Chapter 35


'Don't you dare Melanie' Athena's voice comes through my head and I breathe deeply, letting my mate's scent calm my racing heart.

'What should I do?' I desperately ask her

'Find me after the meeting, our usual place' she says and I hum in response.

Aiden joins us and sits on the same couch as carl, still avoiding me.

He looks up clearing his throat "I have contacted all the alphas whose pack members were taken and we are meeting tomorrow"

"After we tell them what is happening, each pack will give a hundred soldiers and the training will begin immediately" he finishes

"That's okay with me, I already have 200 trained warriors," dad says looking at my mate.

"How many men do we have that can fight carl?" he faces his silent beta.

I wish I could just enter his heart and erase all the pain away.

"Around 250 " he mumbles after thinking for a while.

I can't stop thinking, what if these people go there and never come back?