Hawkmoth x Reader pt.2

As years passed, Gabriel realized you wouldn't wake up. He was devastated when the doctors insisted on pulling the plug. He refused, claiming he could heal you himself.

So, he brought you to his house where he cared for you. He checked on you daily in hopes that you would wake up. Gabriel found a book that explained what would happen if he had all the miraculous.

The book said if he had all the power from the miraculous, he would be granted a wish. He, of course, plans on wishing you back to life. Today was your birthday.

Gabriel had a blanket made specially for you. There wasn't much he could do for you. There was the music box, but he never finished it.

Gabriel entered the room he kept you in. "(Y/n)...", he mumbled. His heart ached seeing you on the bed with tubes in your body.

He sat down beside you and grasped your hand. "Happy birthday." He attempted to smile.

You didn't show any sign of awakening. Gabriel sighed and stood from his seat. "I promise, (Y/n). Today, I will get their miraculous and bring you back.", he said.

He exited the room and walked down the hall. His secret room was just up ahead. He entered it and transformed into Hawkmoth.

His butterflies swarmed around him. Hawkmoth looked over the city, waiting for any signs of hatred. He spotted a mother getting frustrated with her son.


Hawkmoth gathered one of his butterflies, evilizing it. "Fly away, my little akuma. And evilize her." He smirked as he watched his butterfly fly off.

A few minutes passed until he felt the lady's presence. "Maman Pas Plus (Mom No More), are you sick of your children being ungrateful? I will grant you the power to silence them in exchange for Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous." The lady complied with his compromise.

She mutated into a monster and ran off. Hawkmoth smirked. There was a knock at his door.

He turned and called, "Come in, Nathalie." The woman opened the door with a jovial expression. "She's awake."

Hawkmoth gave a small gasp as he smiled. The first smile he had ever given in years. He abandoned the lady he akumatized, clearing her of her task.

He de-transformed and walked steadily down the hallway again. He made his way to your room, where he threw open the door. His eyes trailed over to your form.

You were asleep, but attempting to break free. Your fingers were twitching, showing signs of awareness. Gabriel walked over to you and held your hand.

"(Y/n), speak to me."

Your eyes twitched as did your lips. Gabriel looked at you in detail. A cough escaped your lips.


He wrapped his arms around you tightly, tearing up. "(Y/n)! You're awake!", he cheered. You slowly opened your eyes and saw where you were.

The tubes going inside your body had been taken out by Nathalie earlier when she saw you waking up. You wondered what Gabriel meant by waking up.

"Uh, how long was I asleep?", you asked him. Gabriel pulled back from his hold on you and sniffed. "Four years.", he answered. You gasped.

"What?!", you screamed. Gabriel nodded and hugged you again. "(Y/n), when you were hit by that car, you went into a coma.", he explained.

You took in all this information and suddenly got dizzy. "Th-that couldn't possibly have happened!", you protested. Gabriel saw your dizzy state and laid you down on the bed.

He sighed and hung his head. "I'm afraid so, (Y/n)." You took a deep breath to calm yourself.

"What's today?", you asked him. Gabriel looked at you. "(B/d) (Birthday day). Happy birthday, (Y/n)."

You smiled and thanked him. You cuqhgt up with Gabriel on a lot of things. There was something you had lingering in your mind though.

"Hey, Gabriel?", you asked him. He turned his attention to you. "What ever happened to that music box you started making me?"

Gabriel's eyes widened. He walked over to a drawer full of trinkets, digging for something. He pulled out the music box and cupped it with his hands.

"Believe it or not, I still haven't finished it after all these years."

You grabbed it from his hands and began working. You wanted to see it in action while holding Gabriel's hand. "I could use a hand, you know?", you scaractically imply.

Gabriel begins helping you until it was done. You twisted the handle on the box as it began making music. You smiled at its beauty.

"It's beautiful.", you said. Gabriel turned his head towards you, pressing his lips against yours. He pulled back and smiled.

"Not as beautiful as you."