once she reached the warming floors, she laid down, feeling the sunlight on her fur. Kara huffed, feeling content. Kara moved to lay on her back, wanting to feel the warmth on her belly. She felt the warmth from the sunlight on her belly, making her close her eyes, a sudden urge to sleep rising in her.

Dozing in the sunlight was something she wasn't able to do much.

Being Cat's assistant was surprisingly tedious, with the CEO requesting she do odd things, and at random times of the day sometimes. Kara could recall one time when Cat had asked her to buy some rope and a hammer. It wasn't that odd of a request, but Cat had called in the middle of the night.

Kara had done her job, had bought the items, and dropped them off at Cat's penthouse, and didn't even think about asking questions. The CEO gestured for her to take one of her precious pastries the next day, something Kara took as the CEO's version of a thank you.

And being Supergirl took up the rest of her days. Sure, she was outside most of the time, fighting aliens and criminals, but there was never really time for her to just

To relax. To take up the sun, something her body craved at times. But now, being a puppy, with having no idea on how to contact her sister or her friends, there was nothing else to do but wait and think.

Kara allowed her drowsiness to take over, falling asleep.


Lena turned on the TV across from her desk, leaving it on mute, as a commercial started. She was nearly done with her lunch before she started receiving notifications on her phone. She picked up her phone, and noticed that she had received 101 photos from Jess. She unlocked her phone and scrolled through the images, her grin growing into a smile. The photos were so adorable.

One image had Kara sitting down, with her bowtie collar and a pair of small sunglasses on her snout, a wide puppy smile present.

Another had Kara without her bowtie collar, with only the sunglasses on her snout. The puppy seemed to be serious.

Another had Kara with her bowtie collar on, with a rose in her mouth, her blue eyes practically sparkling.

Lena continued to scroll though the images, taking a bite of her food every couple of seconds.

The last image was of Kara laying on her back, a wide smile on her snout, her paws raised, as if asking for a hug.

Lena put her phone back on her desk, and leaned back in her chair. She glanced a little to her left, and saw Kara laying on the floor, on her back, asleep. The puppy's belly rose and fell as the dog dozed.

Lena chuckled to herself. '

Lena looked away from the puppy and looked at the TV, seeing that the local news was playing.

Lena raised an eyebrow at that. She reached for the remote for the TV and turned on the subtitles, not wanting to disturb the puppy's nap.

Then the news shifted to the weather.

Lena wondered.

Lena sighed, glancing at the document she had been working on. She closed the now empty container, placing it back in the plastic bag. She pushed the bag to the other side of her desk.

Lena brought the document closer to herself and got back to work.


Alex eyed the brunette in front of her, face stoic.

Tranquilizing the rhino had been the right call. Once she had ordered the agents to ready the tranquilizer guns, the media had showed up, their cameras ready.

Alex and the rest of the DEO knew that the rhino was an alien, but to everybody else, it was just an animal.

Chaos would've ensued if she had ordered to shoot it with their regular weapons.

Alex shook her head, choosing not to dwell on it.

It took multiple tranquilizer darts to bring the rhino down, and a good half hour until it completely stopped moving.

J'onn, as Supergirl, had lifted the rhino to take it back to the DEO. Leaving the area had gone smoothly, but once they arrived at the DEO, one of her agents had found the brunette hiding in one of their vans.

An NCPD Detective.

Who, for now, was being held in one of the DEO's holding cells. The brunette was leaning against the side of the cell, watching Alex in return.

Inwardly, Alex was yelling in frustration. Finding Kara was her priority, and she didn't want any obstacles in her way.

Alex turned to face her left when she heard footsteps approaching. J'onn made his way next to her, his face showing no emotion.

J'onn getured for her to follow him down the hall, out of sight.

Alex shot the brunette a glance before following.

Once they were down the hall, J'onn spoke. "An NCPD Detective."

Alex scowled. "Agent Koren didn't scope the van before getting in. He found her when he was putting away the tranq gun. She had her badge, but there was no other ID on her."

J'onn was quiet for a second. "...She wants to know why we took the rhino. She's certain we're not FBI."

"Putting FBI on the sides of the van wasn't a good idea, was it?" Alex snarked, earning a look from J'onn. Alex sighed. "She's an NCPD Detective, we can't keep her here for long."

"There is an option, and we both know I despise it." J'onn grumbled.

Alex shook her head. "We'll think of something."

They were silent for a few seconds.

"Agent Schott is running some tests on the alien." J'onn said. "And creating a profile for it. This alien type isn't in our database, and is a type I've never encountered before. Agent Schott wanted to ask for your help."

"...Did he get smacked by its rhino tail?" Alex asked, inwardly grinning.

"Yes. He did." J'onn lip twitched.

"I'll go help him." J'onn nodded. Alex made her way out of the holding cells area, walking by the brunette, who shot her a curious look.

Alex sighed deeply as she walked. They had the alien they had been tracking, but nothing else on Kara's whereabouts.

Alex felt a slight pain in her chest, making her stop walking for a second.

She missed her sister, and underneath that, she was terrified that something horrible had happened to Kara.

Alex swallowed hard, pushing that emotion away. If she allowed that emotion to dwell, it would consume her.

...She still hasn't told her mom that Kara was missing. And she was sure her mom would realize something was wrong when Kara wouldn't be calling her on Sunday, something Kara made sure to do every week.

Alex reached into her pocket, and brought out her phone.

She looked at her phone for a few seconds, before unlocking it. She opened her contacts and tapped on her mom's name.

She was torn. A part of her didn't want to call her mom, since that would make the fact that Kara was even more real.

But her mom deserved to know.

She tapped on the phone icon. After a few seconds, her mom picked up.

"Hi sweetie! How are you?" Her mom's voice was comforting to her ears, and the slight pain in her chest settled.

Alex inhaled deeply before speaking,"Hi mom... I have to tell you something."

Winn could wait a few more minutes.