Adrien x Hospitalized! Reader

Adrien looked at the calender. it read. He sighed.

It would be two weeks before you were released from the hospital. You suffered great wounds from the impact. One week on bed rest, one week getting on your feet.

"Are you ready, Adrien?"

Adrien turned his head to see Nathalie at his door. He nodded his head. Adrien gathered his bag and slumped it over his shoulder.

On the way, Adrien gazed out the window, watching. He didn't know what he was looking for, but there was something there. The car came to an abrupt stop, pushing Adrien forward slightly.

"We're here."

Adrien got out of the car to see the great building. It was tall, yes. He walked inside to see nurses bustling around, looking for the next patient.

His eyes landed on the front desk. He walked up to it, grabbing the attention of the lady behind the counter. "May I help you?", she gave him a lifted eyebrow, curious.

"Umm, could you tell me which room (Y/n) (L/n) is in?", he asked shakily. The woman looked down, examining her nails for a moment. "Room 204, third floor. It'll be on your right, the second room.". She looked up.

Adrien nodded and went on about his business. His steps were quick as he entered the elevator, anticipating on seeing you. The bell dinged, signalling his departure.

As the lady promised, your room was the second one on the right. Adrien entered cautiously. His eyes landed on your resting figure.

Adrien made his way over to you, grabbing your hand. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry. If-if I could change it I would!", he whisper-shouted. His lips met the back of your hand, a gentle kiss taking place.

Adrien thought back to a few days ago. The car, the broken pedestrian machine, and you. You simply walked into the road, on the crosswalk.

There shouldn't have been anything wrong with that. Though, you failed to notice the broken machine. A car sped through the street, ramming straight into you.

Adrien had only noticed when he heard tires screeching.

It brought tears to his eyes now, to think of that. A single drop landed on your wrist, running down your arm. "I'm so sorry, (Y/n).", he sobbed.

Adrien listened to the beeping of the heart monitor, ensuring you were alright. An oxygen machine blew oxygen into your lungs through your nostrils and brought out the carbon dioxide. Your hand twitched.

Adrien gasped. He was disappointed when he found you still asleep. Plagg flew out of his pocket, sighing.

"You know kid, if you keep moping like this, you'll become depressed. It's happened before, and let me tell you-"

"Shut it, Plagg.", Adrien barked. Plagg knew he over stepped his boundaries. "Look, I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get all sad over this."

Adrien looked down at your pale face. "I just want her to wake up..." Tears once again formed at the ends of his eyes.

The door opened to find a nurse with a cart. Plagg zipped into Adrien's over shirt. "Uhh, is this patient (L/n)'s room?", she asked.

Adrien turned to meet her gaze. "Yes, it is. Who are you?" Adrien wouldn't let just anyone come into your room. They had to have a good, valid reason.

The woman smiled and walked over with the cart. "I'm Nurse Hadley. I'm Miss (Y/n)'s medical nurse for the time being. It's time for her medicine." Adrien allowed her to pass, watching her every move.

He watched as she injected a fluid into your i.v. It slowly went into your body. Then, the woman checked your vitals.

Your vitals were alright.

The woman left without another word. Adrien looked at you, hoping you would wake up. You didn't.

A week passed.

Adrien was on his way to see you again. Today would be the day you got out of bed. He held a beautiful bouquet of (F/flowers).

He passed by the lady at the desk, flashing a small smile her way. The woman rolled her eyes. Adrien made his way to the elevator, clutching the flowers close to his chest.

The bell dinged, and Adrien stepped out. He walked until he came to the second room on the right. A sigh escaped his lips.

"Please be awake..."

Adrien twisted the door knob and pushed it open. His eyes scanned the room. You were sitting in bed, now looking in his direction.

You gasped.

"Adrien!", you shouted. A smile adorned your lips as you held out your arms. Adrien enveloped you in an embrace, placing the flowers in your hands.

You pulled back, curious of the object. They were (F/flowers)! You pulled Adrien into another hug, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, Adrien. I love them."

Adrien blushed at the sudden gesture. "I-I'm just glad you're awake!", he stuttered. You giggled at his flustered state.

You shuffled to make room on the bed, patting the space next to you. "Sit.", you commanded. Adrien shook his head, and started grabbing a chair.

You pulled on his arm and he landed right next to you. You smiled and laughed. "(Y/n)! You need rest!-"

You cut him off with a kiss.

"Finally, you're quiet.", you said as you pulled away. You smirked at your work. Adrien's face was a deep red.


He started tickling you. Both of you were laughing that you didn't even notice the nurse walk in. She squealed, but you didn't hear it.

"I ship it!", she cheered. She raised her arms up, waving them vigorously as she ran into the hall. "It happened!"

That's when you stopped laughing. Adrien stopped tickling you, and you both looked at the wide open door. You looked at Adrien's worried exoression.

"Oh well."

You pulled him into a tight embrace, and kissed his cheek.

"I love you, Adrien."

He turned his gaze to you, smiling.

"I love you too, (Y/n)."