Chapter 7

Melanie POV

It's Monday again and I dread going to that school. First, I have to end things with jake, breaking his heart in the process which am terrified of doing in all honesty.

Second, I have to face my friends and third, am still freaked out by the findings of the weekend. My phone has been ringing relentlessly all weekend and I had to switch it off for some serenity.

It's just me and my nanny in the house now, who I might add, is a werewolf too. Sadly, I can't stay mad at her because she's been more than a mother to me.

The guards who I learnt were designated by my dad, I haven't caught a glimpse of them so far and am okay with that. Relieved, at least I can breathe in my own expanse.

After taking the shower and applying lotion, I head to my closet where seven of my clean, faultlessly ironed school uniforms are neatly arranged, that's why I love that woman and I can't imagine life without her. Maybe am being too dependent on her but I don't care. All of my belongings were moved here yesterday. New beginnings I guess.

Am not in the mood for breakfast so I just drive myself to school. As usual, Lily is already waiting for me at the gate and for the first time, I don't know what to say to her.

"Hi" she mumbles kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey " I acknowledge timidly.

"Look mel, am sorry about what we did" she begins with the apologies and I groan

"Don't please, I have heard enough of those. Just give me time okay" I calmly inform her.

"Okay, thanks" she smiles slightly sadness clear in her eyes.

"Where is Liam?" I enquire cause they are always together.

"He had pack work to do and couldn't make it," she says to me. I guess there's no need for keeping secrets from me anymore because I already know about them. I used to wonder how cute they were yet mysterious. But now that I think about it, most of their kind are outstanding.

"So do you have one too? I mean a mate" she looks at me for a second before nodding.

"Yeah," she says evading my gaze.

Wow! I didn't even know she had a boyfriend. I just marvel at how stupid they might have thought I was. Am so oblivious to everything I can't even tell when someone is lying to me.

They knew everything about me, every single fragment of my life yet I know nothing about them, am so pathetic. Always the loud one.

Is Aiden going to be like them?

Because it'll be so dreadful breaking up with jake, the only person I suppose loves me for a mate I know nothing about and only for him to lie to me.

Speaking of jake, I need to talk to him. Not because of Aiden but because it's what's supposed to be done, he deserves better and he won't get that from me.

"I will see you later, I need to find jake" I excuse myself not waiting for her reply, I know it's rude but is just not in the mood.

I immediately spot jake by the lockers with his two friends, how am I gonna do this?

"Hey babe, I missed you," he smiles pulling me in for a hug. I love how he doesn't push me for anything. He understands and respects what I want even when it doesn't favour him.

"Hi," I say holding him back a little tighter, how am I gonna do this? He pulls back staring into my eyes softly.

"Are you okay? I tried calling you but your phone won't go through" he asks worry lacing in his voice.

" Yes am okay, I forgot to charge it" he sighs holding me to himself.

" Can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask waving at his friends.

"Sure, anything for you" he excuses himself to give us privacy.

"Tell me sweetheart what can I do for you?" he inquires gently stroking my cheek.

Looking into his eyes, they hold so much love and curiosity waiting for what I have to say, giving me all of his kindness.

He's always been there for me when I was lonely. He always listened, and he's been so patient since we started dating, we haven't even gone past kissing. Are his first love and today am here to shatter his heart and crash his joy. It makes my eyes water.

Goodness, I can't do it. I can't see him hurt and remember I influenced it. I can't do that because I care so much for him.

So I pull his head bring his face towards me and kiss him. He reacts immediately wrapping his arms around my waist and drawing me closer to him.

I pause the kiss and he leans his forehead to mine " God, I love you" he mumbles quietly and that cracks my heart.

"You wanted to tell me something?" he implores pecking my lips lightly.

"No, I just missed you" I lie " we should go, classes are starting soon" I add pulling myself from him.

" I will walk you, what do you have first"

" No need jake I have to visit the bathroom first, see you at lunch, yeah?" I quirk my brows at him

" Okay, see you at lunch" he kisses my temple and walks away. I watch him disappear out of sight and tears well up in my eyes, I need to get out of here.

It's too much.

I enter my car and just drive mindlessly to nowhere in particular. After driving for a long time, I see a park closer and decide to pass time there. I sit on one of the benches clueless about what to do with my life.

I have never been to a park before. I never had a childhood, do normal childhood stuff, play with dolls, played hide and seek or watched cartoons or anything childish. I was not allowed to do that, the day maria was away, only then jake would sneak into our house to keep me company. When I turned ten, the guards came and ceased him from entering. We started seeing each other only at school and he's been the only constant thing in my life. Now I have to get rid of him because of someone I met a day ago?

"Hey," a soft voice says startling me, I didn't even know I had company. He's a man maybe 25, good looking but I have no time to check him out.

"Why are you crying pretty girl?" he asks softly. I didn't even know I was crying till he mentioned it, and as much as I don't wanna cry in front of a stranger I can't help it.

Everything in my life is paining me and I need someone to talk to. I may not even see the stranger again so I don't stop the tears, instead, I cry harder letting everything out.

"Do you offer good advice?" I ask looking at him through my tears.

"My friends say I do, what's wrong princess," he asks so calmly, pity and concern in his eyes.

" My life is a mess, I just letrnt that I have a father, the woman I have been living with is not my mother and my friends lied to me. My guards and nanny are not who I thought they were, and I met someone who I feel attracted to from the first sight and I have to break my boyfriend's heart because I can't date two people" I finish in one breath and look at him with hopeful eyes waiting for him to lessen my pain.

" Can you elaborate for me please?" he asks softly and I nod telling him everything in my life from childhood to this day, though I didn't mention them being werewolves, and when am did am a crying mess. I feel lost and he's a good listener, it's easy talking to him.

"Come here honey" he pulls me in his arms and hugs me tight, I don't even object. After calming down, he wipes away the remaining tears, I hope he tells me what to do.

"Let's start with your parents, have you talked to your father?"

I shake my head no " princess I want you to calm down and after that give him a chance to explain himself and you can judge him from there, yeah?" he asks gently

"Okay" I croak out

"I don't know what to say about your mother or aunt but talk to her too, listen to her reasons it will help free your mind and enable you to move on. I can tell you are a strong girl and I believe you'll be okay" he continues

" Give yourself time, and learn to forgive them even when you don't need them in your life anymore. Your friends, I know they didn't mean to keep things from you, everyone has their reasons for doing the things they do, and right now you are hurt. Take your time and talk to each one of them, listen to their explanations and decide if you still need them or not". he completes and I nod in understanding.

"What about the boyfriend situation" I remind him smiling a little

"This boy, are you in love with him?" he asks referring to jake

"Mmh not really, I care about him though, but I think he loves me," I say looking into his grey orbs.

" We both know you are being unfair to him, being with him while attracted to another is wrong. I think you should hurt him with the truth than giving him false hope" he says seriously

"I know, I feel terrible " I look away regretfully

"So who is this lucky guy" he attempts to lighten up the mood and it helps because the thought of Aiden makes me smile.


"His name is Aiden, and he's hot," I say dreamingly and he chuckles.

"Don't tell me you are already whipped" he wiggles his brows suggestively

"No.Of course not, why don't you just become my big brother and scare all the boys away, I won't have any boy drama then" I ask him, he's so cute and he gives good advice he could be my brother from another mother.

He laughs. So hard that I can't stop myself from smiling. "Okay that sounds tempting, brother huh? Trust me, am good at scaring people away" he adds chuckling.

"What's your name" I don't know what's wrong with me trusting strangers. I just can't help it.

"Carl," he says "It's nice to meet you, 'sis'