Chapter 1


''There are new flowers in the meadow sister. Please let me go there with sir Borington.'' Princess Lena sighed when her younger sister climb into her lap to distract her from her duty. Her green eyes were big and innoccent. It's like a flower that grows in the middle of a place covered by ashes. Her green eyes are like life itself for her.

''Crystal, i can't allow you to go. Father would not agree. You know that.'' She said, she run her fingers through her sisters long curly white hair.

''But...'' Her sisters eyes pleaded with her. Lena could give in at any moment with those green eyes. There eyes are the same shape. But Lena's eyes were darker and fiercer color of green while her sisters eyes were brighter.

''No Crystal. And that is final.'' Her sister pouted at her. It was dangerous to be in the meadow right now, so she couldn't allow her, but She couldn't help but smile. Her sister's cute face was enough to make her day, with those chubby and rosy cheeks and lips that is red as a berry. Lena knew for a fact that when her sister come of age she will be the Kingdom's most beautiful lady, the kingdom's Delight.

''Why are you even here? Weren't you supposed to play with the other kids?'' She asked her, her sister shook her head, her white curly hair following with her heads movement.

''No, they kept calling me weird. Because i have white hair and white skin and...and that i was a cry baby. Am i cry baby?'' Lena frowned, her sister was different from all the pure blood. Lena and her other sisters have raven black hair, and their skin is pale because of being a vampire. While Crystal, she shocks everyone by being born with white hair.

''No you aren't.'' Her sister only nodded, and then she turned her attention on the papers that were scattered on the table.

''You're doing boring stuff again?'' Lena shook her head, her sister loves to call her work boring stuff.

''It's called work.'' Her sister shooks her head, she pointed the papers and then look up at her sister.

''Lysandra and Leo told me it's boring stuff that only you and father do. Why is that? Is it because you are the future Queen?'' The curiosity of this child never ends. Lena thought.

''Leo can't speak, he is your pet cat. And yes it is because i'm the future queen.'' Her sister was about to speak again when their mother came in.

''There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere.'' Their mother walked closer to them and carried her sister.

''My Queen.'' Lena bowed and her mother gave her a curt nod.

''Your father want us to move in, in one of the manor this instant. Is everything alright Lena?'' Her mother asked, worry marred her soft feature. Crystal and her mother shared the same eye color, bright green.

''The werewolves are forming an alliance againts father. Even the castle is not safe.'' She answered her mother's question, it had been a month since they received a message about an alliance of were people forming a group of rebels. While the vampire and the werewolves lives in peace for centuries, no one can deny the fact that the hatred of each kind from one another runs too deep in their veins, they simply learned to tolerate one another.

''Would you be safe here with your sisters and father?'' Lena nodded, her gaze fell down upon her sister who were rubbing her eyes that seems to fight sleep. And then her gaze went back to her mother. The manor at the west is the safest place for them. No one knew about it but their family.

''I'am a warrior mother. Do not worry. I'll be there on Crystal's birthday.'' With that being said her sister seems to be energized again

''I'm turning 6!'' Her sister said showing her seven finger. Lena chuckled.

''That's seven.'' She said, Crystal quickly corrected herself and then she grinned.

''My Queen, your carriage is ready.'' One of their guard said. Lena's mother looked at the guard before nodding her head.

''Well, we must leave now. See you in 5 days.'' Her mother kissed her forehead. Her sister waved at her with that charming smile before they disappeared from her sight.

3 Days later...

''Father. You called for me.'' Lena said when she saw her father. He also had a lot of paper stock on his desk. His father is a tall and large man. Though she was as tall as him, he was still bigger than her with his hand large enough to cover her face and break her into pieces. He maybe fierce and all but he is soft when it comes to her mother and even Crystal. Everyone was baffled when he would give in to her youngest demand when people of their land knew that he is a strict man and was very againts the idea of spoiling his children. But who could deny anything from his youngest? Even the maids are caught by her charms.

''Yes, there are rumors going around from village to village about a group of nomadic werewolves. People said they must be 500 members in that pack. Sir David and his men confirmed that they are the rebels. They were last spotted to east, near our border.'' Lena raised her eyebrow.

''500 is still small for a land dominated by us. They will not survive if they attack. We should capture them and put them in cages where they belong.'' She could see her father's eyes lightened up with pride.

''Yes. But we must be cautious dear. They could raise more doubt and rebel.'' Lene hissed in annoyance.

''They always doubt you father. Maybe it's time for you to show them what you could do? You are the king!'' Her father shakes his head in disapproval.

''No, it's not my time. My reign of terror is over. Maybe you should show them what power you have. What you could do. And what kind of ruler you are. In the hundred years of your existance my dear, i've showed you what it's take to be a feared and true leader. I've teached you how to shove fear in your enemies throat. Now what i want is for you to show me what you've got.'' She stared at her father. She could see that her father is now ready to step down and gave her the crown. If he did, she would be the youngest monarch to take the crown only at the age of 102. Her father took the crown from his brother when he was atleast 375 years old.

''Are you sure father?'' She asked.

''Are you doubting your self?'' He asked.

''No. I don't'' Her father then nod, he was about to speak again when suddenly a soldier barged into his office. He looked scared and concern.

''My King!!!! News have just arrived! The Manor in the western side is under attack by werewolves!'' At that moment fear crept into Lena's bones. There was only one person on her mind.


With their horses they traveled to the west. With warriors at their back. Even from afar Lena could hear the cries of her people, the growl and howl of the savage werewolves. Upon arriving she saw half of the manor house being burned. There are no wolves at sight only bodies that scattered into pieces, without second though Lena run inside the house. At the entrance she saw her mother lying down with a small dager pierce into her side, she was badly beaten. She quickly kneeled beside her to see if her mother is still breathing.

'' need to save her....she run east of the house! Go Lena! Go!'' Her mother said even though she was struggling to speak. Lena didn't hesitate and stood up again running to where her mother had pointed her.

''Crystal! Where are you! Crystal!'' She didn't hear anything. But amidst the smoke that almost covered the place a very familliar scent reached her. It was sweet and fresh. Like the grass and flower growing up in spring, it was her sister scent. Following the scent Lena's knees began to weaken... As the unmistakable scent of copper covered that sweet spring scent. She stops infront of a door and upon opening it, she fell down on her knees.

Blood where scattered all over the room, claw mark have covered the wooden floor and there was pool of blood and in the middle of it... Her sister's body was found... There on the ground with her body cut into half, her arms and legs were missing, her face was barely recognizable because it had been clawed. Lena at that moment is hopeless. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't hold back the tears that started to pour from her eyes. Because she saw her sister eyes wide open and lifeless, she couldn't imagine what pain she had to go through before death swallowed her. She didn't deserve this, she's too young, she hadn't been able to explore the villages around their castle. Lena hearts was filled with pain and that pain turned into hatred and wrath.

Slowly standing up, Lena had straighten her back and stared down at her sister.

''Your pain...shall be felt by those who have murdered of them...shall know how it feels.'' With that. The Tyrant Queen is born.