Day with Jess

"You wanted to speak to me?" Alex asked, standing in front of the detective's cell, who made a gesture to her ears.

"Right," Alex muttered then pressed the button that would allow the detective to hear her. "You wanted to speak to me?"

"I think I may know someone who can tell you more about the alien." Alex glanced towards the cell where the alien was sprawled out, eyes closed, its white clothes spread out like it was doing a snow angel. The definition of hanging out.

"And why should I trust that?" Alex's eyes trailed back to the brunette, who sighed.

"Look," The Detective looked pensive for a few seconds before meeting Alex's eyes, "my name is Maggie Sawyer, NCPD Detective, you know that."

Alex said nothing.

"At times, I deal with aliens who have gotten into trouble and I help them out. Help them find a safe place. I've never seen his alien kind before, but I know somewhere where we can ask around."


"I have a life to get back to." Maggie sniped. "But I don't want to leave an alien with an organization that is clearly not the FBI. However, the fact that you have not harmed either of us is relatively a good sign. I would like to hope that you aren't a piece of s-"

"-And where would I be able to ask around." Alex cut in.

"How about we make a deal?" Maggie proposed, raising her voice a little bit.

Alex frowned, gritting her teeth.

"I'll help you find out more information about the alien, help you build whatever profile you have on him, and in exchange you let him go, and I'll keep an eye on him. Keep him out of trouble. I don't think you want to hurt him." Maggie stated.

"What location are you speaking of?" Alex straightened up.

"Somewhere where they don't necessarily trust strangers. With me, they'll be more comfortable talking."

Alex kept her face blank as she thought about it. After a few seconds, she said, "I'll be back." And pressed the button to mute the cell again. She glanced towards the alien, who was now sitting, as she passed by its cell, its eye color changing from green to purple.

She exited the area, and headed towards the center, towards J'onn.

Before that, however, coffee.

So, so much coffee.


"Feel any anger?"

The monotonous voice of the programmed button echoed throughout the training room as Agent Dom pawed the large red button in front of him out of the numerous buttons. Winn had programmed a couple of buttons so that Agent Dom could answer yes and no questions, and say other things.

Winn giggled with glee but stopped once Eliza gave him a look. "Feeling okay and in control?" Winn asked the baby rhino.

Agent Dom pawed the large green button. A couple of agents were around the rhino, placing down wires and cables to do the brain scan.

"Good. Good." Winn types down a few things on his tablet, while Eliza was scrolling through the past reports of the other types of goo. She read through the first three pages before stopping at a particular sentence.

"Kara touched it?" Eliza said out loud, her voice in wonder. "Winn, come over here, please?"

Winn scrambled to Eliza's side. "Yes?"

"Read this." Eliza handed over the tablet, pointing out the section she had just read.

Winns eyes trailed over the section, eyes widening. "She touched it?"

"Do you think that it would have changed Kara as well?" Eliza took back the tablet.

"The DEO does have some of Kara's blood, we could run some tests," Winn suggested.

"We can do it after the brain scans. If she was changed, well, it definitely changes how we look for her."

The monotonous voice rang as Agent Dom pawed the blue button.

"Should we give him people food or rhino food?" Winn asked, opening his internet browser.

"Just get both, Winn."

"I'll ask a few agents to bring food for him."


The elevator to the top floor opened, making Jess straighten her shoulders, inwardly squealing at the sight of Lena's red outfit matching Kara's bowtie.

Lena strutted out of the elevator, saying, "Good morning, Jess. Bailey. Stevie."

"Good morning, Ms. Luthor." The three said in unison.

Kara let out a small yip, looking up towards Jess. "Good morning, Kara." Jess smiled down towards the puppy.

Jess opened the door to Lena's office, holding it open for the brunette and puppy to go through. "For today, Ms. Luthor..."

Lena walked to her desk, placing her purse on the desk, then unclipped kara's leash, who then went over to her kennel. Jess continued to talk, with Lena nodding occasionally.

"-And lastly, I will be doing my monthly rounds to the other departments. I wanted to run something by you."

Lena sat down in her chair, turning on her desktops. "Carry on."

"I would like to bring Kara along with me, giving you some time to do work and it would give Kara some exercise," Jess stated confidently, not saying her true reason out loud. Her real reason was that she just wanted to hang out with the puppy.

Lena raised an eyebrow at Jess, who kept her face stoic. "I'm sure that's against protocol, Jess."

"Perhaps, but it would help raise morale." Jess watched as Kara ran out of her kennel to Lena, placing her head on Lena's knees. The brunette rubbed the puppy's head, a fond look on her face.

Jess couldn't help but smile the slightest bit. To see her boss show more emotion was just great to see. Lena would smile more towards the puppy, and seemed more content in general. Jess had even managed to get her a day off, and Lena hadn't even put up a fight.

Lena hummed thoughtfully. "Very well. It would give me some time to do work alone without someone begging for pets." Lena booped Kara on her pink nose, who let out a yip.

Jess picked up Kara's leash from its usual place on Lena's desk. "Come here, Kara."

Kara perked up her head, dropped down, and walked over to Jess, sitting down in front of the assistant.

"Good." Jess clipped in the leash and stood up, glancing towards the brunette. "It shouldn't take me more than two hours to do my rounds, Ms. Luthor."