Chapter 2



It's been 100 years since the incident that claim the lives of many people. The story of how the tyrant queen skinned the Elders of the wereclans still hunted the children at their sleeps. The alphas and elder were captured. The Elders suffered great pain before death embrace them. 400 alphas were humiliated in the worst possible way before being beheaded. Their kins where turned into whores and playtoy and pets.

Their people became slaves. And those who resisted where executed.

Only few manage to survive and runaway. And Sky...wasn't one of them. She was born inside the breeding house where her kind were force to breed strong children to became toys that the Royal vampires would use to play gamble.

Her sisters though were lucky enough to escape with the promise that they would return to save her and bring their kind to it's former glory. It's been 8 years since her sisters escaped. But up until today she still hasn't heard anything from them.

And now here she is, in one of the brothels famous for royal vampires. She's an omega. A very rare one.

''Sky? Sky?'' Sky looks up to see her friend Ebony, she's a very beautiful wolf. With a fur as black as night and glowing green eyes. Ebony is confident and she is their master's favorite. Sky though was reserve only for the highest bider.

''You won't believe what i heard.'' Ebony exclaimed excitedly while Sky watch her, Ebony have accepted their fate, that they were meant to be whores and pets and caged. While Sky refused. Because she knows. Wolves should run with the nature, hunt with the wind and play with river and the grass, their spirits are wild. It wasn't meant to be caged, to be colared nor chained.

''Madam Juanita would brought us to the castle. Their was a party being held there for the queen's 227th birthday. Foods would be there too. She said we could eat as many as we like.'' Sky could only smile. Then Ebony slips a plate of food inside her cage. She grew up inside a cage, she hasn't step out of it. She didn't even know what the sky looks like nor the trees that Ebony had told her about. She only heard about it whenever Ebony and Tasha talks to her.

Tasha, she remembered her. She was her lover, she was the one that told her that wolves are supposed to be running in the wild. It's been a year since she last seen her, Tasha was bought by a rich lord Vampire, and them being a slave was hopeless. Tasha couldn't say no to him, as it would land her in the punishment room.

''Though i have a gossip, Natalia is being a bitch again.'' Ebony pouted making Sky giggle.

''Did she accused you of stealing Mr.Jaime Oxtonford again?'' She asked taking a bite of the cold hard meat.

''It's lord Jaime Oxtonford to you,missy. He is the son of the Duke of Oxtonford you know, he pays large gold.'' Ebony huffed, Sky only nods her head. Ebony have liked that man for a long time, he was a regular customer as per what she heard from Ebony, and he is her favorite girl base on Ebony who would always tell about it to Sky whenever he called for her.

''But he is weird. He likes weird stuff.'' Ebony added before cringing at the very thought of that man and his weird taste in life, Sky only shakes her head.

''How does it feel like? Lying with a man? How does it feel like lying in a bed?'' Sky asked with curiosity, her blue eyes seems to engulf Ebony with warmth. Ebony's eyes soften for a moment, Sky doesn't have any experience yet when it comes to serving customer as she is madam Juanita's most priced possession. Her price are meant for royalties.

''It feels good to sleep with the person you love. And it is the same feeling as laying in a soft bed.'' Sky's eyes brighten at what Ebony had said. Excitement filled her body at the thought of her friend finding her fated Lover.

''Have you found your mate?'' Ebony suddenly look away, she quickly stands up.

''I must go now. The brothel will open soon. See you tomorrow.'' Sky was startled by the sudden change in Ebony's demeanor and her avoidance of the question, but she could only nod and watched as Ebony left. Soon she started to hear the noises of drunk men and the weird sound that women and men alike made. What are they doing? She often ask herself that, none of the girls bothered to answer her questions whenever she asked, and Madam Juanita always told her that she'd find out soon what it was. But it never ceases to scare Sky, she would hear women cry as if they were in pain, and the groan of men made her shiver in fright.

''Is she in there?'' A new voice. Sky heard a new voice, it was deep and very manly. It comes from the stairs, she looks at it and waited to see who had spoken, but she couldn't brush away the fear or the idea of being sold.

''Yes my lord, i've taken care of her. Come see her.'' It's Madam Juanita's voice. She heard footstep and then soon madam Juanita came into view, behind her was a man wearing what it looks like to be a heavy cloth, to his side a long sword was attached, the same sword the men in the breeding house use to scare children. The man came nearer to her cage, she couldn't see his face yet, only his feet,

''How long have she been here?'' The man asked examining her old rusty cage.

''About 8 years my lord, she only comes out of it when she's going to clean herself.'' Madam Juanita explained. The man nodded. He then stops infront of her and crouched down.

''The cage is built just about her height, yes?'' The man said, Sky had noticed his fangs, he is a vampire, just like madam Juanita.

''Yes my lord.'' Madam Juanita Answered.

''Come here girl, let me take a good look at you.'' He called for her, slowly, Sky moved forward closer to the man, and when the light of the candle had shown her features, the man stood in shock.

''My lord? Is everything alright?'' Madam Juanita asked. The man stood their for a moment his brown eyes staring back at Sky as if he knows her. And then when he recovered from his shock, he cleared his throat and crouched down again, he then got something from a small bag that was hanging from his side. From it came a small brown object.

''Here, eat this.'' He said giving it to her, she smelled it at first. It was weird, it smells sweet, but when she put it in her mouth a sudden taste of sweetness and bitter exploded in her mouth.

''What's your name?'' He asked. Sky first looked at Madam Juanita for permission to speak, she nodded her head giving permission to Sky.

''I'am Sky, my lord.'' She spoke still watching the man who looks at her with bewilderment.

''And i'am Dave Borington. You can call me sir Borington.'' He said giving her a gentle smile. At that moment, Sky had already liked him, no one smiled to her like that before. He then faced madam Juanita.

''I'll buy her. But i want you to be the one to offer her to the Queen.'' He handed madam Juanita a large pocket of gold coins.

''Offer her as a concubine, and when she asked who gave her to you. Tell her that the lord of Waevelor sent her as a gift.'' Madam Juanita nodded, sir Borington gave one last glance before he left. Leaving Sky wondering to what a concubine is.