Chapter 14

Melanie pov

"Hi, pretty boy" I ruffle Jade's hair resulting in him groaning.

"Will you ever stop doing that? you know I hate it" he grumbles and I laugh.

Jade is my workmate and my boss's son. Our mum's are friends so we've been working together for so long.

I got a call earlier that I had photoshoots to take so here I am.

"I don't think I will, it's cute when you pretend to be mad" I chuckle sitting in the chair next to him.

"Yeah, wait until my girlfriend finds out, she's gonna kick your ass" he brags

"Oh! please" I roll my eyes at that.

"Guys, up up, in the changing rooms now" Laura my boss aka jades mum claps her hands breaking our little banter.

She owns a fashion store that sells all kinds of brands, sometimes my mum or aunt designs for her, she's the one who introduced us or got me the job.

After our normal routine, makeup, hairstyles and a whole touch on our appearances we start posing for pictures as the photographers capture them for fashion magazines.

After the photoshoots, jade and I relax around catching like we normally do after shootings.

I sent Aiden the address since he wanted to pick me up and I know he'll be here at any moment.

Aiden pulls over a minute later as predicted and I stand up to give jade a final hug when hell breaks loose.

He forcefully pulls me away from jade and starts punching him.

"Aiden please stop" I shout at the top of my voice but he won't pay attention.

"Somebody please call the ambulance" I yell out frantically trying to stop Aiden before he kills jade.

What is wrong with him?

I hold his shoulders to rip him away from jade and looks like my touch did it.

I rush to jade ignoring the growling alpha, am so mad at him right now, how could he do this?

The securities approach and pick up a bleeding jade and take him to one of the cars.

I just hope he'll be fine.

"What's happening here, what happened to my son?" Laura matches to the scene angrily.

Followed closely by my mum.

"What's happening Melanie?" mum looks from me to Aiden waiting for someone to talk.

" He saw jade hugging me and just started punching the shit out of him," I say exasperatedly.

"Shit, take him out of here I will handle laura," she says going after laura to the car they put jade in.

I start walking towards the exit assuming he'll follow me.

"What was that about Aiden?" I furiously turn around to face him.

"He was touching you" he growls out his eye turning black.

"It was a harmless hug Aid, a fucking harmless hug" I whol at him.

"It didn't look like just a hug to me" fuck him

"Is this how this is gonna be Aiden? Killing every guy that talks or hugs me? I did not sign up for this" I whisper shaking my head.

That was awful. Jeez, he hurt someone like it doesn't mean anything at all.

"Am sorry babe, but I couldn't control myself"

"This might be a joke to you but I have been working here for so long and I can't lose this job.You know I need this job Aiden, why are you being so inconsiderate?" I whimper

"Am sorry baby, I didn't mean to" his voice softens.

"Am trying Aiden, am trying to understand your way of life, I broke up with jake for you, the least you could do is learn how humans work, we don't go punching our friends because they hugged us" I shake my head disapprovingly wiping my tears.

His eyes melt and they hold guilt " It won't happen again" he whispers trying to hold my hand but I move away before he could.

"I think you should leave" I mumble avoiding his gaze.

"Will you come home?" he looks at me hopefully

"No" I shake my head " I wanna make sure jade is okay and that I still have a job, bye Aiden " I calmly say before turning around and leaving him in his stance, I can feel his eyes on me but I don't dare look back.

Jeez, it was a harmless hug, I don't know about werewolves but humans hug all the time.

I don't understand his violence, I don't think jealousy works that way either.

Am gonna stay away from him until he learns his lesson, he could go to jail for that in my world.

"Is he okay?" I ask my mum when I meet her in one of the rooms.

"He'll be okay, come with me" I follow her to her car without a question.

"Do you think I will lose my job?" I inquire worriedly

"No honey, don't worry about it" she assures "alphas are always possessive of their mates, you'll experience that a lot," she explains.

I don't mind possessive but I hate violence, it's one of the things I won't tolerate.

I prefer my space quiet and friendly

Blood freaks me out.

"Where are we going,?" I ask her because the street she's taking is unfamiliar to me.

"We are going to your dad's pack because there are things we need to clear out" she looks like she wanna say more but holds herself sighing heavily.

I don't know what they wanna talk to me about but I hope there won't be more sorries.

I have had enough of those already.

The rest of the drive is quiet as the car drives through thick endless trees, two weeks ago I had no suspicion werewolves existed.

I couldn't guess what these trees held, but here I am going to meet more of them.

I have a lot of questions to ask this woman but I choose against it.

I don't understand why she used to do the things she did but it's up to her and her conscience if werewolves have one that is.

Come to think of it maybe it's just their nature.

My father's house is big and he lives separately from the packhouse, unlike Aiden.

I prefer this.

"Welcome ladies, hey sweetheart," he announces hugging me.

This is the first contact am having with my father in my entire existence and I don't know how to react.

I stiffen in his arms not holding him back because I hate contact for obvious reasons.

"Are you okay?" he asks worriedly

"Yes" I whisper

The interior is beautiful but doesn't match mine, the walls are painted grey and are bare of paintings and family pictures.

I wonder what his family is like.

"Aiden just beat the crap out of jade because he hugged her" my aunt initiates a conversation amusement clear in her voice.

My dad laughs shaking his head " damn Aiden" he chuckles leading me to one of the blue coaches.

Two boys my age enters from the front door talking to themselves but freezes when they see me.

The first one is blonde with blue eyes, masculine and handsome, the second one has grey eyes, and black hair and handsome too.

None of them compares to Aiden, Aiden is a man, and a breathtaking one at that.

The kind you gasp when he enters the room.

" Sit down boys" my father orders, his playful tone now gone and they do just that.

They sit on the couch opposite mine still staring at me, they might be wondering who I am.

"Tyler" he addresses the blonde one " do you remember telling you about Melanie?" he nods realization crossing his face " this is her" he completes and the Tyler boy crosses to my side grinning widely.

"Am happy to finally meet you, Melanie, am Tyler your brother" he brings his hand forward and I stiffly shake it " you are so beautiful " he praises with a chuckle.

"Thanks" I laugh " nice to meet you too" more surprises. I wonder if he has more kids.

"Melanie, Tyler is my son and your brother," my father announces "and this is nick his friend" he says pointing at the other boy.

"Hi" he doesn't even listen to me because he's busy gawking.

I get that a lot actually and am used to it.

My phone has been ringing all the way here and endless texts from Aiden but I choose to ignore him because I know if I talk answer, I will easily forgive him.

I don't want him to think what he did was right.

"So, are you staying? I will introduce you to all of my friends " Tyler beams.

"Mhh.." I look at my mum questioningly " I don't know, are we staying mum?" I ask her and something flickers in her eyes making me realise my slip, it's too late to rectify it though.

More so, I have been calling her mum all my life, you can't blame me.

Can you?

"We're here for a week honey" she verifies

"Yes, come on let's go" Tyler is yet to drag me from my seat before our dad speaks

" Easy Tyler, they just got here, save your introductions for tomorrow"

Siblings are supposed to be that cheerful. Right?

"Show her the guest room please," dad tells him

"Who do we have here?" a woman enters before we leave and everyone goes silent.

Her looks are mostly fake, from her smile and everything visible on her, none of them is real.

More surprises?

"Mum, this is Melanie, my sister" Tyler introduces and her fake smile fades away and alarm takes over her made-up face.

Is she my dad's wife? She doesn't talk just stares surprised.

My aunt comes by my side and drags me upstairs to what I assume is the guest room."

What was that about mum?"

"Listen to me mel, you need to stay away from that woman at all costs" she desperately warns

"I thought she's my father's wife,?" I ask confused

"No, she's not. She just got pregnant for him. She doesn't even live here" she silently cusses "promise me you'll avoid her honey" she gazes at me hopefully

"I will," I say even though I don't know why she wants me to do so, I was not planning on making friends though.

"Good, your father and I will explain everything. Meanwhile, wait here I will be right back" she doesn't wait for a reply before locking the door on her way out.

I exhale. Whoever that woman is, totally leaks bad vibes.

My phone vibrates in my pockets indicating a message, it's from the unknown number again.

'Now you are exposed. You nolonger have much time'.


I don't understand what this person wants.

I groan throwing the phone across the room and breaking it in the process.