Chapter 8

Melanie pov.

"So are you going back to school," he asks after relaxing in silence for a while.

"No, am just gonna go home, I have homework to complete" I have been sliding behind in school work and now that I feel better I have to go catch up.

" Okay, so when am I seeing my sister again?" He inquires jokingly

"You can join me if you want, I don't mind" am inviting a stranger to my house. Every relationship starts with two strangers, right?

"Maybe some other time, see you soon" he gives me a side hug before walking away.

Well, that was something.

Getting in my car, I drive home with a serene heart.


Am gonna give me time. Process everything, heed to their motives then make my ruling.

I take all the books I need which are a whole lot on my dining table, now looking like a library and immerse myself in the world of studying.

Sometime later, grace appears with my phone which has been ringing endlessly.

I begrudgingly pick it up without confirming who the caller is just so I could quit the madness.

''Hey'' the caller mumbles

Aiden? I can't miss that voice anywhere.

''Hi" I whisper back

"I came looking for you but you weren't in school"

Did he come to my school?

''I left early, what's up ?"

''Am fine, just wanted to say hi"


He came looking for me to say hi, understandable. There is silence on both sides.

I don't know what to say so I choose to wait.

''Are you busy ?'' He breaks the silence

''Yes, school work '' I mumble

''Can I see you? '' he hesitates adding ''Please"

What should I say, I don't think it's a good idea, am still processing everything and I haven't broken up with jake yet.

'' I don't know Aiden, I have homework of a whole week and am trying to finish them before school tomorrow '' it's true though.

''You won't even know am there, I just want to see you'' he urges

This is a bad idea but I can't tell him no, can I?

'' Mel '' he calls my name again when I stay silent for a minute.

''Okay, you can come'' I eventually accept and he hung up.

I love studying a lot, I like the idea of beauty and brains because they complement each other.

Minutes later the doorbell rang and I let my nanny grace open it as I do my thing.

Aiden strolls in with short confident lazy steps, Carrying a bouquet of a mixture of red roses and lilies flowers.

My favourites, he guessed that right. Or did he?

I gape like a creep with every step he takes towards me.

He's wearing ripped black jeans, a jungle green jacket on top of a white shirt with brown boots.

His eyes twinkle as they look at me. He catches me checking him out and his plump lips stretch in a small seductive smirk.

He's sexy as hell.

A man on a mission to get me and I can attest that it's working." Hey beautiful " he greets and my cheeks flush like crazy, annoying.

"Hi" my voice comes out squeaky and he chuckles, damn. I wanna hear him laugh again.

"These are for you" he hands me the flowers and I appreciate the gesture.

"Thank you. They're beautiful " I say inhaling the beautiful scent before handing them to grace.

Aiden does not hesitate to wrap his arms around me in a bone-crushing hug.

Did I mention how strong his arms are? Right, damn strong.

His heavy breaths fan my neck and it's tingly. Just like the first time, his scent is mouth-watering and refreshing.

He smells of pine trees and men's cologne and i can't get enough of it.

Unconsciously, I hold tightly onto him as if my whole life depends on it. Weird.

"I missed you" he whispers huskily in my ear and it sends shivers throughout my body.

This man is nothing like I have seen before, no offence to jake but this one is one of a kind.

Everything about him is impressive not even a single flaw.

Am so dead.

He pulls away but still holds me to himself by my waist.

He tenderly strokes my cheek with his thumb and once again I get lost in his eyes and I can't look away.

His hands on me feel so amazing and I want to stay in his arms forever.

The warmth radiating from his body makes me wanna sleep.

What are you doing to me Aiden?

"You are so beautiful" he murmurs his eyes drinking me in.

I love the way he looks at me like I mean something to him, something that he's afraid to lose.

The way he holds me tightly to himself, the way he compliments me. I love how he makes me feel.

I don't know for how long we've been staring at each other but I have to break away, he's my guest and am supposed to offer him something instead of gawking at him like a creep.

You can't blame me though.

Where are your manners, Melanie? Marie would have been disappointed if she was here.

" Thank you" I mutter breaking away from the hug and he let me.

"Mmh.. do. you need anything to drink?" I stutter nervously making him quirk an eyebrow at me.

It's so embarrassing, he doesn't even know how much effect he has on me. I never felt like this with anyone, even jake.

"Sure, coffee is fine" he chuckles "black" he adds making himself comfortable in the seat next to mine.

He must be amused by how flustered I am right now.

Damn you Aiden.

I give myself a pep talk attempting to steady my nerves in the kitchen as I brew him the coffee.

Be tough Melanie.

Stop overreacting you'll freak him out.

Stop staring at him like a creep.

Stop being nervous around him, he's just Aiden, right?

Okay, you got this, I got this.

I take a few gulps of cold water and I feel confident. Let's do this.

I carry the hot mug of coffee to my guest gently placing it in front of him.

"Here you go, sugar?" I ask as his eyes quickly rake over my body, lingering a little longer on my bare legs.

Sucker for legs? got you.

Am wearing only a big mid-thigh sweatshirt comfortable outfit for indoors.

" No, it's fine thanks " damn that voice again. Rich and deep.

I settle in my previous seat and watch him, his broad squared shoulders don't fit well in my dining chair and his legs are spread out comfortably.

He carries himself with great confidence and he's the kind of man you won't miss in a room.

His presence demands attention and damn, he got mine.

He takes a sip and looks at me with a ghost smile on his lips, he didn't catch me staring again, didn't he? We talked about this Melanie stopped staring.

"So did you break up with the boy?"

Okay, great way to start a conversation.

"Not yet, I asked you to give me time remember?" he growls lowly his eyes hardening.

Back to growling again.

"How much longer?" he asks pinning me with his gaze.

He's so impatient.

"Can you give me like a week?" I ask hoping he'll say yes

"A week is too long, why don't you just do it tomorrow better still call him now" he demands

"Aiden no, I can't do it on the phone. That'll be so disrespectful, am breaking his heart and the least I could do is do it properly" I deadpan

Jake doesn't deserve any of this.

" Okay, you have only tomorrow," he says leaving no room for argument.

"Whatever" I mumble sadly and his eyes soften immediately.

"Am sorry I didn't mean it like that it's just..." he rakes fingers in his hair looking away " won't understand" he mumbles dismissively

"Tell me about yourself, like your favourite colour or food," I ask changing the topic.

He clears his throat looking at me again " I don't think I have a favourite colour or food I like everything" nice.

Maybe he doesn't wanna talk about it or he's still mad about jake.

He should at least consider jake's feelings. What if it was him in his place?

"What about you, what are your likes?" He asks back

"I like all colours" that's true I can never choose between colours, if something does impress me, I go for it no matter what the colour is "Food, I don't know I prefer snacking, and I love orange juice, I love music and dancing, that's all I think" he chuckles

"That's impressive, what kind of work do you do" he continues

"I work as a model, I model all kinds of wears and beauty products"

He slightly smiles "It suits you, you have the looks"

I blush a little "Thanks," I say

"Do you have a family?" I ask eagerly

"Yes, my parents and younger sister. They'll love to meet you"

"You are lucky," I say my face falling. I can't help but feel bad for myself, it's just me.

He notices the change in my mood and scoots closer holding my hand in his

"Hey, you have me now, don't worry about anything and if it makes you feel better we can share them too, am sure they won't mind" that makes me laugh.

"You have a beautiful smile, you know that right" he whispers looking at me affectionately.


My face is burning.

"Thank you" I whisper. He's so close I can smell his minty breath, the swirls of his eyes stare longingly at my lips and I can't help but drop my gaze to his full red ones.

Damn enticing.

How do they taste? am doing everything in my power not to kiss him but I want to.

He makes my mind wander in places it hasn't before and his gaze alone makes me squirm in my seat.

What is he thinking? does he feel the same way?

My phone on the table rings and I cuss the caller relentlessly in my head and Aiden groans making me know that we are on the same page.

The caller is the one person I have been ignoring the most. My father.

"Am gonna go" he breaks the silence

So soon?

"Do you have to" I wanna cuss myself for sounding so needy right now.

He chuckles " You'll have all of me when you break up with that boy," he says kissing my hair softly " Call me when you do "

And just like that he confidently walks out leaving me all flushed.

Damn you Aiden.