Rinku: Hey all! I just wanted to say thank you for reading and I'll try my best to start responding to your comments on here. I tend to respond only to those on AO3, but I feel bad leaving ya'll hanging. If you have any questions or ideas, let me know! :D

Read on!


"Okay, enough." Alex loosened up the hug, with Kara remaining lax in her arms, feeling comfortable. Kara let out a small toothy yawn. Kara nosed Alex's shoulder. She had missed her sister's hugs.

"I'm planning on staying with you. I have already informed J'onn about it." Alex rubbed up and down Kara's back, her fingers trailing through soft fur. "And I have requested the NDA's for Ms. Luthor to fill them out."

Kara let out a small hum.

"Oh, and Winn is coming soon." Kara's ears perked up.

Kara's tail began to wag.

"Excited?" Alex teased, her eyes catching the wagging tail. "Yeah, I needed someone non-threatening to drop them off."

Kara could help the small snort that escaped her. Right near Alex's ear.

"Gross." Alex lifted Kara out of her embrace, holding her far away from her body. Kara kicked the air in a panic before settling down and letting her hind legs hang in the air. Her sister's grip on her was strong.

Kara let out a small yip.

Kara felt her eyes widen when a loud growl escaped her stomach. She suddenly felt hungry.


Kara licked her lips, giving Alex a pleading look.

"Alright, I guess I can find you some food, wait, has Lena been feeding you dog food?" Alex snickered.

Kara felt her ears fold against her head at the teasing. She gave a low growl.

"Hey, I told you not to touch it."

Kara stopped her growl, resigning herself to the teasing.

"Shame there's no pizza-flavored dog food, huh."

Kara just closed her eyes, feeling her tail tuck a bit closer to her body. She barked softly, meeting her sister's eyes with a begging look.

"Alright, fine, let's find you some food." Alex brought her sister back into a long hug, before lowering her back onto the ground. Alex opened the door to the hallway, saying, "I was scolding you, as far as Ms. Luthor knows."

Kara woofed.

"You did not just say I'm a softy." Alex nudged Kara out the door with her boot.

Kara did her best to laugh. Her sister knew her too well.

"And I will try to be more...trusting with Ms. Luthor," Alex muttered.

Kara showed her gratitude by rubbing up against her sister's pants and giving her a wide smile.


Lena perked up at the sound of the knocking at her door. "Come in!"

Boss walked in, noting that the lights were still dim.

"Jess is on the phone, Ms. Luthor." Boss held the phone out for the brunette, who took it.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Luthor," Jess's voice was heard through the receiver.

"Good afternoon, Jess. Lovely to hear from you. If I had my phone, we could have talked sooner." Lena snarked lightly.

"Ah yes, thankfully Boss is good at their job." Lena rolled her eyes while Boss smiled underneath their uniform. "Moving on, I am calling with an update."

"Go on."

"I have contacted the board, and they are taking steps to take some of your responsibilities, and I will continue to make adjustments for some meetings. But, unfortunately, I wasn't able to reschedule some of the meetings with international investors so that I will attend them in your stead." Lena heard the sound of the keyboard tapping. "Mr. Chad Wales has recently called and is being quite a nuisance about you not calling back about his proposal."

"Stubborn fool won't take no for an answer." Lena scowled. "Don't give him the time of day, and focus on the important things."

"Was already planning on doing so, just wanted to let you know."

"You are the best, Jess." Lena couldn't have felt more grateful for jess.

"Why, thank you. Due to the situation, Mr. Martin will keep an even closer eye on the thirty-five people for any suspicious activity. The story, for now, is that you came down sick and are taking the appropriate amount of time to recuperate if anyone dares to ask."

"Which is two weeks?" Lena asked, bewildered.

"Yes." Jess's voice was firm. Lena then thought, . She felt her headache return a bit.

There was a pause.

"Moving on. Mrs. Masters has suggested taking this time to start posting on a social media site. She has already set up a few for you, but of course, they still aren't completely set up and are private. She still wants you to take your pick about which you would use."

"She's not letting up on this," Lena noted.

"Unfortunately. However, if I may add my take?"

"Of course."

"With Lex's trial coming in future months, it is wise to continue to separate yourself from him. You have already changed the company's name, which is a wonderful step, but there isn't much about yourself out there. As much as I despise Lex, I will admit that he had charisma, and letting the public know him was a smart move. Unfortunately, so many people became loyal to him due to his beliefs, and unfortunately, as we know, there are still thousands of people. People who continue to defend him and are convinced that it wasn't him who placed that bomb." Jess let out a frustrated sound, catching Lena off guard. Jess cleared her throat. "Apologies, Ms. Luthor, it seems I may need more coffee."

Lena could understand Jess's frustration. It's something that continued to irk her whenever her mind trailed back to that awful day. "It's alright, Jess."

"Posting pictures of Kara, or with Kara could paint you as someone who could never hurt someone. Having a puppy and treating it right tells a lot about a person. We know... Lex is not someone who loves animals." Lena could practically feel Jess grimace as she spoke those words.

A memory of yowls and crimson flashed through Lena's mind before she clamped it down. "No, he is not."

"All you need to do is just be like any other pet owner. Showing the first bath, Kara playing with toys or virtually anything."

Lena sighed. "My worry is Lex finding out about her and taking her from me." 'Lena couldn't help but grimace.