
A cheer erupts as Rey and I slice down into the large cake while holding the same knife. Her hand is over mine as she presses down, getting cake icing onto my finger. I smile. She did cry all her sparkly make-up away and now only glints of it remain, glistening on her cheeks and nose by the torch light. It's dark outside now and we've dined and danced, mostly the guests, because I don't dance. Rey spent a lot of time talking with her parents in private. But by the time we were preparing to cut the cake the medic insisted that Rey's parents return to their resting, until tomorrow.

BB-8 rolls around us, recording the holographic images of us taking our first slice of cake.

"I got icing on your finger," Rey says as the crew's chef takes over and begins to cut more pieces to distribute to the guests. We step back to give him room.

"It's fine." I lift my hand to lick the icing off but Rey does it for me.

  I say to her, gently pulling my hand away. I kiss her lips and let her feel how much I enjoy doing it, through our Force connection. Her cheeks flush.

"I don't feel like eating cake," she says, touching her cheek with her hand. She gives me a look that makes me both nervous and aroused.

"You don't like the cake?" The chef asks, turning to us.

"We love it," I say, then pick Rey up into my arms. I can't stay here any longer or I'll just embarrass myself, I want to be alone with her. Rey squeals and pushes against me but I ignore her protests. "Thank you, again," I say to the chef then walk around him, carrying my kicking bride.

"What are you doing?" Rey laughs as I hurry through the crowd. "I lost my fancy shoes, we have to go back and get them."

"You won't be needing your shoes," I say to her and start walking faster.

"Where are you taking me?"

I walk past the musicians on the stage and the dancers. I can't see Mom anywhere but I'm sure she'd understand if Rey and I left the party early.

"What about the guests?" Rey says, looking back over my shoulder as we leave the torch lights behind us to walk out into the light of the moons on the desert sands.

"You started it," I say to Rey. "And now I'm going to finish it."

She laughs then hugs my neck tight, shifting her small body in my arms so that her legs wrap around my waist. "Or I will," she whispers in my ear and I almost drop her.

I tell her.

"It's not windy out tonight," Rey whispers against my neck.

My breathing is heavy now, but not from carrying her, from the desire building up inside of me. The shuttle is a bit of a walk still. We were supposed to go there on the speeder that was decorated for us. But now I've made more than a bit of a distance between us and the party and I don't want to return to get the speeder.

"We could take a moonlit stroll," Rey says.

"We'll walk to the shuttle," I say.

Rey tightens her legs around me and kisses me, her tongue searching for mine. I kiss her back, aching to make love to her beneath the stars in the cool night air. But she's a princess and a Royal, and she needs to be in a private place, where I can take my time and make love to her properly.

"We're already far enough away from the party, if you want to lay down under the stars," she says.

"Don't tempt me."

"It's our wedding night, I'm allowed to tempt you."

I try to ignore her as we walk... almost there...



"Thank you."

"For what?"

"...I love you."

Rey rests her head on my shoulder as I carry her like a little girl, the same little girl that looked up at these very stars above us right now each night, unable to sleep and imagining an ocean as she waited for her parents to come back. Only now, she's grown into a beautiful woman, who I will never allow to feel lonely again.

"I love you, too," I whisper to my beautiful bride.