The End is Where We Begin



I, Rey Rita Gowron, having discovered that I am highly Force sensitive, of Royal blood and capable of murder as well as of falling in love - now reunited once again with my parents after twenty years, and having aided in the destruction of the most evil Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke, at which time I too died, in the waters of Ahch-To, only to rise again... am now back on Jakku, being carried in the arms of former Sith Lord Kylo Ren the grandson of the Dark Lord Darth Vader... Kylo Ren, who is now better known as Ben Solo, though he will always be Kylo to me, the one I first fell in love with on Yavin_4 even while still on the Dark side of the Force, the very same Kylo who now carries me to our wedding chamber...

It's enough to make any girl dizzy.

The door to the bed chamber slides open with a gentle hiss and we're greeted by the sweet smell of flowers coming from within. Kylo carries me across the doorway into a luxurious looking room lit with many tiny coloured lights that give off a dim glow like candlelight.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" I say, wiggling out of Kylo's arms. He sets me down and I head over to the bed, which is covered in flower petals. "Oh no." I pick up a handful of the petals. "What happened to the flowers? Who destroyed them?"

Kylo takes one from my hand. "I think it's for decoration."

The soft petals are cool and smooth to the touch. "They would feel lovely to lay on..." I say softly.

Kylo looks at me, his eyes glistening with what I can only imagine to be thoughts of me lying in this bed full of flower petals, undressed. But I don't want to read his mind at the moment, or else things will escalate far too quickly. I'll soon be adding new images for him to store in his thoughts.

I walk over to the small door leading into the bathroom area and it slides open. The inside is twice as large as standard ship quarters on board a first class vessel, and the bathtub that takes up half the space, large enough for even Kylo to use. On the floor sits my clothes bag. I smile. They did deliver it for me. I turn and give Kylo a tiny wave.

"Give me a moment," I tell him. "I'm going to put on something a little more comfortable." I push the button for the door and it slides shut.

I hurry to my bag and open it. At the top is the long sheer fabric scarf I got from Ogem. It's the same width and length as the scarf I wore with my scavenger clothes all the time, only this scarf is completely sheer and as light as the wind. It's not much to cover up with, but that's the whole point.

I slip my wedding gown off my shoulders and it falls in a heap on the floor. I climb out of it and lay the dress on the side of the bathtub so it won't get wrecked.

My knees feel weak with nervous energy as I remove my undergarments. I'm hoping to make Kylo a little nervous with my surprise, but I'm the one who's blushing now.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the full length mirror beside the metal sink. I don't recall ever seeing myself this way, fully reflected in a mirror, with no clothes on. The first thing I notice are the talon scars of the great Eagle on my shoulders, a tribute to the majestic bird's sacrifice the day I died on Ahch-To. My soul couldn't fully occupy his body unless he departed from it. He gave me a chance to remain there in spirit, in the skies of Ahch-To, until Snoke's death was finally accomplished and I could return to my body.

I touch the bumps that have now formed where the Eagle's talons cut into my shoulder. I hope they will never heal or disappear. I never want to forget the great Eagle of Ahch-To.

My eyes travel down to my breasts and the ribs beneath them that show slightly through my skin. Am I too skinny? I look down to my thighs which are shapely from all the running and jumping I seem to do on a regular basis. Then I arch my back, turning to look at my bare bottom in the mirror.

There's a knock on the door and I jump. "Just a moment!" I say, grabbing the sheer fabric scarf.

I set it over my shoulders and wrap it around me, the way I've done thousands of times with my scavenger clothes while growing up, except that this time I'm wearing nothing underneath. The sheer fabric glides smooth against my skin, caressing me in the most sensual way. I reach into my clothes bag for a belt then put it around my waist, setting the scarf in place to cover my breasts. Once it's lined up just right I secure the belt and glance in the mirror. The scarf is definitely sheer. The reflection in the mirror makes me blush. My heart races with the anticipation of Kylo's reaction.

"Rey..." he says, his voice muffled from behind the door. I take a final look at myself then walk over to the door and press the open button quickly, before I get too nervous and change my mind about the outfit.

The door slides open, creating a small gust of air that blows my sheer scarf slightly, sending shivers through me. Kylo blinks, looking at me in surprise, his glance immediately traveling down to my breasts and resting there a moment, then to my belly and legs and back up again, his eyes caressing every inch of me. I step out of the bathroom and walk over to the bed, giving Kylo a glimpse of my bare bottom. When I turn around again he's still standing by the bathroom door.

I hold out my arms to him. He comes over and gets down on one knee in front of me so that he is no longer towering over me but looking up into my eyes. I already want this night to last forever, and it's only just begun.

Kylo reaches his hand up behind me and slides his palm over my bare bottom beneath the scarf, then down my thigh to the back of my knee, tugging me gently forward to him. His head is at the same level as my chest and he lowers down further to gently kiss my leg which he's holding, then my hip bone, and my waist, moving up my side and until he's back up onto his knees again. His cheek brushes against my breast. I stand as still as I can, not wanting him to stop, yet I can't help but tremble at his light kisses. He stops to set aside the sheer fabric of the scarf, exposing my breast. Suddenly the room spins and I lose my balance. Kylo catches me in his arms before I drop to the ground.

"Rey?" He frowns, looking concerned.

"Is the shuttle moving?" I ask.


"I'm so dizzy..."

Kylo's concerned look turns to a smug smile as he glances down at me. I know exactly what he's thinking.

"No," I say, sitting up. "It's not like that. I'm seriously dizzy... ouch!" A sharp pain hits my lower abdomen and I curl into a ball, hugging my knees and clenching my fists. "Ow, ow, ow."

"What is it?" Kylo asks, sounding concerned again.

"I don't know." I shut my eyes tight against the stabbing pain. Kylo lifts me up into his arms. "Let's get you dressed," he says. "I'm taking you to the infirmary."

* * *

"Nothing to be concerned about," the medic announces, coming back into the room with a smile on his face. Easy for him to say, he's not the one who had knife jabbing pains in the belly. But now I'm feeling fine and have no pain at all, so I don't see why the tests couldn't have waited until morning. My mom and dad stand on either side of me, when they really should be resting, and Kylo waits in the corner of the room, looking more worried than he needs to be. I sigh. It was nothing and I've made everyone worry for no reason.

"It's just as I thought" the medic continues. "Mrs. Rey Solo..."

"Yes?" I say.

"Congratulations, you are with child."


