"Well, that was quick," Lena muttered, eyes widening as her notifications started to build up. Winn, who was sitting on the chair next to her, peeked over. Kara, who was sitting on the counter, looked at the phone as well.
A lot of comments questioning if it was actually Lena Luthor.
Some people are already starting conspiracy theories.
Some are asking about future projects, surprisingly.
There were a lot of comments about how majestic Kara looked.
"They love you already, Kara," Winn cheered, raising a hand for a high five. Kara did her best in returning it, raising a paw to Winn's hand. A wide smile on her puppy face.
"It's too early to read all of these," Lena scrolled through her comments, her eyes looking at the time in the top right corner. 7:57 AM. She closed the app after a few seconds, lowering her phone to the kitchen counter.
"There is no need to read them at all, Ms. Luthor," Boss spoke from the kitchen. "Much of our team will be looking through them. Alex, could you pass me the salt shaker?"
"I passed it to you." Alex looked up from the pan, where some eggs were cooking.
"You passed me the one with black pepper in it."
"Oh, sorry." Alex opened the cupboard up top, taking out another shaker. She held it out to Boss, "here."
Much had happened after the meeting. For one, they returned to Lena's actual home since the door had been repaired and enforced, and the apartment had been thoroughly searched and cleaned. Different guards arrived on the first floor to replace the ones assassinated.
After the extensive meeting with everyone, Alex and Boss seemed to get along better.
"Thank you."
"As Boss said, you don't need to really read what people say. Some of our agents are undercover on the app and will look over everything, see if there's anybody with suspicious accounts." Alex closed the cupboard.
"It's astounding how fast people noticed the post." Lena watched as her phone kept vibrating on the counter. So much buzzing.
Kara padded over to the phone and placed a paw on it. Lena looked at the puppy, "I just find it surprising it was noticed so early in the morning."
Kara lifted her paw and placed it on the phone again.
"Well, people are awake at 7 am. Some just wake up and go immediately to their social media." Winn adjusted himself on his chair.
"Well, it couldn't hurt to read some more, right?" Before Lena could reach her phone, Kara rested both paws and laid on it. "Kara." Lena scolded
Kara just let out a small, non-threatening growl before laying her head down.
Alex looked up from her pan and chuckled. "She's right. Looking at them won't do much. It's best to rest your eyes; your concussion won't get better if you keep staring at it."
Lena was astounded when Kara nodded along. "How did you know?"
"Once you're her friend, and she finds out your hurt, she's gonna take care of you. If she had been her regular self, she would stand guard in your room, making sure you don't leave until you fully recover." Alex peeked underneath the eggs, noting it to be a bit burnt. She quickly turned off the heat. Burnt eggs weren't the worst.
"I came down with a cold and a bit of a sore throat once," Winn spoke up," But I still went to work, and Kara would pass by every couple of minutes, asking if I needed anything. She would bring me items, regardless if I had asked. By the end of the day, I had a drawer full of tissues and painkillers and multiple cups of tea on top of my desk. Ms. Grant let me leave early so that Kara wouldn't be distracted." Lena couldn't help but chuckle.
Kara let out a small woof.
"Enough chit-chat." Boss turned off the burner. "Breakfast is ready. I will have mine in one of the rooms, so come get me if you require my presence."
Kara paced around the couch, occasionally stopping as the group talked. She nosed the floor, her strong sense of smell catching the slightest hint of blood. She sneezed and moved on.
"The first photo was a success." Alex leaned back on the couch. "Mrs. Masters will talk with the rest of the PR team, so it's just waiting for now."
Lena had leaned back on the couch as well, eyes closed.
"Are you heading back to the DEO?" Winn asked, looking at his watch.
"Yes," Alex nodded. "Soon. Hopefully, I can find some info on the alien." Kara padded around the couch and stopped right in front of her, sitting down. "I don't know when I'll come back here, but you can always reach out to me."
Kara let out a whine.
"We can even facetime kara," Alex leaned forward, patting Kara's head. Kara just gave Alex a sad-looking puppy face.
"I still find it hard to believe that Supergirl is a puppy," Boss spoke up from their position by the window.
"You won't have a hard time believing when she starts flying." Alex snarked. "Hopefully, she doesn't start anytime soon." She immediately felt Kara pawing her pants, who was frantically shaking her head.
"Crap. Now it's almost certain." Alex closed her eyes in frustration before opening them as she felt a vibration in her boot. She reached down and pulled out her phone. "Guess it's time I head back. Winn, call me if anything happens." Alex stood up. She pointed to Boss, " Let me know if anything concerning the guards comes up. Several agents should be arriving soon. They should all have their badges."
Boss nodded, an amused smile hidden underneath their mask.
Alex pointed to Lena, who opened an eye. "You, stop being stubborn and take a nap. You've been awake for too long. Kara, take her to her room." Kara stood up in attention, scrambling to stand before the brunette, a bark escaping her.
"You are being ridiculous," Lena muttered, not lifting her head.
"All of our teams will be monitoring the account; you have more than enough time to rest." Alex reached out a hand to Lena, who took it and stood up. Kara walked around the brunette, making her stumble a bit, before leading her to her room, the woman following behind slowly.
"Winn." Said man perked up. "Your equipment should be arriving soon, so you can probably set it up in a room. I had Agent Smith send a couple of her cameras, so be careful with them."
"Oh, I will." Winn held up a hand. Agent Smith was an avid photographer in her spare time. She was very protective of her gear. Winn was certain she could sense if he were ever to scratch one of her cameras by accident.
"And I think that's everything." Alex made her way to the front door. "Call me if you need me." With that, Alex exited the penthouse.
Winn and Boss just looked at each other, the mask frightening Winn the slightest amount.
To break the slight tension, Winn spoke up, "Do you know about national roast day?"
"Hmm, no. Go on."
Kara woofed, pawing at the door to Lena's room. She was determined to get Lena into bed. She needed to rest.