Chapter 6

Melanie pov

Glancing at the man sprawled on the seat beside mine, I still don't comprehend why I feel so attracted to him. I face him to ensure he has all of my attention.

When I walked into the living room and saw him, something in me moved. I can't decipher my attraction towards him and it's crazy because I just met him.

He sits lazily on the sofa with his legs spread in a perfect pose. So fascinating I must say.

It's remarkable a man can be this beautiful. His green eyes appear to be holding numerous untold mysteries which I wanna figure out one after the other.

His dark bed hair looks so soft to the touch. Perfect naturally moulded dark eyebrows and long lashes.

His strong jaw is covered with a slight stubble, high cheekbones and red full lips. He's amazingly handsome.No exaggeration, the man got looks.

His big strong arms are beautifully adorned by ink, an expensive watch on his wrist, I know when something is costly.

He has big veiny hands with two silver rings on his fingers.

" You wanted to talk" I remind him because he's busy checking me out just the way I have been shamelessly doing.

I never allow anyone in my room with an exception of my nanny, and only because she helps me clean it. I have severe cases of OCDs which don't allow me to do some things freely, most of them. I prefer my space tidy and everything organized neatly and perfect. Not even jake has been here, yet this total stranger whom I strangely feel comfortable and safe around, is sitting on my couch in my room, and I can't even explain why.

" Yes, there are things you need to understand about werewolves" he starts and I nod motioning for him to proceed.

" We are born and grow up human till we reach the age of 16, that's when we transition to our wolves" I nod

" Our creator the moon goddess grants each one of us a soulmate when we shift, they are the other half of us and they complete us" he continues

The moon goddess? Okay.

"As alpha, my mate is the luna, my equal and together, we run our pack " So he has a soulmate? of course, he does, someone this beautiful can't be alone.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask disappointment lacing in my voice which I pray he doesn't notice.

Was I expecting something?

He sighs looking at me, his eyes are so soft and holds something else I can't decipher.

" Because you are my mate" he stares at me like I mean so much to him, his eyes hold so much admiration in them and I can't help but wonder.

It's like am a gem he's been looking for and he finally found it.

"What?" I mumble my heart thumping loudly in my chest. I am his mate? But how?

" You are my mate Melanie, the minute I looked into your eyes I just knew and the attraction I feel towards you is so immense.

Your scent drives me crazy and when I held you in my arms, it hurt to let you go" he finishes off.

"But am human" I don't understand how am paired with a wolf or do I have a wolf inside me?

"We'll figure that out, there are a lot of aspects you are still required to know, but for now we will just cover the basics"

" Okay, so are you like my boyfriend or something? am struggling to understand the concept of mates".

He chuckles amusement dancing in his eyes " if you see it that way then yes, but mates are more than that, we are forever.

Though I understand you are human and we will do things your way, so boyfriend it is"

What about jake, I can't bare hurting him just like that, and I can't have two boyfriends at the same time.

"What if I have a boyfriend?" I ask and he growls out loudly and his eyes turns black making me flinch fearfully.

Honestly, how will I just wake up and be like jake we need to break up because I have a mate and he is a wolf. He shuts his eyes and inhales deeply calming himself down.

"Am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that" he apologises softly "You have a boyfriend?"

He asks but I can tell he's trying hard not to get mad about it.

"Yes," I say precisely

" You'll have to break up" he mumbles avoiding my gaze

"Excuse me!" I raise my brow at him questioningly. That's playing with someone's emotions. Even though I know I have not been fair to jake bu, I think it's too soon.

He sighs joining me on my couch Taking my hands in his, he rubs his thumb on the back of my hand soothingly. I feel shivers run through every inch of my body when our skin touch and it's a feeling I have never felt before, and he's only touching my hand.

"Listen, baby, we only have one mate in a lifetime. We only get one chance to be happy and to my kind, only mates bring us that. It's the only thing that makes sense to us, you have to understand that I can't let you go. I need you, please" there is so much sincerity in his voice and as much as I want to say no, I can't. There is something in me that hates to see him hurt.

"Look, if I lose you I don't even know what will happen to me because I have waited for ten years and when I saw you, I can't explain how I felt. Please give me a chance, I will be anything you want me to be as long as I have you with me, please" he desperately begs.

He only has one chance to love and that happens to be with me

Jake can find someone else who will love him back the way he deserves. What about me what do I want?do mates have a choice or does everything come naturally?

Guess I will have to find out.

He looks vulnerable right now making me feel a pull in my chest, it's like I can feel his pain and I want to make him feel better. Something inside me wants to see him happy. I lift my hand to stroke his cheek and he leans towards my touch sighing contentedly.

I don't know anything about mates but I think they have a big effect on each other.

"Will you give me a little time to figure everything out or at least break up with jake first? " I ask softly running my finger along his sharp jaw.

"Just make it quick okay" he pleads making me chuckle, so impatient. I nod anyways.

"Thank you for understanding, it means so much to me," he says honestly.

"How old are you," I ask because he looks older than me.

"Am 26, you?" he looks at me with quirked eyebrows.

"18," I say... eight years older.


"Okay, you school with Liam and lily right? he asks

"Yes, I also work," I say just in case

"You don't have to work anymore, I can take care of you" he suggests.

" No no it's okay, I love what I do and I can't just stop, I hope it won't be a problem" I don't want to depend on anybody for anything and I hope he's not one of those men who dictates what their women do.

"No, I have no problem with that" he defends quickly.

Good. I wouldn't have stopped either way, speaking of whichh, I need to be at work an hour from now and I need to prepare for that.

I love my job not only because it pays my bills, but also the feeling it gives me. I always feel beautiful whenever and it boosts my self-confidence.

"Okay, can I have your number," he asks looking expectantly.

"Sure" I give him my phone

"Do me a favour and drag everyone downstairs out, I don't wanna see them at least for today, please?" I say heading to the bathroom.

I don't wait for his reply and start the shower. As the cold water drizzles down my body soothingly, I can't help but wonder how my life turned out in a day.

Those people in my living room, I can't even start to explain how they made me feel. It's so sad to be surrounded by everyone you can't trust.

I just hope I'll get through this, still can't believe she's not even my mother. Now that I think about it I don't think she knows anything about being a mother, she didn't even try.

And her brother also my dad, how was it so easy for him to just toss me for eighteen years to his sister and never for once, made an effort to let me know he existed? It hurts so much, I wish my mother was here maybe things would have been different.

I just hope I won't turn out to be one of them, I want to continue living and die human no matter what my genes are. If that's how they act, giving no shit about people's emotions. Maybe it's how they are. It's their nature, they are wolves. Wild beasts.

Except for the one on my wall.