Chapter 6: Real Talk.

I WAS SHOCKED by what was happening. I see the blood from Trevon’s mouth as a man stands him up to punch him again.

My body suddenly decided to wean them off because it was three against one fight and trevon couldn’t handle that. “Hey! Stop!” I shouted out.

The three men turned around so trevon found his timing to kick a man holding his arm and punch the one who punched him. It was almost a riot and more people came to watch them fighting.

I don’t even know what to do and I don’t know how to pacify them again until the lifeguards came to wean them. “Try to interfere again and I won’t hesitate to kill you!” A man said threatened trevon but trevon laughed with some teasing. What’s on his mind? This is the first time I saw such an expression on his face.

“Do you think I’m scared? You are the only one who is afraid of dying,” He said insultingly. A man was shivering again and wanted to punch trevon again but the lifeguard pulled him away.

“If you guys won’t stop I’ll call the police!” one of the lifeguards said.

The lifeguards calmed down the three men and took them away from trevon, but as they walked away, the other one still looked at trevon badly and trevon is the same as he follows the three with a bad look.

He wiped the blood from his lower lip with his finger, he took my painting tool and headed toward me. “Let’s go,” he said as if nothing had happened. My eyes first followed trevon while my brain asked if he was satisfied with this situation, Then I followed him.

I don’t know if I can paint like this because even though I can only see his back, not his face, the annoyance and sadness will reflect on him.

When we got to the spot where there weren’t many people, he put my things aside and I also put down my board. I noticed that his forehead was wrinkled as if he was not in the mood. “If you want, let’s postpone it for now,” I suggest. He looked me straight in the eyes and put his hands on each side of his waist.

“Why? Because of what happened?” He asked and I couldn’t answer. “Why do you even want to paint if you focus on a person’s life first?” His following questions and I did not like them.

Seriously, when he is upset, I don’t like what comes out of his mouth. He was so straight to the point and did not even care about the feelings of others. “Wait, what? That’s what you think of me?” I said and I was kinda mad. I was like if he wanted to be slapped again my palm is ready.

“It’s not that what I think of you right now, it was your action and words. You are not a painter if you are a picky person so stop choosing a day when people have a good mood, just paint whenever you want,” He explained and it made me very mad.

“Is it bad to worry about someone? I care about people,” I protest and I saw how his face turned into a disappointed look.

“I thought you were a painter, if that’s the case then you can’t be a painter,” He just said then he leaves.

He left me with my tools and I don’t know if he will come back. Now we are arguing over little things when now is the start to paint him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to relax my mind, when I opened my eyes, I just asked myself when we will understand each other.


I just stayed on the beach in a hook sitting, the sapphire delight was fading and the sun has finally set. Trevon never came back and I don’t know why I have to wait for him. “I guess I have no choice,” I said. I stood up and went to the bag to open it and took out the things inside, I placed the board standing and put it on the canvas.

I put the acrylic paint on the pallet and mixed a bit of water with it and then I start to paint. Even though the sun has completely set, the mountains in the distance can still be seen so I can paint them. My painting just went straight as if I was not distracted, my eyes were on the sea and only focused on the painting.

Until I did not realize the time. I finished the painting just as my stomach was rumbling. Oh, it was seven in the evening, the time of dinner. I stared at what I had painted and I honestly felt the urge to be a painter in this painting which was not good for me.

No, this Is not what I want to see in my painting, I feel no emotion but only longing for my well-being. Shall I continue to be a painter? This is my preference but why do I still have doubts? It was as if my whole body collapsed and I seem to have lost hope. “Cassie!” A woman’s voice.

I looked in the distance when someone called my name, it was kyn running towards me and she looks excited. “How’s your painting? I'm here to pick you up,” She said once she reached my spot but when she looked at my painting, he noticed that Trevon was not in it. “Hmm, I thought you were with Trevon? Buy why?-----

Kyn stopped when she saw the tears in my eyes. “What happened? What did he do to you!?” She said it angrily. I shook my head no.

“I think I can only paint, but I will never be a painter,” I said and I sound depressed.

“Why are you saying that? Did Trevon say something bad to you?” kyn asked confused.

“Trevon’s right, I think I’m so picky,” I just answered and walked away from kyn and my painting.

That night, when I realized everything that trevon said.


I got into the car first and I was in the front seat. I found myself deep in my thoughts as if I look sensitive to any comments that I should accept and try again. I quickly wiped my tears with my palm as I realized that I looked weak.

Why are you crying over shallow comments Cassie? This is not the time to be depressed because you are not starting your dream yet.

I stopped when I felt a little banging in the back of the pickup car, I peeked through the car window and saw kyn putting my painting tools in the cargo bed. I immediately opened the car door and got out to apologize to kyn for leaving my tools with her.

“Oh my gosh couz I’m so sorry I was----

“No, it’s ok. You looked upset and there seems to be a problem so I let you go first,” kyn said. I smiled and hug her.

“Thank you couz” Then she hugged me back. When we let go of each other kyn fixed the top of my hair.

“It's a good thing that I came to pick you up otherwise you might walk while crying on the road,” She followed then I chuckled.

Yes, I also thought that if she didn’t come, I might not even know if I would go home.


Kyn and I turned in the direction where someone called her name, and it was deve, running toward us.

Once he reached our spot he catches some breath before he talked. “Oh thank God, you guys are still here,”

“why were you running?” kyn asked deve. He looks worried and confused.

“Trevon got a high fever and I wanted to take him to the hospital but he refused to,” Deve explained. Maybe that’s why he did not come back.

“You should force him to take to the hospital ----

“Show us where his house is” I interrupted what kyn wanted to say, and I decided to treat him.

“Wait, couz are you sure about it?” kyn asked my decision if I go with it. While deve looked confused. I looked at kyn and nodded.

“Wa-what is happening?” deve asked confused.

I know, there’s a chance that trevon will find out that I am a doctor if I treat him. Yes, to be a painter was my dream that’s why I got here in Malibu to pursue it, but----

after all, I am a doctor and it’s my obligation to treat sick people.