Reverser x Chloe's Sister! Reader pt.2

You smirked as you took Reverser's outstretched hand. He hoisted you up and you now stood beside him on his paper plane as he took off. A whistle sounded from below.

"Hey! This thing doesn't look very safe! Vehicle registration, please." Reverser looked to see Roger Cop glaring at him. You giggled as you threw a paper plane at him.


The cop paused. Then he began shooting his toy gun around shouting nonsense. "Nicely done, my queen," Reverser commented.

"Reverser!" a voice called out. Reverser growled at the ruined moment. It was Ladybug.

"Let (Y/n) go! She didn't hurt you!" She made her way closer to y'all. "I'm not (Y/n) anymore! I'm (Cool villain name)! Now, hand over your miraculous, Ladybug!"

Ladybug dodged a paper plane. "I can't do that, (Y/n)! Y'all need to stop-" "I'm not (Y/n)!"

You threw a paper plane at the heroine. She moved to the right. Reverser got her with one of his throws.

She instantly tripped over her feet. A staff came into view. Reverser conjured another paper plane.

"Reverse!" The plane hit Cat Noir. He fell to the ground with a thud.

You chuckled. "Now, we leave," Reverser said, pulling off and away from the two heroes. You watched as the now stumbling heroes tried to keep up.

Y'all flew across the sky, civilians looking at you with worried faces. "Where's Ladybug and Cat Noir?!" Some cried. Others ran about like chickens with their heads cut off.

Y'all were headed to the hotel. You raised an eyebrow. "My King, what are we doing?" He came to a stop at the edge of your balcony.

"We're getting revenge for all of the torture your sister has put everyone through. I'll make it to where she won't bully anyone, ever again!" He stepped inside the hotel. A sudden wave of anxiety rushed over you.

"U-um, can't we wait to reverse Chloe? We still have the miraculous and-" "Nonsense! Chloe has caused all of Paris grief. It's time for her to get a taste of her own medicine!" You bit your lip.

You knew your sister was man, but you didn't want her to be harmed. Reverser progressed into your room. You had to do somthing.

Do you stick with Reverser? Or do you go against him and save your sister? Reverser turned to you expectantly.

"My Queen?"

You shook your head. "I'm coming." You stepped off of the floating platform and entered your room.

Reverser took your hand and led you past the door. You looked around anxiously. You hoped Chloe wasn't here.

Y'all entered Chloe's room and caught the blonde sitting in her chair reading a magazine. "Just leave it on the table, Jean-Luke," She said, pointing at the side table next to her. Reverser threw a paper plane by her hand.

Chloe gasped and threw her magazine in the air. "What is going- (Y/n)?!" Chloe rushed to her feet.

You shifted uncomfortably. "I-I'm not (Y/n)! I'm (Cool villain's name)!" You attempted to do a power pose.

Chloe's eyes widened. "You! What did you do to my sister?!" She pointed at reverser.

"I saved her! I saved her from you! And now, you're going to know how it feels to be pushed around! Reverse!" Reverser threw a paper plane at her. Chloe dodged it.

"(Y/n), help me! I'm your sister for crying out loud!" Chloe ran around the room. You bit your lip.


The plane headed straight for Chloe. You ran in front of her to shield her from it. "(Y/n)!" Chloe screamed.

The plane hit you and you shifted into your normal self. You looked at yourself. Reverser gasped.

"(Y/n)!" He conjured up another air plane. "Reverse!"

You rushed to get out of the way. "Chloe! Hurry!" You took her hand and led her out of the room.

You rushed her inside your room and pushed her into the closet. "Stay here," You said. You shut the door and ventured back out.

Chloe started crying. She didn't want her little sister to get hurt. She had to do somthing.

She didn't have her miraculous, so that was out. She didn't have any weapon. She looked around the small space.

"Aha!" She took your hand mirror. "This should do nicely."

Chloe carefully opened the door. Reverser was still in her room. She could sneak up on him all-sneaky like if she hurried.

She ran into the other room to find Reverser holding you hostage. He glared at the blonde. "Don't take another step or else she gets it!" He had a paper plane in his hand.

Chloe stepped back. "Let her go, Marc. She doesn't deserve this." She clutched the mirror tightly behind her back.

"You're right, Chloe. She doesn't deserve this. But you do." He flipped the plane over to her. "For all the torment, all the pain and suffering you've caused the people of Paris! Reverse!"

You cried out as the plane shot after Vhloe. "No!" You reached out for you sister.

"I don't think so!" Chloe yelled, pulling the mirror from behind her back and holding it out to the flying object. "How's this for a reverse?" The plane bounced off of the reflected glass and shot right back at Reverser.

His eyes widened. He didn't have time to react and it hit him. "No!"

"Marc!" You cried as he fell to the floor. He slowly detransformed into his normal self. The akuma flew out of his platform that stood outside, and it turned back into a book.

Marc groaned as he came to. He held his head. "W-what happened?" He mumbled.

Chloe smirked to herself. "I should so get my miraculous back for this!" She gave a victorious, "Hmph!" and crossed her arms.

You wrapped your arms around him. "Marc!" He froze.

What was going on? Why were you hugging him? Why was he in the Bourgeois Hotel?

"You were akumatized, and Chloe saved you!"

Marc furrowed his brows. Chloe saved him? That snob?

He was so focused on the situation that he forgot that you were hugging him. You were holding him. His cheeks flushed and his heart skipped a beat.

His arms shakily wrapped around your torso. He felt as if he'd pass out at any moment. "Hey, get away from my sister!"

Chloe tore Marc away from you. You blushed and looked away. "H-he's fine, Chloe. It was just a hug."

Chloe eyed Marc suspiciously. Marc rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I-I'm sorry for whatever I did when I was akumatized... I don't really remember anything besides...Nathaniel rejecting me."

He frowned. Chloe scoffed. "This is all over a crummy rejection? What, he didn't like your writing? Your little-" "Chloe, stop."

You gave her a stern gaze. She looked away and gave a 'Hmph!". You turned to Marc.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to turn you down. Your writing is excellent. He probably just got nervous or something." You gave him a reassuring smile. Marc looked to the ground.

"Maybe..." He brought his gaze back up to yours. "Thank you, (Y/n)."

You blushed. His smile was so cute. "F-for what?"

"For everything. For being a great friend. For always being there for me. For making me feel accepted. For...showing me how to love." His cheeks were a deep red. He pressed his lips against yours.

It was short, but sweet. You felt your cheeks flush. He pulled away.

"Uh, hello? Sister of the girl you just kissed, standing right here!"

You turned to see Chloe standing there with her arms folded. She was glaring at Marc. You and Marc laughed.

"Ugh! Just get away from my sister!"