I was Tagged Again

This will have to be the last part in my Miraculous one shots because I'm already at 200 parts. So I guess I'll go ahead and get this out of the way. Do y'all want me to continue making one shots after this is done?

If so, what kind of one shots?

Thanks! Ok, now back to what this is about. I was tagged by , thank you! Go check them out!

Here's twenty people I'm gonna tag:

If you're tagged, please look at the photo above. Thanks! And here are my answers to the tag.

1. I cannot leave the house without my phone.

2. I don't really have a preference of makeup, but I like the makeup at Ross and the brand E.lf.

3. My favorite flowers are dandelions but if someone is getting me flowers I want red roses.

4. I don't really have a favorite clothing store. But I guess I'd have to either go with anywhere expensive where they have good clothes or the cheap clothing sections of Wal-Mart.

5. Again, no preference of perfume. Just whatever smells sweet, like lavender or something like that.

6. I love wearing heels!

7. I do have good grades. My lowest is an 86 in Algebra, the rest are A's. And I have all advanced main courses.

8. My favorite colors are pink and blue.

9. I drink Monsters, Breakfast Essentials, Diet Mountain Dew, and coffee. Those are my energy drinks.

10. I do drink juice. I drink orange juice mostly but I also drink apple juice and any of those things like Capri Sun.

11. I love swimming!

12. No...I don't eat fries with a fork. I use my fingers and dip them in my ice cream!

13. I guess my favorite kind of moisturizer is Germ X because it gets rid of germs.

14. It would be cool to get married later on in life but I don't know if that'll happen. So, I'm pretty chill with having my friends, family, and cats!

15. You can make me mad just by disagreeing with me. I get mad really easily.

16. I don't ghost hunt, myself, because I don't really believe in those phony things on T.V. I mean, I believe there are spirits wandering the Earth but not like on T.V. But I like to watch Ghost Adventures and some other ones like that anyway.

17. I have probably one of the most common phobias out there. Arachnophobia. Yes, ever since I had to take food out to the dogs at my Gran's house and got trapped outside by a huge Banana Spider, I've been a little anxious around spiders. And whenever I see or feel one of their webs, nuh uh! Forget it! I'm out! *Shivers*

18. I do bite my nails. My Gran and Granny, two different generations, tell me that it's very unsanitary. But I can't help it.

19. Yes, I've had technically two near death experiences. When I was born they had to careflight me because I was really sick and couldn't breathe. My Gran says I looked like E.T. And just last year, though most of you already know this, I got into an A.T.V. accident that injured both me and my cousin. It was my fault.

20. Coffee is awesome! I love coffee. When I go to my Gran's house sometimes she'll make me coffee and put it in my Kitty Cat Cup. She makes it so creamy and sweet. I might be part cat, guys.