Luka x Bad Girl! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

"(Y/n), go see Mr.Damacliez! I'm sick of your behavior, young lady!" You stood from your seat and smirked. "Beats sitting here listening to you drone on about particals and physisics."

The teacher sent you a glare as you casually walked out of the room. You heard the door slam shut behind you and you chuckled. "Finally, I can sleep in peace and quiet now."

Juleka walked into class with Luka, telling him how happy she was he was finally here. She led him to the back and sat down. "Yeah, I'm excited to see what school's actually like," Luka admitted.

Chloe walked in with Sabirna, drooling over the magazine she had. "Just look at him! I'm the one who suggested he wear that outfit by the way," she babbled on about the clothes and Adrien. Then she noticed Juleka and Luka.

She raised an eyebrow and gave a hum. "Ooh, and who might you be," she asked with a flirty tone looking at Luka. Luks rubbed the back of his neck and said, "I'm Luka. I'm guessing you're Chloe."

Chloe smiled. "Yes, that's me! I'm the school's prettiest, nicest, and most popular girl. Unlike that trash next to you." Luka frowned and looked at Juleka.

"Well, that just so happens to be my sister." Chloe gasped and widened her eyes. "How do you stand being related to such a freak?"

Luka stood up and took a step forward. "How do you stand being so rude? How do you stand all that makeup on your face? How do stand that terrible yellow you're wearing? The list goes on," he fought back. Juleka grabbed his arm and looked at him pleadingly.

Luka looked back at her and sighed. "You're lucky she's here to stop me," he spat. He sat back down and crossed his arms.

Chloe scoffed and went to her seat. "And you're lucky I don't call my daddy," she mumbled. Luka raised an eyebrow and looked her way.

They exchanged glances and then Chloe turned the other way. The bell rang and students started coming in. Luka scanned everyone and spotted Rose.

Besides Juaeka, Rose was the only person here he knew. He called her over and watched as she smiled brightly. "Luka!"

She ran and gave him a bear hug. "You're here! You're here!" Luka laughed and pulled away, noticing the attention they were receiving.

Rose blushed and bit her lip. "Sorry..." She took the seat next to him and greeted Juleka.

"'Sup," Juleka responded. They started talking until the teacher walked in and started the lesson. When class ended Luka, Juleka and Rose went to a bench downstairs to hang out.

But that seemed impossible when all of their classmates lined up to meet the new kid. Juleka laughed and nudged his arm. "Someone's popular."

You sighed and stretched out over the desk. ISS doesn't last long enough. The bell rang ans you waited for kids to start piling in.

Chloe and Sabrina came in. All of your eyes locked and Chloe scoffed. "Why is that pathetic, little rat here again? I thought they expelled her."

You raised an eyebrow. "My words exactly. Why are you here, rat?" She glared at you and growled.

"You'll regret that, rat." You rolled your eyes as she took the seat in front of you. Well, that was fun. Now to mess with the teacher.

What threw you off was when a kid with Caribbean highlights walked in. He stole your attention and you caught yourself staring.

Quickly shaking your head, you turned back to the front. Then you felt a tap on your shoulder. You slowly turned and eyed the person in front of you.

He gave you a smile and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Luka. I saw you and thought you must be new. I just wanted-" You cut him off with a laugh.

"Well, Luka, I am definitelynew. In fact, I was the first kid at this school." You smirked and saw how his expression turned to one of embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry," he said with a tiny blush.

You saw the teacher walk in and your smirk widened. "It's cool, but you might not wanna be seen talking to me," you said with youe gaze still on the teacher. She glanced at you, groaned, and facepalmed.

"Why me..," she mumbled. Then you were distracted by someone's yelling. "Ugh, you stupid Mari-Brat! You ruined my beautiful jacket!" Marinette was on the floor picking up whatever she could.

Chloe went to slap her when you caught her arm and slapped her. "Don't mess with my friends, got it," you whispered in her ear. She glared at you.

This girl really doesn't know when to stop. "How dare you! I'm calling my daddy and having you expelled!" You rolled your eyes and sat back down.

"All you ever do is whine to your daddy."

So, here you are, back in ISS. But you wouldn't have it any other way. You really should thank Chloe next time you see her.

If you don't punch her face first.

"Oh, look who's early," the teacher joked. You smirked and leaned back. "Yeah, some brat had something to say."

She sat down and sighed. "(Y/n), I need to have a serious talk with you about this situation." The woman whom you knew to be childish and all smiles was now hands folded, serious tone and expression.

Luka waited for his friends to come in. Juleka sat next to him, asleep. And Luka was bored out of his mind.

Then someone walked in. He recognized that (H/l), (H/c) hair. Those sparkling (E/c) eyes shined with familiarity.

"Hey," Luka called out. You turned your head and locked eyes with him. He walked down to you and held his hand out.

"I don't think we had the chance to properly meet the other day. I'm Luka," he said with a smile. You hesitantly clasped his hand and shook it. You kept your gaze on him suspiciously.

"(Y/n)." Then you heard someone calling Luka's name. You looked up to see Juleka slightly glaring at you.

Perplexed by this, you backed up and went to your seat. Luka went over to his sister and sat back down. "What is it," he asked a little saddened.

Juleka touched his shoulder and pointed at you. "Stay away from (Y/n). She's bad news," she warned. Luka shifted his gaze back towards you.

He didn't want to stay away from you though. He wanted to be your friend. And he didn't know why.

The bell rang and all the students filed in the classroom. When the teacher saw you she gave a dissatisfied whine. But not once did she have to get on to you.

So when class ended you could somewhat proudly say you survived class for the first time. You packed all of your things up and headed out of the room. "(Y/n)! Wait!"

You felt someone grab your shoulder and you turned to see Luka. He was scratching the back of his neck sheepishly and a tiny blush spread through his cheeks. "U-um, I was wondering if you'd like to join me at lunch."

His offer caught you by surprise, so much that you thought it was a joke. "Yeah, right. Like I'd fall for that. No, thanks," you said coldly. You walked off and left Luka there, staring at your fading form, mouth agape.