Chapter 13


"Now let's feed you," Aiden says pulling the tray closer and I chuckle.

It went easy than I thought, turns out I was stressed out for nothing. He's a fucking great guy.

He cuts a piece out of the pancake bringing it closer to my lips but I politely decline.

"Aiden am not a breakfast person, orange juice is fine with me or maybe some fruits "

"Is it now?" He quirks an eyebrow at me

There's a lot he doesn't know about me yet.

"Yes really "

"I can see you rearranged my room, it's not bad at all," he says glancing around

How do I tell him without him thinking am a freak?

"About that,mmh will you judge me if I told you am an OCD person" I plead him with my eyes to say no.

"Why would I judge you, baby, I wanna know everything about you and none of them will change how I feel about you, okay?" he uses his thumb to tenderly stroke my cheek, and let me tell you it feels awesome.

"Thank you Aiden" I whisper

"Just tell me if anything around here makes you uncomfortable okay?" he gently asks

Damn, he's one of a kind.

"Okay," I say

Am liking this position we are in right now, I love how his big arms hold me protectively.

He looks like he just came out of the gym but for some reason, his sweaty body doesn't irk my nerves.

His scent is still as delicious as I remember, and did I mention how warm he is? yes, his body radiates heat which I wouldn't mind sharing on cold nights.

Am not being naughty. A girl can dream.

"Shit, what time is it?" I ask lifting myself from his lap.

I practically forgot about school.

"Fifteen minutes past seven, eat something first" he hands me the juice and I drown it within seconds, I hope lily waited for me.

"Am running late Aiden" I scrumble towards my backpack and my phones, yes I have two, a work phone and the personal one.

" I'll walk you downstairs," he says leading the way out of his bedroom, I have noticed no one is on this floor except Aiden.

"Aiden" I call and he hums taking my hand in his, "why aren't people on this floor like the other ones," I ask

"Because this my love, belongs to you and me, just us" I smile at that, I like the sound of us and I love our own space.

After descending the stairs to the last floor, I notice a familiar figure, and as he approaches us, I notice just who he is. Carl.

So he's one of them too? Is everyone I know a werewolf?

To think he was a stranger.

"Hey sis," he says pulling me for a hug.

"That day, you knew who I was didn't you" I can't help but ask and from the looks of it, he did.

He rubs his neck nervously before nodding, I thought so too.

Why do people always lie?

Especially to me.

''Am late for school, I gotta run" I motion towards the main door where lily is waiting for me impatiently.

This house carries a lot of people and they keep staring, it kinda gives me creeps knowing who they are behind those human forms, I imagine standing between a group of wild beasts.

"Mel, it was not like what you think," carl says trying to explain

"Not now please I will see you later" he nods giving me a sad look.

I pull Aiden with me outside and exhale deeply like I just escaped hell.

Am still not comfortable with the idea of wolves looking at me behind those human eyes.

Just one mistake and they're like 'growl' and before you know it a beast is bearing their canines at you.

Scary right? I know.

Axel and Ryder are already waiting beside our car.

"Come back after school, please" Aiden pouts making me laugh.

I kiss his pout away and he chuckles "We'll see about that Aiden, I will call you, okay?" I assure him.

"Please do" he mumbles giving me a tight hug and kissing my hair before reluctantly letting me go.

I join lily in the car and still no sign of Liam, I wonder if he had work today too.

"Finally. I thought we were never going to leave" Lily rolls her eyes and I roll mine back at her.

"Where is Liam?"

" He already left, you were so busy with alpha to remember being late for school"

"We are not late lily we have around 20mins which is so much time"

"So what are you going to do with Jake?" she enquires curiously

"You know what" I sigh looking out the window

She squeezes my hand lightly "I kinda pity him but it's for the best mel" I nod looking at her.

Maybe it's time I forgive them. I don't see the need for carrying that baggage on my shoulders anymore, I just want to be free in and out.

"So your mate, what is he like?" I start.

For the first, I see her blush.

"His name is Keith, and he's one of the warriors " she looks like she's trying to recall something

"He's so affectionate and charming I just can't explain it," she says dreamingly making me chuckle. Who knew our lily was so whipped?

"I wanna meet him, no more secrets right?" I ask

"No more secrets mel I swear, do you forgive us now" her voice is full of hope and I nod. She grins pulling me in a hug

"Thanks mel, my best friend is finally back" she beams and we laugh together at nothing. I missed them too.

We reach school in no time and as a woman on a mission, I find jake at his usual place and I drag him with me.

It's time.

I lead jake to an empty classroom, my nerves are all over the place but I know if I don't do it now I will chicken out again or something will come up and I can't keep hurting Aiden or leading jake on.

So it's only right I do what's required.

"Jake, I wanted to talk about us" here we go, I start facing him and he nods for me to continue.

"Okay, I know I should have done this earlier but am sorry jake I have tried but I just don't feel the same way" he looks at me unsure of where this is going.

"What is it, Melanie? just go straight to the point," he has never called me by my full name.

"Let's break up, please. You deserve better and i don't think i am the one to give you that, am sorry " this is the hardest thing for me to do and I pray he understands.

"Is this about the guy from yesterday?" He asks

I completely forgot he saw Aiden too.

My mind was completely occupied by Aiden I didn't even realise leaving jake stranded.

"They're things you won't understand jake, it's complicated. It was never my intent to hurt you. You know am not capable of that" I whisper looking down at my shoes.

"I can't believe this" he mutters his voice breaking.

He looks at me with sad eyes before leaving. He doesn't say anything else.

This is so unfair.

I knew this was gonna hurt him but it was long coming and was just a matter of time.

He'll understand someday.

I feel bad but it was about of choices and I just had to choose what my heart wants.

I sigh taking out my phone to text Aiden.

"It's done, we broke up" I text and hit send

"Will pick you up after school, take care of yourself " he texts back immediately and I sigh again heading to my first class.

'Secrets will always come to light. Pray it won't be too late when you release her. Find me'

A message from the unknown again.

How am I to find the person when I don't know their location?

And who am I supposed to release?