Marinette x Naomi x Luka

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

"I-I choose...I-I choose..."

"Hey, Naomi,"Luka said to the brunette beside him. She looked at him and kept silent. "Are you mad at me?"

Naomi smiled and laughed. "No, why would I be? You're my best friend," she answered. Luka chuckled and looked down.

"I just...I told you I was done with tours...and here I am, going on another one." Naomi sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Well, I could never be mad at you. Now if you don't bring me back something pretty, I'll be upset."

Luka laughed. "Alright. What do you want?" Naomi shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. Surprise me."

Naomi walked into the classroom and sat down. No one was there yet so she decided to play Pokemon. She was close to finding a Plaggachú.

"Awe, man..." The bell rang and she stuffed her phone back in her bag. Everyone started coming in and waited for the teacher.

Marinette went up to Naomi and took the vacant seat next to her. "Hey," she said shyly. Naomi smiled and waved slightly.

"I-I heard you l-like fasting-I mean fashion! I-I don't think you like fasting because that would be wrong and you don't seem the type to do that-I-I mean...I heard you like fashion." Naomi raised an eyebrow at the now flustered bluenette. "Uh-huh..."

Marinette's smile widened awkwardly and she stiffened. "How did you know," Naomi asked. Marinette heaved a relieved sigh as the air felt less tense.

"U-uh, I overheard you but I wasn't eavesdropping, I swear! I-I was just-" "I get it,"Naomi cut her off. Marinette laughed nervously.

"Well...I'm working on some new designs at home. Would you-would you like to come over and help?" Naomi thought about it for a moment. "Sure, why not?"

"Alright, class. Get out your books."

Naomi walked up the steps trying to get some privacy. She's been trying to face time Luka but every time she pulls her phone out someone asks for her number. Ever since she became Mari's friend she's been so popular.

"Hey, Luka," she spoke quietly. The screen appeared and there was the smiling Carribean Blue haired boy. "Hey," he whispered back.

"Why are we whispering?"

Naomi laughed and said, "I don't want someone listening in on us. How's the tour?" There was a noise and then Luka's mom was on the screen. "Aye, Naomi! How ye doin', love?"

"Mom!" The elderly woman laughed and went away. Luka huffed while Naomi laughed.

"The tour is...interesting." Naomi nodded her head in understanding. "H-hey, Naomi. Who are you talking to?"

Naomi turned to see Marinette staring back at her. Naomi gave a frustrated sigh and held her phone out. "My friend."

"Oh...I-I'm sorry for i-interrupting..." Naomi gave her a fake smile. "It's ok. I was about to finish up anyway."

"Wait- Naomi!" Naomi turned the screen and waited for Luka to say something. "U-um, I have-sur- school-see-"

The connection became unstable and the call ended abruptly. What? Naomi didn't understand a word he said.

Then the bell rang. Well, she can't call him back now. She walked with Mari to class and Mari kept asking about Luka.

Naomi was waiting for class to start when Mari walked through the door. She waved her over and patted the seat next to her. Marinette shyly went up to her and sat down.

"H-hey," she greeted. Naomi smiled and leaned back. It was silent.

A minute passed before Mari decided to speak. "A-are you ok? You look tired-I mean you look great! I just mean you seem distant-er-you get it." Naomi dipped her head and bit her cheek.

"Yeah, I get it... I just...miss him, is all."

Mari looked down in pity. Luka. The boy that had raised a lot of questions in her head.

The boy that was on Naomi's screen everyday. The boy that Naomi grew up with. The boy that stood a much better chance than she did.

"Hey, you ok? You seem...distant," Naomi chuckled. Mari gave a weak smile. "Yeah, just thinking. That's all."

And the girls sat in silence until the bell rang. The teacher walked in with someone trailing from behind her. Nsomi immediately stood up and ran doen.


She threw her arms around him and nearly tackled him to the ground. "I missed you so much! No more tours! I don't care what you say!" Luka laughed and hugged back.

"Ahem." Naomi froze and blushed. She slowly retracted from Luka and turned to the teacher.

"S-sorry, Madam Bustier..." The red head gave her s smile and said it was alright. She intructed her to go back to her seat where she told Luka to go too.

They felt all eyes on them until the teacher brought everyone's attention to the board. But even then they still felt like they were being watched. That's why when class ended Naomi rushed out of the room with Luka and out of the school.

"So...where's my treasure," Naomi asked as they walked along the sidewalk. Luka smiled and dug around in his bag and pulled something out. "Pokemon cards. The place I went to only had one of these in stock so I went ahead and got 'em."

Naomi grabbed them and ripped the package open. She shuffled through them and her eyes lit up. "Yes! I got a Plaggachú!"

"This is the best day of my life!"

"How have you been, girl," Alya asked as they sat down on the steps. Naomi shrugged her shoulders. "How's Luka~?"

Naomi's cheeks flushed and she shushed her. "What if he hears you?" Alya cocked her head to the side.

"He's not even here."

Juleka, who sat below them, laughed slightly. Naomi glared playfully at her. Naomi rested her head in her hands and pouted.

"I just wished he liked me back... Heck, I wish anyone liked me like that." Alya and Juleka exchanged glances before facepalming. Naomi looked at Alya and then at Juleka.

"What?" Alys touched her shoulder and looked at her sincerely. "Girl, I love you but sometimes you are just...dense."

Juleka nodded her head in agreement. "What do you mean," Naomi asked offended. Alya looked at Juleka for confirmation.

Juleka bowed her head and Alya turned back to Naomi. "He does like you! And so does Mari! You're just too dense to see it." Naomi stared at her blankly.

"Say what now?"

"I give up," Alya said. She stood up and walked off. "Dense! The girl is dense!"