Reverser x Chloe's Sister! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

"Ugh, (Y/n)! Why do you even bother helping John Luke?"

You huffed a breath of air and exhaled. "Because, Chloe. I, unlike you, actually want to help others." Your sister snickered and turned away.

Even if you got on her nerves, you were her sister. She loved you more than Adrien. And that was saying something.

You got done helping John... what's his name again? Looks like Chloe's been rubbing off on you. You chuckled at the thought and got ready for school.

You got out of the limo with Chloe, smiling ear to ear. You were determined to make friends with Marinette and Alya. They just always thought you were like Chloe.

Chloe spotted Adrien and ran over to him. "Adrikins!~" You shivered at how high her voice got.

He tried getting away from her and glanced over at you. "Hey, (Y/n). Chloe..." You waved at him and walked over.

You patted his shoulder and smiled. "Good luck. She plans on confessing." His eyes widened as he slightly gasped.

You spotted Marinette and Alya up ahead. You put on your best smile and walked up to them. "Hi, Marinette. Hello, Alya. I see you're both trying new hairstyles. You look great."

They looked at you astonished and taken aback that you would compliment them. "Thanks...?", Alya said. You shifted uncomfortably.

"I just wanted you to know that I would love to be friends."

You started walking off until Marinette caught your hand. "Wed love to be friends too." She gave you a big smile.

You returned the gesture and chatted with them. Then you spotted your introverted friend. "Girls? Can-can we finish up after class? I have to see somebody."

They nodded their heads and allowed you to leave. You smiled and waved as you walked into the school. You spotted Marc behind the steps and you approached him.

"Hey, Marc! Guess what! Guess what!"

He jumped slightly as you entered his hiding spot. He sighed in relief. "I made new friends..."

He sounded sad. "What's wrong?" He looked down and drew a deep breath and released it.

"Promise me you won't leave me behind. You're all I have left in this world." You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled. "I wouldn't even dream of it. You've been my best friend since we could talk! I wouldn't just leave you."

You left the hug and looked at his journal. "Writing another book? What's this one about?" He tucked it behind him and blushed.

" can't read that one..."

You pouted and pleaded. He laughed and shook his head. "But since you're my best friend, I'll let you read this one." He pulled out another book from his bag and handed it to you.

You gasped and silently fangirled. "Awesome!", you whisper-shouted as you read each page. It was great, there was no doubt about that.

Then the bell ran and it was time for you to go to art class. You pulled Marc up and held the book. "Come on. We're showing this to the art teacher. He's been wanting a scriptwriter for some time now. And I won't accept no as an answer."

You ran up the stairs with Marc and passed some students, including your sister. "Hey! (Y/n)! Watch where you're going! Ugh, you're gonna hurt yourself...", she yelled at you. You apologized and turned to Marc and grasped his hand.

"We need to get there before everyone else. Come on."

You ran down the hall and entered the classroom. "Sir, I've found you a new scriptwriter! This is Marc, my best friend." The teacher looked at you two, holding hands, with a smile.

"Excellent, (Y/n)! Marc, what do you write?" Marc pulled his book from your arms and hid it closer within his chest. "I-I don't write anything interesting! Sorry for w-wasting your time!"

Marc ran out of the room, you going after him. His book fell but you didn't notice. Marinette walked by and shouted after y'all.

You didn't listen to her as you chased Marc. You finally caught up to him and found him underneath the stairs. "Marc, why don't you want to share your writing? It's amazing!"

"That's what you say..."

"So what? Are you calling me a liar?" His eyes widened. "N-no! I'm just saying..."

Then Marinette came over and saw y'all. She smiled and sat next to you. "Hey, I saw what happened. I wanted to return this."

She pulled out Marc's book from her bag and handed it to him. "D-did you read it?", Marc asked, scared. Marinette looked down in shame and nodded her head.

"Yes, but it was awesome! Why don't you try scriptwriting for the art class? Nathaniel needs one!" Marc blushed at the compliment and brought his book close to his chest. "Well, since both of you are persistent on this...maybe I will."

You cheered and high fived Marinette. "Ok, we gotta get there before the class ends!", Marinette shouted. You were about to leave when Marc stopped you.

"B-but what if Nathaniel doesn't like my writing? I'll have to avoid him this entire school year! Maybe even switch schools..." You chuckled and shook your head. "That won't be necessary. What could we do?"

Marinette gasped. "We could erase his name and not tell Nathaniel who wrote it just in case he doesn't like it. That way Marc doesn't have to feel insecure!" You nodded your head and grabbed the book.

You grabbed an eraser from your purse and erased his name. Y'all walked up the stars and into the room. You handed the book to Nathaniel and told him to read it and if he wanted to meet the author to meet them in the park after school.

You waited patiently for a call from Marc seeing how Nathaniel reacted. You were hanging off the edge of your seat watching your phone. Then it rang and you fell off and picked up.


It was Marc! But...he was sad... Oh no.

"Nathaniel rejected me...serves me right for even trying to be a real scriptwriter..." You tried to convince him that it was alright. "He-he probably just couldn't believe it was you! He was so surprised, he didn't mean to be rude?"

You tried to sound convincing but it got nowhere. Then he started crying. "(Y/n), I gotta go."

Before you could protest the line was cut off. You yelled out of frustration. The butler came in and smiled. "Is Madam (Y/n) alright?"

You shook your head. "No, I'm not alright. My best friend just got rejected and all I could do was talk to him! I probably made things worse!" He opened the tray he had and there was your stuffed (Favorite animal).

You took it and thanked him. He tried comforting you but it was no use. You were just sad that you didn't help Marc.

"Yes, Hawkmoth."

Marc transformed into a being with a black and white suit. A flying board complimented his act. He hopped on it and headed to his first stop.

The Dupain-Cheng Bakery.

He was determined to get revenge on Marinette and Nathaniel. Marc, now known as Reverser, flew full speed until he reached his destination. "Oh, Marinette~"

He jumped onto her balcony just to get hit in the face with a yoyo. It was Ladybug. Reversed growled and tried attacking her.

They fought for a while until Reversed gave up. He now needed Nathaniel. He wanted to switch his role to where he wrote a book with him.

He flew to the park where Nathaniel still was. He smirked and threw a paper airplane at him. "You are thrilled at the opportunity to write with Marc when he reveals his book to you. What stories unfold from then?", he said as he threw it at him.

Nathaniel ran out of the way and hid. Reversed searched for him but couldn't find him. Then Ladybug and Cat Noir came and attacked him.

Reversed growled when he found himself fleeing the scene at the park. "They can't ruin my next plan. I won't let them." He flew to the Bourgeois Hotel and flew to your room.

He knocked on it casually, knowing you were oblivious to what was about to happen.

You were crying to yourself as you clutched onto your stuffed (F/a). Suddenly there was a knock on the door. You got up and wiped your eyes.

You opened it but you were greeted by the most unlikeliest of people. He looked kind of like Marc, but that's impossible! Right?

He smirked and flew inside. You watched as he flew around the room and was about to say something. "Wh-who are you?", you cried.

He flew closer to you and practically forced you towards the wall. His voice deep, he said, "I am Reverser, the man of your dreams." You blushed at the close proximity and cleared your throat.

"M-my dream guy? What do you know about my dream guy?"

He chuckled as he brought your chin up to look at him. "I know everythibg about you, (Y/n). And I know that I'm the one you need." He tried to kiss you but you pushed away and ran off.

You ran and cried for your sister . "Chloe! Help me! Someone! Anyone!" Ladyvug and Cat Noir came and took you somewhere safe.

It wasn't long though begore Reverser found you hiding in Chloe's enormous clothing closet. You screamed and wished this would all go aeay. "Finally, (Y/n). You will join me and help defeat Ladybug and Cat Noir!"

He conjured up a paper air plane and was about to throw it at you. It was as if he couldn't bring himself to do it. He grunted ad he grabbed his other hand and stopped himself from doing anything.

"(Y/n)...h-help me!"

That sounded like Marc! Your eyes widened and you tried snatching the air plane from his hand, unaware of the danger. Reverser, or the last bit of Marc there was, yelled out to you.

"No! Don't-" But it was too late. You had touched his air plane and were now transforming into a black and white character.

You wore a black and white dress with your (H/l), (H/c) hair done in a fancy haird due. You smirked as Reverser shook his head to gather himself together.

"Yes, I'm ready. Let's capture Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous. Then we can be together forever, mon cheri~"