Marinette x Depressed! Reader

(A/n)- This was a requested one shot. I'm sorry but I couldn't find this user's request. Thanks for reading!

"What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"(Y/n), would you please...just-listen!" Your father slammed his fists on the table as his voice rose. You flinched and stared at him, eyes watering.

", please! I refuse to believe that!" You let the tears roll down your face like a heavy rainstorm. Your father sighed and scratched his head.

"Look, are you gonna bawl all night or are you gonna listen to me?"

You sniffed and could only think. He was acting so...indifferent. Like you were causing a scene for no reason.

The silence grew unbearable. Your eyes landed on your mother who was sipping on her tea. Her eyes were so vague, you couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"...You can leave now, (Y/n)."

The wind blew your (H/l), (H/c) tresses into all different directions. You felt the cool breeze graze your skin. You inhaled, exhaled, then carried on your way.

Marinette ran and ran until she couldn't anymore. "I'm so late! I'm so late, ahh!" She was a wreck.

As she waited for the cars to pass, she caught sight of a girl on the opposite side of the road. "Huh?" She kept her eyes on her for a minute before a car honked at her.

She jumped and scurried on her way. But then the box she was carrying fell and got ran over. "Oh...what am I gonna do now...," she asked, hanging her head low.

"No time for that! Gotta get to school!"

"Don't worry about it, Marinette. It's fine," Alya said as she walked with her friend. Mari smiled and kept silent. Alya's phone rang.

One quick glance and Alya sighed. "Listen, my mom's picking me up. Do you want a ride?" Marinette thought fot a moment until her eyes wandered to that girl from earlier.

"No, thanks...I actually have to take care of something. See you tomorrow," she said with a wave and running off. Alya looked at her confused and shrugged her shoulders. "I'll never understand that girl."

You felt a tap on your shoulder and you tensed. You turned to see a bluenette girl smiling at you. "Hi, I know it's none of my business...I just..."

Her words trailed off and you waited. "I saw you this morning," she said, rubbing her arm and biting her bottom lip. "Yeah, so," you asked quietly.

You really has no clue where she was going with this. She was so nervous that you could barely understand a word that came from her mouth. You cut her off from her rambling.

"Listen, if you're wondering if I'm homeless, I'm not. And if-" Her eyes widened and she was quick to correct you. "N-no! I wasn't asking that! It's just...I see you here, never anywhere else. Why-why is that...?"

You heaved a deep breath and looked down. "I'm looking for newspapers." She looked puzzled.

"You know, for jobs?" You held one up as an example. The girl blushed from embarrassment and apologized.

"W-why are you looking for jobs," she asked cautiously. You raised a brow. "I don't even know your name and you want my life story?"

The girl apologized once more and held out her hand. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. My family runs the bakery around the corner. What's your name?" You hesitantly took her hand and shook it.


Marinette smiled and let go of your hand. "Well, (Y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you." She looked at you for a moment before a lightbulb went off in her head.

"Hey! You can just work at the bakery!"

"Hey, (Y/n), could you bag these cookies while I take their order," Marinette asked as she wiped her hands on her apron. You nodded your head and started bagging said items. Sabine walked over to you and gave you a kind smile.

"I can tell Mari's much happier working with a friend. Thank you," she said and touched your shoulder. You glanced at Mari, staring at her bright smile. You looked down and smiled weakly.

" problem."

The bell rang and Marinette caught up with Alya. "I can't wait for summer! I'm going on a fashion trip to America," she squealed. Alya chuckled at her excitement.

"And you're gonna leave me all alone..." Alys pretended to be sad causing Mari to stiffen. "I-I promise I won't be gone long. I-"

Alya busted into a fit of laughter. "I'm joking. Besides, Nino and I are gonna spend some quality couple time. You'd just be a third wheel." Mari huffed and crossed her arms.

"Well, when you put it that way, I don't feel as bad."

As they neared the bakery it fell silent. Alya tried striking a conversation. "So, have a new person working at the bakery, huh?"

Mari nodded her head and kept walking. "She looks nice and friendly. Does she go to our school?" Marinette shook her head slightly.

"No, she's homeschooled. At least, that's what she told me," she clarified. They walked through the door and the bell rang. "(Y/n), I'm back!"

You ran from behind the counter to greet your new bestie. "Hey, Mari. I made you some cookies, they're over there. And who's your friend? Is she from school? What's her name?" Mari laughed causing you to blush.

"Sorry..." She smiled and dismissed it. "I'll be up in your room, Marinette," Alya said walking upstairs.

You kept quiet and waited for Mari to tell you what to do. "Do you wanna go upstairs with us?" You looked at her with wide eyes.

"R-really," you asked surprised, "won't your mother get mad at me?" Marinette only grabbed your hand and led you upstairs. "No, she won't. You're like a second daughter to her."

The words rooted themselves in your mind. Did Sabine really think of you that way?

It actually...warmed your heart, hearing that.

"Hello," a feminine voice called from behind you. You turned and greeted her back, but your smile you gave her faded quickly. The woman's face also fell.


The woman tensed and sighed. "Looks like you're doing just fine. I'll be leaving now," she said and started walking back to the door. Tears welled st the corners of your eyes.

"No...Why do you hate me?!" The lady stopped in her tracks and made another u-turn. A look of disgust was displayed on her face.

"I hate you because you're not child. I hate you because you're the reason my husband wanted to stop trying. I hate you because...well, just because." With each word she spoke a hammer bashed at your heart. Tears lined your cheeks.