Nathaniel x Music Lover! Reader

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You walked to class, humming to yourself. You entered the room, locating your seat at the top of the benches. Your humming ceased as you sat down.

"Hey, (Y/n)."

You turned your head to meet Nathaniel's gaze. "Hey.", you returned plainly. You turned back, mentally facepalming.

You were always so monotonous. But inside, you were a mess. You were shy beyond belief which caused you to repress your emotions completely.

Class started and the teacher walked in. You started writing lyrics in your notebook. It was the one thing that could get you through one of Madam Bustier's lessons.

Nathaniel tapped your shoulder, grabbing your attention. You glanced at him slightly, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?"

He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Um, would y-you like to go to the park w-with me today after school?", he offered. You sighed in disappointment.

"No. Sorry."

It wasn't your fault. You had to work at your family's restaurant to bring in more money. What was worse is that you would enjoy nothing more than to walk alongside Nathaniel in the park.

You had a massive crush on the red head. It was super hard to express any emotion though. You tried constantly, but everything keeps getting in the way.

Like when you tried sitting at lunch with him. Chloe tripped you and made you spill your entire tray. You had to leave school that day to retreated clean clothes, etc.

You shuddered at the memory. You took your gaze from Nathaniel, feeling guilty. He looked down and mumbled something inaudible to you.

The rest of class, Nathaniel tried starting a conversation with you. You couldn't figure out why though. The thought of him taking a liking towards you never crossed your mind.

When class ended, you gathered your books and such, and headed out the classroom. You sighed and went to your locker. "Oh, look Sabrina. (Y/n) is sad. How pathetic."

You ruled out what Chloe said and continued on. You weren't about to let a snobby rich girl get the best of you. You made it to your locker in peace.

You put your things up and went to lunch. Nathaniel caught up with you and said, "Hey, (Y/n). Wanna s-sit with me today?" You looked him in the eyes, a shine almost flickering in yours.

Your shyness took over and you didn't say what you really wanted to say. "S-sure."

You wanted to reply with a more positive response. You averted your gaze from him and continued on. Nathaniel followed you, seeing as you already had a designated spot reserved.

During lunch, you had minor chats with your crush about different things. What you liked and disliked. It felt good to finally have someone to talk to.

And you could feel your shell breaking, almost revealing your true self. When the school day ended, you bid goodbye to Nathaniel. You walked to your parents' restaurant, where you changed into your waitress outfit.

You started your shift with your old pal. He was an elderly man by the name of Joe. He always supported you in anything you did.

You approached the man with a small smile. "Hi, Joe.", you said quietly. He greeted you back with a smile.

"I'll have the same as usual...with a song."

You giggled at his attempts. "You know how shy I am!", you whispered shouted. He chuckled and replied, "I know, I know. But you should really consider it."

His voice was a bit raspy today, you noted. He sounded like he was hiding something. "Joe, is everything alright?", you asked him.

Joe sighed and gave a small laugh. "I can't hide anything from you, (Y/n). Truth is, I'm sick. Now it isn't as serious as it could be, but still." You nodded your head along with a gasp.

"But," he piped up, "if I had a kind girl to sing me her song, I would surely heal." You laughed. "Ok, but only for you. Not up...there." You pointed at the stage.

He nodded his head in agreement. You took his order and gave it to the chefs. You came back, preparing to sing.

While you were in the back, a certain red head walked in. He took a seat close to the entrance. You walked back to your old friend, smiling.

"Ok, let's hear it."

You closed your eyes and imagined everyone was gone. It was just you and Joe. It felt comfortable.

(I don't own this song. Credit goes to whoever does.).

You opened your eyes. There was a round of applause followed by cheers and whistles. You gasped as you realized you were singing too loudly.

You glanced over at Joe who was giving you a thumbs up. You blushed out embarrassment. "I never knew you could sing like that, (Y/n)!"

You turned around at the familiar voice. Your eyes widened. "Nathaniel?!"

He chuckled as he nodded his head. "Yeah. Why didn't you tell me this is where you were coming after school? I would've loved to see you perform." You scratched the back of your neck.

"Well, see...the thing is, I'm not a singer. I'm a-"

"singer." You were cut off by Joe. You turned to him in astonishment.

"Joe!" He laughed at your flustered state. You turned back to Nathaniel and pointed at your outfit. "See? I'm just a waitress."

He shook his head as he grasped your hands. "No, you're much more than just a waitress." He blushed as he averted his gaze.

"You're the best kind of friend I could ever ask for..."

You went wide eyes again. "But I'm so shy and boring! I still haven't even figured out why you were trying to talk to me all day.", you informed. Nathaniel chuckled.

"I was trying to talk to you all day to confess to you."

You looked at him puzzled. Confess what? Nathaniel cleared his throat and stared into your (E/c) eyes.

"(Y/n), I love you."

You gasped as he wrapped his arms around you. You hung your arms around his neck and felt happy. You smiled and nuzzle into his neck.

You pulled back and looked at him.

"I love you too, Nathaniel."