Adrien x Miraculous! Akumatized! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

"You can't be serious!"

Adrien flinched as you yelled at him. "You're going to America?! On my birthday?!" "I'm sorry, ok?!"

You sniffed and wiped your eyes. Adrien grabbed your hands and stared into your eyes. "My father won't let me skip this one... Believe me, I tried."

You stood there a moment gazing into each other's eyes. You swallowed the lump in your throat and let out a shaky breath. Your lips quivered as you spoke.

"Well you didn't try hard enough."

You turned on your heel and walked off, not paying attention to Adrien calling your name. You wiped another tear from your face and tried to steady your breathing. But each step you took you felt guiltier.

Guilty because you knew it wasn't his fault. But you lashed out on him anyway. All because you wanted to be selfish.

Suddenly you heard the flapping. The flapping of an akuma.

You ran and ran until you could no longer sense the dark butterfly's presence. But a sudden thought came to your mind. If Hawkmoth released an akuma, someone else could get akumatized.

"Awe, great. Just what I need is another fight."

You quickly hid in an alley and called Luna's name. She flew out of your bag and greeted you. "(Y/n), what's wrong," she asked as she pointed at your now puffy eyes.

"Nothing. Come on, we need to save someone." She sighed. "Alright, say the words."

"Luna, howl on!"

"Hand over your miraculous, you stupid wolf!" You landed on a house and grunted. "Not a chance, cry baby!"

You swung at her and she dodged your attack. You started to fall but you caught the roof with your staff. Where were those two?!

You've been fighting this villain for an entire hour by yourself! No sign of Ladybug, no sign of Cat, nothing. And you were done.

You swung one final strike and successfully hit the villain, knocking her back. She clutched her pendant tightly. "You'll never win! Hawkmoth is more powerful than you!"

You approached her and kneeled down. "No, Hawkmoth will never win. He's a coward, and cowards have no power." As she stared at you dumbfounded you grabbed her pendant and threw it down on the ground.

"Run along now. I'm sure you've got someone who's worried about you," you said as you caught the akuma and trapped it. The rest would be up to Ladybug. The girl looked around.

"Uhh..." You scoffed and extended a hand out to her. "Come one. I guess it's my job to take you home."

After you dropped the girl off and sent the akuma to Master Fu, you went home and detransformed. You were so done with today you didn't care about anything other than sleep. So you got in your bed and closed your eyes.

And when you woke up it was 7 a.m. You didn't care that you were gonna be late. You got out of bed and got ready for school.

But on your walk to school you thought about Adrien. You were pretty harsh on him yesterday. "Guess I'll have to apologize..."

So that's what you prepared for. And you finally perfected your request for forgiveness when you turned the corner of the school. And you dropped your bag.

"Adrien Agreste!"

Your eyes widened and any pity you had for the blonde wiped clean. His eyes locked with yours and he fumbled around with hid words. You stopped him before he made a fool out of himself.

"Look, I know I was in the wrong. But rebounding with Marinette is definitely not the right thing to do here!" Hot tears ran doen your cheeks and you didn't even bother trying to hidr them. Marinette shook in fear and tried to clear things up.

"No, Mari! Just shut up!" You walked up to Adrien and slapped him. "You don't deserve my forgiveness." You started walking away when Adrien grabbed your arm.

"(Y/n), please-" You threw his arm away and glared at him. "No, Adrien. No, '(Y/n), please'. I'm not having it. I came to apologize and I find you kissing a girl who isn't your girlfriend! I'm done!"

You stomped off and walked home. Forget Adrien. Forget Marinette.

Forget everyone and everything. You couldn't care less right now. "I'm so done with this day," you mumbled to yourself.

"If you wanna do something, Hawkmoth, now's the time to do it," you shouted to the sky as if said super villain could hear you. You threw your arms up and waited. Waited for anything.

And that's when everything went black.

"I'm so sorry, Adrien." Marinette clinged onto Adrien's arm apologizing. Adrien tried shaking her arm off but failed.

"Just stop, Mari. I know it's not your fault so just stop." Marinette grew quiet and finally gave up. Adrien gave her one last look before walking away.

Now Mari was alone. She let a single tear cascade down her rosy cheek. "This is all my fault..."

"You're right. This is all your fault."

Marinette turned and gasped ad she saw the villain in front of her. Her wicked smirk, her evil glare, and her mocking laugh. "(Y/n)..."

"Ooh, we have a smart one here," you said sarcastically. You landed on the ground and stared at her. "How..."

She couldn't even form a sentence. Mari was so shocked that she began backing up. "(Y/n), I promise! I didn't mean-"


You pointed your staff at her and she stood frozen in fear. You chuckled and walked up to her. "Now, why would you go after my man? Hmm?"

As she was about to say something abother staff reached out towards you. It knocked you to the ground with a thud. You rubbed your head and groaned.

Your eyed peered up to see Cat Noir helping Mari. You growled and swung your staff at him. He looked at you and jumped, dodging the attack.

"Go somewhere safe," he said to Mari as he got in front of her defensively. You got into a battle stance and swung again. He dodged.

And you swung again. He dodged. You growled and shot daggers at him.

"Why won't you fight me, you stupid cat?!" Cat flinched and gripped his staff tighter. He gritted his teeth and waited for another attack.

"Come on, fight me!" You ran at him but he only moved aside. Cat could feel the warm tears lining his eyes.

Then Ladybug landed beside him. "Hey, Cat. What- Cat?" Ladybug broke her pose and looked at him.

"Cat, what's wrong?" Cat sniffed and shook his head. "Nothing. Now go away. I can handle this on my own."

Ladybug then put her fists on her hips. "I am not doing that. You look like you just lost the one person you care about your..." She didn't even have to finish that sentence to know it was true.