Chapter 5: Permission.

"CASSIE" my brain snapped back to reality from the stupor when Trevon called my name, I did not notice that he came closer.

"Yo-you just came here to tell me that?" I asked while I'm still dumbfounded.

"Hmm yeah," were the only words he answered.

Till now, this guy is hard to read. was that possible that a person will come just to remind something which was not special to him? "Ahm, I just don't know if--------

"You have my permission," He said. interfered with what I wanted to say.

My eyes widened when I heard it, couldn't even speak and couldn't believe that I can get his permission. A big smile appeared on my face. "Really?" I asked in disbelief. He did a dominant smile and nodded. "Aahhhh! thank you!" I was so happy that I did not mean to hug him.

I think Trevon was shocked by what I did and did not know if he would hug me back. until I realized that I was hugging him. I suddenly let go, couldn't even look at him, and awkwardly fixed my hair. "I-i'm sorry I was just----

"Yes, I can see how happy you are," He said with a smile on his face. I don't know why I seem to see a glow on his face that I can't explain, and that's where my chest heaved again because of his smiles. "So when do we start?" he brokenly asked.

"To-tomorrow in the setting sun" I answered. the sun setting is perfect for paint because of the mixing colors of clouds. When Trevon agreed, we parted ways with a light feeling in my chest.

Walking while smiling, and making a way in your house while seeing the birds flying freely was the best feeling in my life. jeez! it's been a long time since I felt this feeling before, and when my smile was genuine.

When I reached home, I saw kyn and deve playing games on the PlayStation. These two are low-key persons I wondered if these two will have a relationship, will they still be together like this?

They were so busy playing that they didn't notice me coming in. I positioned myself behind the sofa where they were sitting, watching the television where the soldiers and their characters are shooting.

kyn's character was hiding in the broken-down car, when she saw an enemy was coming she came out of her hiding place to shoot it, but unfortunately, the enemy saw it quickly so they shot her first and she died. "That was a stupid move cous." my reaction.

kyn and deve were startled when I talked out of nowhere. "Cassie, you're back" she surprisingly said.

"Yeah like 3 minutes ago," I said sarcastically.

"Cassie, where is trevon?" Asked deve. while continuing his game.

"He left after we talked, why?" I curiously asked.

I guess deve and trevon were about to come here together. "Oh, I thought he would come with you here, 'cause kyn said you were at the flower shop so he went there" deve's explained. I just nodded thinking about what deve said. "Yes! we won!" I was startled when deve shouted and they were happy as if they won a lottery, my two eyebrows raise when they accidentally hug each other.

I suddenly remembered hugging trevon and I just made myself believe that it was just carried on by excitement like what my eyes saw right now in front of me.

When they realized it they quickly let go of each other. I think it was the first time they hug each other and the awkwardness on their face appeared, I did not notice I smiled. "Uhm I'm gonna get a snack" kyn's excused to escape the awkwardness while deve nodded a hundred times did not know what to say and That's where I secretly giggled.


I followed kyn to the kitchen to tease her, but I caught her just standing at the sink who seemed to be in deep thought.

I approached her and she was surprised when I patted her shoulder. "Why don't you just confess him?" I said simultaneously.

"Gosh, you scared me!" she complained. She hurried to get fries to cook so that I wouldn't notice that she was thinking about what happened earlier.

"Oops! sorry," I apologize then I helped her get some juice.

She took a breath before she face me and talk. "If I confess what do you think will happen?" she asks. Even I, myself don't know what will happen but one thing I noticed and I'm sure I was right.

"Well, I think deve likes you too," I said. her reaction was unbelievable, looking at me straight and her left eyebrow raised.

"How can you be so sure that he liked me too? did he say something to you?" She excitedly asks and excitedly waits for my answer.

"No, he doesn't say anything" I just answered. I saw how kyn's shoulder dropped with disappointment, I held my laugh that wanted to burst out because of her reaction. "You know what, we will know what will happen if we do it first." I continued before leaving and returning to the living room. Well, I did not know what would kyn's reaction to what I said.

That's where people have the same thing when it comes to love, they didn't know how they express their feelings.

Even if you read thousands of books or search on google, the nervousness and fear to say this,

is still there.


The day has come when I will paint Trevon for the first time. it's Sunday and I'm preparing the tools for my painting while there's kyn in front of me eating chips. We are outside the house, there was a table and chairs but we remain standing.

I told kyn that trevon gave his permission to paint him and kyn keep thinking about how trevon agreed. "He just needs to be slapped to agree." She said in a snappy way. I chuckled.

after I zippered close the bag of my tools I faced kyn and put my hands on each side of my waist. "No that's not the reason why he agreed and if you asked me what's the reason well I don't know,"

"Chill, nice outfit" her answer was too far then she left which made my eyes narrow following her leaving.

I was just wearing gray loose jumper pants with a white shirt inside paired with black low-cut vans. My hair was braided on each side in a messy style.

I carried the bag and the empty large whiteboard. It was kinda heavy but I can lift it, my body was not that weak not to carry heavy things but don't be too heavy. Suddenly, a red pickup car stopped in front of me, when the window car rolled down it was deve who was the driver. "Get in!" he commands.

"Ha?" I asked confused. Wait, what's going on? why deve want me to get in the car?

"Trevon sent me to pick you up," Deve said. So it was trevon, he doesn't need to do this, why is he suddenly becoming a gentleman?

"Oh perfect, these tools are heavy," I excused so that it's not obvious that I'm surprised. I went ahead and got into the car and then deve start the engine.

While deve was driving, I just looked out the window of a car, it was just open so you can feel the wind in your face. The sky started to change color into brilliant yellow, oranges, and red. "Beautiful right?" deve broke the silence.

"Yeah, and I think we should hurry before it fades away," I pleased while my eyes keep looking at the sky.

"Sure!" He agreed. It looks like deve gets why I was in a hurry all of a sudden. I know he knows that I was also going to paint the skies.

After fifteen minutes of driving, we arrived at the beach. Deve helped carry my things and there was Trevon waiting at the cottage.

When he saw us coming he stood up and come to us. "Thanks, bro," Trevon said to deve and took my stuff from deve.

"No problem bro, so I got to go I think kyn is waiting," Deve said. I was skeptical when I heard it.

"Are you two going somewhere?" I directly asked. Deve shook his head and grinned.

"We are going to play a PlayStation," He answered and I slowly nodded in suspicion.

Deve immediately leaves as if he was late, and I think kyn would get mad if he was. I controlled not to laugh by biting my lips which trevon noticed. "So you noticed it too," He said.

I suddenly looked at trevon when he also noticed deve and kyn. "Who wouldn't notice? it's obvious from their movements. They are the only two who don't notice each other," I said and he chuckled again. "Better you smile every day like that, you look good" I followed with a compliment, and then he looked straight into my eyes.

"Was I look horrible since you met me?" He asked and I don't know if he was joking asking me that question so I was kinda disturbed.

"A-ah no, what I meant was ------

I was interrupted when he chuckled again and my brain asked what was funny.

"I'm just kidding, don't take it too seriously," He said. So it was a joke, I'm not used to him joking, especially if his facial expression is always neutral.

"I'm not used to it, you should warn me if you are going to joke around," I jokingly said and that was the first time to see him laughing.

I asked myself, did I make him happy? if it will be the start to enjoy his life without hatred? Because I see the hope in his face and I think that his dark world will gradually lighten up.

I don't know why I felt like making sure this would happen. I really want to help him, help him for what he wants to become.

We were about to go to the spot where I was going to paint trevon when three men came and one of them suddenly punched trevon on his cheek.

I was shocked and didn't know what was happening.