Chapter 36




Please no, this can't be happening.

I feel my guts rising and I quickly turn sideways to puke.


I never knew things were this serious until now, reality just set in and it's bitter.

Aiden silently rubs my back but he can't stop the tears from flowing down my face, or the pain piercing through my heart.

Oh no!

The said King knows just how to hurt someone and he has done it to me.

How can I forget about this?

How can I erase this picture from my head?

He's taking away people that have been there for me since childhood, and this one hurts the most.

He didn't deserve this, he was so innocent and with a pure heart.

He never hurt someone, even after I broke his heart he just walked away.

He didn't even argue with me.

Jake loved me so much that he let me go.

How could he hurt him in this manner?

How could he kill him and send his head to me?

I close my eyes and release a loud wail of pain.