
Hey all! Here's the new chapter!

Many thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any questions or ideas! :D

Read on!


"She's stubborn, huh." Alex turned off the heat of the stove. "Didn't even mention it."

Kara moved, so she was laying on her back on the counter, the cold feeling wonderful.

Alex scraped off some of the food she had cooked onto a plate, then dropped the skillet into the sink. She froze once she saw Kara. "You know, it's just unfair." Alex walked closer to the puppy.

Kara turned over to lay on her front, giving Alex a confused look.

"Sit up for me real quick."

Kara sat up, her ears perking up as she looked up at her big sister. Her tail wagged a bit behind her.

"Do your puppy eyes."

Kara was tempted to snort out of amusement before stopping herself. Her puppy eyes in her regular form were surprisingly effective, but now?

A quick test was needed.

Kara looked down towards her paws, doing her best to adjust her facial features, which felt odd to do. She did her best to press her ears against her head. She made her eyes wide and pleading and a bit watery. Once she felt she was ready, she looked up towards Alex.

"...That is effective." Alex's voice sounded strained. She was sure Kara's eyes sparkled for a quick second. It was unfair that she was still weak for Kara's puppy eyes.

Kara let a whine escape and tilted her head. It sounded desperate and real.

"Okay, stop that," Alex booped Kara's nose, making Kara sneeze. It was too cute.

Kara pawed at her nose furiously, wanting to get rid of the itch. Alex snickered and reached with her hand to poke at Kara's nose again. Kara lunged at the approaching hand, trapping Alex's entire arm in a hug, standing on her hind legs.

"If mom could see you now." Alex scratched at Kara's ears with her hand that wasn't trapped in a hug. Alex froze. "Oh crap, mom."

Kara froze. Oh right, Eliza.

"We should facetime her."

Kara woofed and let go of Alex's arm.

"I'm gonna go drop off the food, and then we'll facetime her." Alex picked the plate and grabbed some utensils, and made her way to the room Lena was resting in.

Kara waited patiently, hoping that Lena would like the food. Alex wasn't known for her cooking skills; she would know.

A few minutes later, Alex came back, chuckling. "Winn was telling Lena about Wendy's national roast day and what happened at Catco."

Kara couldn't help but grimace, remembering how tense Catco had been. Kara thought.

Kara and the rest of the Catco employees had been horrified when one of the PR people of Catco reached out to Wendy's Twitter to roast them. When Cat had found out what that employee had done, she had been annoyed before seeing Wendy's response. Then she quietly walked back to her office with a coffee Kara had gotten for her. Cat Grant had closed the door, yelling for no one to disturb her.

Kara and everyone else could only watch as @CatGrant and @Wendys went at it on Twitter for hours, with Wendys bowing down by the evening. There were many times when employees would struggle not to let out a sound at a comeback. It was difficult to do her job as Cat's assistant while hearing Cat talking to herself about her next comeback.

The person who ran Wendy's Twitter on that day must've felt pain.

"I remember you calling me, freaking out about it." Alex snickered. "You were so scared Cat was going to come out of her office and fire you each time Wendy's replied."

Kara glared towards the older Danvers. Cat was scary for being a short woman, and Kara couldn't help but respect that.

Alex patted Kara's head. "I'm gonna pretend I understood that. Anyways," Alex reached down into her boot, unzipped a compartment, and pulled out her phone.

Kara tilted her head. She's always learning something new about the agent's uniform.

Alex hummed thoughtfully as she unlocked her phone. "I guess you can stay there." Alex sat back down, adjusting her chair so her back was to the counter.

Kara padded over and rested her head on Alex's left shoulder. Alex smiled at the gesture before catching a whiff of dog breath.

"You better not lick me; you have gross dog breath," Alex warned, starting the call.

Out of spite, Kara licked Alex's cheek, making Alex grimace. "Oh, you little sh-"

Both of them looked towards the phone once they heard it go through.

The left side of Eliza's face appeared, with the usual commotion of the DEO being heard in the background.

Kara howled right next to Alex's ear, her tail smacking the back of Alex's head.

"Kara!" Alex scolded, feeling her ear ringing.

Eliza chuckled, relief clear in her voice.

Kara rested her paws on Alex's shoulder, her head reaching out to nose at the phone. She couldn't help the urge to nuzzle against the phone.

"Kara, get down- oh, come here." Alex reached behind her, grabbing Kara around the belly, moving the puppy to her lap. "Now, settle down."

Kara couldn't help but be pleased. She could never refuse a hug from Alex.

They waited until Eliza seemed to find an empty room and settled down, placing the phone on the table, allowing the sisters to see her fully.

Eliza said fondly. "

Kara yipped.

Kara nodded.

"If only we had a way to hear her speak," Alex muttered. "For all I know, she could be bad mouthing me."

Eliza scolded.

Kara let out a sharp bark, shooting Alex a hurt look.

"I'm kidding!" Alex could recognize the hurt look on Kara's face, even in her current state. "Sorry." Alex gave Kara's head a quick pat. "Mom, want to tell Kara what we found out?"

Kara swiveled her head to look towards the phone, interest clear.

Eliza sounded exasperated.