Chapter 4: Heartbeat.

WHY is he here? And why does my body seem stiff? I should talk, but why did Cassie your tongue retreat? My brain could not comprehend and just my eyes blinking don't know where to start.

"come with me" he brokenly said in his deep voice, but why do I feel relief when he talked?

"Why should I come with you?" I asked.

"you want my permission right?" My body seemed excited when I heard it. "Then come with me" he followed.

Wait, should I trust him after what he said earlier? "Come, if you trust me, if not, stay your feet at that place." He said as if he heard what my mind says.

When he turned back and started to walk my feet automatically moved outside the house to follow him and I see Trevon smile when he saw I was following him.

We are just walking silently wherever we are going. I was behind him still following him, my eyes looking around every step we take, and my head suddenly asked, Is he like this? He spoke limited as if he were a mysterious being.

I noticed the muscle in his legs that seemed to attract my eyes, his hands were busy removing the plants blocking our path, and his hair was tied with a black tiny pony, he seems so perfect but I know nothing about his personality.

I realized that we are walking uphill, there are many trees and the place seemed scary. It's a good thing it's early otherwise I might run back.

"Where are we going?" I couldn't bear to ask him.

"Are you tired? Just be patient, we are almost there" His response while we were walking uphill. Damn! I felt like climbing a mountain, how near is that near? I just dropped my shoulder and sigh, my body felt numb.

After thirty minutes of climbing, yeah it was not a walk for me it was a climb, we reached the place where he wants to take me.

"We're here," he said.

I was astonished by what my eyes saw, the view was amazingly beautiful. When I look down the hill you can see the view of the sea lined with sand up here, it was another beach where nobody was there and how peaceful to stay.

"So beautiful!" I'm amazed at how well I said it. So this is the place he wants to show me.

My eyes automatically captivated his side view profile and he was looking afar. A man who is a troublemaker is hiding something inside his heart, he is lonely and sad. I looked at him and there was a bit of a smile on his face while gazing at the view. "Maybe you consider it your home" I brokenly said. he still didn't take his eyes off the scene.

"This is my home, my real home" he responded. I was confused like I didn't know what does he mean. "Home is just a word created by someone because everyone needs shelter. This world is our home, where we can rest seeing those trees, mountains, and ocean, cause a shelter you called it home is just a shelter to protect you for your safety. which means, you people are scared of death," he explains. but I disagreed with his Last sentence.

"Who doesn't? of course, I'm scared, we are scared" I object. then he looked at me.

"If you are scared then you would not have been born, because we should accept the fact that people are born to die," he said calmly.

"Trevon" I just called his name cause there is nothing left to say.

I stared at his eyes, I just realized those eyes are sad, the eyes that look like there is no waiting ahead in the future.

I did not know why he was saying that kind of thing.


TREVON walked me home to auntie Jen's house, he said he was the one who ask for it so he have to make sure I got home safe.

While we were walking I was thinking about what he said earlier, I know he sounded weird but if a person relates what he was talking about maybe it would make sense but I couldn't relate so it didn't make sense to me.

We stayed there like two hours and talked about random things. although there are a lot of important things we could talk about I decided not to ask it so the mood won't be messed up.

He stopped when I stopped at the street corner. "Just here, you don't need to take me home," I said. as if he was still doubting.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah" I just answered. he nodded.

We were about to part ways when suddenly we turned around together at the same time and called our names. we chuckled when I first time saw him he chuckled. "Can I go first?" he asked and I nodded. "I'm so sorry for what I've said this early morning," His apology. he was apologizing if I give my body to him to get his yes.

"I'm sorry for slapping you" I jokingly said. he chuckled while shaking his head.

"No, I deserve it," he said.

"Well yeah, honestly" I frank. yeah, I have to be frank but in a good way. he chuckled again. "My turn" he nodded when I said it. "I just want to say that if you can't handle it anymore, cry it out. You know that is not a reduction in your masculinity." I continued.

I smiled before walking forward, I saw his eyes become sad before we part ways.

indeed, you can't know a person's personality if you just stick to judging or first impression. When you let judgment stay in your mind it leads to lifelong misunderstanding.

When I opened the door there is kyn sitting on the black leather sofa as if she was waiting for me to come home, looking at me suspiciously.

"Were you with-------

" Yeah, I was with him" I interrupt and led her. she sat up.

"Did he agree?" she asked curiously.

I sat down before I talk. I sighed, bit my bottom lip and I shook. "Hmm, we did not talk about it, he didn't say he agreed to so I bet he did not," I said.

"What? then, what did you guys just do?" she asked again like a gossip monger.

I stood up and did not answer her question and placed my hands on my tummy acting like it was rumbling. "Oh I'm hungry, I'm gonna cook"

"Hey, Cassie!" She shouted.


On the next day, I helped auntie Jen arrange the flowers in her shop. People come and go, most of them buying flowers for their loved ones. They pick flowers according to beauty but there's one thing I found out, every flower has a meaning and when they like the meaning of it they gonna buy it.

"Hasn't your mother called yet?" Auntie Jen brokenly asks. I know auntie Jen was concerned too about his sister but still, she respects my own life.

"I haven't checked my cellphone" I just answered.

"I know your mother is overprotected since you are the only child she has" auntie Jen reminds while cutting the bottom of the main stem of a flower.

Yeah, I am the only daughter. since my dad died from cancer when I was young my mother wanted me to become a doctor. "Life is short honey" auntie Jen continued.

I was just smiling at auntie jen, our topic stopped when a customer came in.

she's right, life is short, life is short not to understand my rights.

There are little flowers that have each own color that grabs my attention. Once the customers left I asked auntie Jen what flowers are those. she answered it was a gladiolus flower. " They represent hope, strength, and remembrance." Auntie Jen said. then suddenly trevon came inside my mind.

He was lack of those three, he was full of negativity that's why he seems not to enjoy his life. I feel like I want to help him to be happy but how? even myself is not that genuinely happy and I was just in my process to be there.

It's 5:30 pm and the sun is about to set, I'm on my way home from auntie Jen's flower shop. While I was walking two people are tickling my brain, my mother and Trevon. First, even though I disobeyed mom I still hoped that she was alright, and second, I wondered how's trevon today, I hope he is ---------

I stopped walking and was surprised to see trevon walking in my direction, even what was on my head had stopped thinking.

His hair is loose, wearing V-neck white shorts with ripped jeans paired with high-cut sneakers. Damn! why he looks so what on that outfit?

When he came near he stopped in front of me like five steps away from me and like before, his face back on a poker face.

The way he looked at me, and the way the wind blew his hair made my heart beat fast. "I thought you will do everything to get me?" He brokenly said. At that moment I held my chest cause I felt like my heart was about to come out.

Why do I need to feel this way? it was just a simple question that I already said to him.

God! I know this is not normal.