
Alex Danvers, older sister to Kara Danvers. FBI.

Lena chuckled a bit, sitting up, recalling Kara gushing about her older sister when they had spent time at Noonan's. How amazing her sister was, how intelligent and tough. Only hearing about Alex made Lena nervous about meeting the older Danvers, especially since she was an FBI agent.

The FBI, specifically those back in Metropolis, had been a thorn in her side for months after Lex's attack. Even though she was honest that she didn't know about the attack, helped locate Lex's accomplices, helped shut down the manufacturers that sold the items that made up the bomb, they didn't trust her. They still don't.

They didn't even believe her when she had called to warn them about Lex, a gut feeling bothering her daily. An underlying sense of alarm had hounded her after Lex began ignoring her phone calls, locked her out of Luthor Corp, and out of everything. Once Lex had gone dead silent, Lena called the FBI daily, suggesting to investigate Luthorcorp when it was focused on manufacturing weapons.

Lex Luthor was a patriot, they said. A public servant for the people. A Hero, they said.

Then forty-nine people were killed in a bomb attack to draw out Superman. And twenty-four aliens, but the media hardly brought up that fact.

So many people had been shocked, but not her, who saw his obsession with Superman taking hold of him. Talks about stocking up on weapons, talks of inventing weapons for humans to exterminate aliens, talks about being a savior of the human race, all of it, and more raised bright red flags.

Lena rubbed her head, a bit of her headache returning.

Lex's arrest had been televised, and it left Luthorcorp in shambles. Lena didn't even recognize her brother, instead just a killer of seventy-three people. And maybe her killer, in time. It had been a mess that day, with Lex's supporters out and proud, clashing with those who were angry about the attack, and mourners of the victims.

Lillian had gone into hiding like the coward she was. Lena didn't know where she was, and frankly, she didn't give a damn.

And Lena was left to inherit an infamous, broken, and corrupt company, an action that Lex never informed her about. Once Lena's picture had been outed to the media, her once quiet life was bombarded by cameras and cursed at by those who assumed her to be just like Lex. She left her friends to keep them safe, to keep innocent Ruby safe. Her social circle had been reduced to nothing.

The FBI had the nerve to speculate about her knowing about the attack, tainting her public image more. She had been tempted to sue the FBI for defamation, but she had been more focused on building up the company.

Lex's supporters held high positions in Luthorcorp, and Lex's assistant had been someone she had been extremely wary of. Despite striving to whittle out the poison of Luthorcorp, corruption was prevalent in the company, and she couldn't do much of anything despite being the CEO. She certainly didn't miss the days where she had to carry a gun and taser to work.

Lena clenched the blanket. She remembered crying nightly, for being cursed at, for Lex leaving her, for feeling so alone.

Then, one day, out of the blue, Cat Grant arrived into her office for an interview, supposedly. Cat Grant had been going through her own scandal at the time. Rather than an interview, they just talked. The one thing that Lena took from their conversation was to trust someone.

She had scoffed at the time. Nobody would trust a Luthor, and she screamed it at the CEO of Catco. She had let go of all of her pent-up rage at the situation and practically kicked Cat Grant out the door.

She met Jess Huang a few days later, who had an undeniable amount of connections, and who, for some reason, wanted to work for her. So, Lena hired her and fired Lex's assistant, wanting to trust Jess.

The actions she took for the next two years weren't something she was proud of, but it had been necessary. With the Luthor name and Jess's connections, she cleaned the board and replaced them with other people. Older men with fragile egos were held at bay by the fears of their less than desirable actions being leaked to the public, and bribes were sent to those who were money hungry with a threat sprinkled in. Warnings were carried out by Boss and the five, making it clear that they were to fear Lena Luthor, and if they dared aid Lex Luthor, there would be dire consequences.

Many did not heed the warning over the years and chose to aid Lex in assassinating her. Thankfully Boss had her back covered for years and was more than efficient.

Len had hated every minute of it. She didn't want to be like her brother, but she had to in order to clean the filth. Ever since she changed the company's name, she made sure to stay away from those practices.

Her eyes trailed back to the door when she heard a knock.

She shook her head out of her reverie, then called out, " Come in!"


Alex thanked the one who opened the door, unsure of what their code name was. She walked into the room, hearing the door being closed behind her.

At the sight of the brunette, Alex felt herself tense.

Lena Luthor. Lex's sister, and apparently, Kara's caretaker for the last few days.

Alex's eyes trailed over to one of Lena's pillows, and she loosened up a bit at the sight of her curled-up sister. Curled up in a ball, with her tail touching her nose, her sister made quite an adorable sight.

There were times where Alex was hesitant to trust Kara's belief in people. When Kara mentioned meeting Lena Luthor, she couldn't help the suspicion that arose.

Even before Clark met up with Lena Luthor, the DEO had researched the youngest Luthor. Nothing concrete about the Luthor's intentions came up, but some business dealing had seemed suspicious to Alex. Other than that, nothing significantly evil. Alex had delved even deeper but found nothing to condemn Lena.

Once Alex met Lena's eyes, the Luthor shook the puppy, who curled up a bit more into a ball.

Kara huffed at being shaken.

"Come on, Kara. Wake up." Lena shook the curled-up ball again. "Your sister is here."

The puppy seemed to perk up at the word sister. Kara sleepily raised her head, blinking her blue eyes slowly. Alex could have recognized those eyes anywhere.

"Kara?" Kara sat up at the sight of her sister, her tail shooting straight up in surprise. She shot up to all fours and rushed down the length of the bed, seemingly too caught up to realize she was reaching the end, fell off, face first, sprawling onto the floor.

Both humans winced.

Too excited to care about the pain, Kara shot back up, bounding over to Alex. Alex knelt, catching the puppy in a hug. Alex felt her eyes water a bit at holding her little sister in her arms. She blinked her tears away.

Seemingly running on instinct, Kara began licking Alex's face. "Ok, no, gross, Kara!" Alex pulled the puppy's head away, chuckling a bit.

She stopped her laughter short when she remembered that Lena was still in the room. Alex placed Kara down, stood up, and walked closer towards the bed.