"So, I already organized your stuff, and I don't have any extra work to do. So what should we do now?" Lena asked, sounding out of breath. Kara sat down in front of her, panting as well, a tennis ball by her paws.
She had played with Kara for an hour, and she was already tired. God, she was so unathletic.
"I need to work out more," Lena breathed in deeply. She glanced down at Kara, who was now laying down and looking up at her. Lena looked towards her windows, where she could see that it was a sunny and lovely day.
"What about the park?" Kara stood up again, her tail wagging furiously. "Yeah, it would be nice to have a picnic outside. Get some fresh air."
Kara picked up the ball. "And play." The ball let out a squeak as Kara bit down on it.
Lena picked up her phone. Lena tapped on Shaun's contact.
Kara couldn't help but trail happily after Lena as the brunette walked along the large window panes of the living room, the tennis ball in her mouth. She could see that it was going to be a lovely Sunday. The sun was shining brightly with a couple of small clouds sprinkled throughout the blue sky.
Kara chanted in her mind.
"Good morning Shaun...Yes, I'm doing great this morning. How about you?...Wonderful. I was hoping you could drive us to National City Park...Oh, you're already here? Great. We'll be down in about twenty minutes...Thank you so much, Shaun." Lena hung up then glanced towards Kara, whose tail started to wag quickly.
"Well, we're going on a picnic, Kara. Let's get ready." Lena walked towards her kitchen to get lunch for Kara and herself. Kara cheered, following Lena.
It would be great to have lunch in the park.
It took almost exactly ten minutes to get everything ready. Lena found a couple of sandwiches ready to go in the fridge, making her raise an eyebrow but she shrugged it off. She stored a good amount of Kara's kibble in a plastic container and made sure to take another plastic container to act as a water bowl. She filled three thermoses with cold water. She placed everything in her black backpack, which she left on the couch in the living room, then went towards her room's closet to get ready.
She changed out of her sweatpants and long sleeve and into her comfortable jeans and a short-sleeved blouse. She quickly put in her contacts and put on her shoes, grabbed her sunscreen from one of her drawers, before walking back towards the living room, where she found Kara sitting patiently in her dog bed by the couch.
Lena walked over to the piles of do toys she had sorted earlier. "Here, girl. What toy do you want to take?" Kara walked towards the piles of toys, nosing the rope toys, then the small frisbee, before settling on the toy the shape of a shark that has a water bottle inside.
Kara picked up the toy in her mouth, and then looked up at Lena, blue eyes shining.
The blue leash hung loosely as Kara walked alongside Lena on the path beside the lake, the same path they had walked the day before.
The car ride had gone smoothly, with Shaun ready with the SUV. It took awhile for them to find parking since it seems that the lovely day drew countless people to the park.
Lena shifted the bookbag, unused to carrying something on her back.
Shaun was following at a distance, respecting that Lena wanted to have a picnic with her dog, and was merely being cautious in Bailey's stead, who would get to the park in a couple of minutes.
Lena stopped suddenly when she realized that Kara had stopped walking beside her, and looked back towards the puppy.
Kara was looking towards the edge of the lake, where there were a couple of pigeons and squirrels and ducks sharing a large pile of bread. Kara's droopy ears had perked up the slightest amount. The puppy pulled on the leash to go towards the group of critters, making Lena sigh. Lena allowed Kara to walk towards the group, keeping a close eye on the golden.
Lena watched as Kara sniffed at a couple of the ducks and pigeons, all of whom froze up, minus one brown duck, who nosed Kara's snout. Lena couldn't help but notice that Kara didn't dare approach the squirrels, keeping her distance from the bushy-tailed animals.
Lena laughed out loud when the pigeons lunged at Kara, seemingly snapping out of their frozen state. The puppy let out a yelp before rushing to Lena, hiding behind the brunette's legs.
"Oh, honey." Lena looked down at the puppy who looked up at her. "They are more scared of you."
Kara huffed, before barking towards the pigeons, who cooed and flapped their wings in her direction.
"Come on, let's go find a place to sit down."
A couple of minutes later, they made their way towards a large grassy field, where a lot of people were already settled. Little children were running around the grass, teenagers playing with frisbees, or playing soccer, or playing catch. Couples were also having picnics, and families all around. Lena could smell food in the air, seeing a couple of small grills in the distance. She looked down when she heard Kara sniffing, seeing the puppy's snout facing up, her pink nose twitching.
Kara could also smell the food.
Lena grimaced as she spotted a couple aggressively making out on a blanket. "Seriously? In front of children?"
Shaking her head, she walked along the edge of the grassy field, before deciding that it was better to sit under a tree.
Her pale skin would thank her for it.
It took a couple of seconds of arranging the blanket, making sure she wouldn't be sitting on dirt. She took off the backpack, placing it on the edge of the blanket.
Lena let out a relieved sigh as she sat down, resting her back against the tree. Kara sat down in front of her, pawing at the bookbag.
With a chuckle, Lena opened the bookbag, and took out Kara's shark toy, tossing it onto the grass next to the blanket. Kara yipped before leaping towards the toy, starting to bite at it, making the plastic bottle inside apparent.
Lena breathed in deeply, the fresh air feeling wonderful.
This is exactly what she needed.
She couldn't remember the last time she had visited a park. Even during her days in Metropolis, she was always working in a lab, and once she became CEO, taking any time to herself had taken a backseat to improving L-Corp.
Lena heard her phone ping, making her reach for it in her pocket, noticing that she had received an email from .
Lena tapped on the email, curious about what the class entailed. Kara was her first dog, so she never went through training a puppy.