Nathaniel x Male! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! And some things in here might be offensive towards gay relationships, but its only for the plot! If this bothers you please don't read. Thanks for reading!

"No son of mine is going to be gay!"

You cried as your father shamed you. "You have brought shame to this house!" It hurt.

"You're no longer a part of this family."

You checked your phone for a new update on Nathaniel's new blog. He had been posting comics every week now. You were hoping for another Illustrator one.

Speaking of, here he comes now. You put your phone away and smiled at your friend. "Hey, Nath. How's it going?"

Said male greeted you back. "Nothing much. I just got here. I'm on my way to the art room if ou want to join me." He had a folder clutched tightly in his hands.

"Is that your comic collection?" You asked curiously. Nathaniel nodded his head. "Yeah, but recently I've been having artist's block. I can't think of anything."

You gave him a reassuring smile. "I can help!" Nathaniel quirked an eyebrow.

"You can?" You hummed in response. "Yeah, I have a couple of ideas for your Illustrator comic."

And thus y'all were off to the art room.

You were sitting at lunch with your group of friends. Alix sat across from you, Juleka sat next to you, and Marc sat on your right.  Y'all were currently talking about the new art contest coming up.

"I hear Nathaniel's planning on finally publishing that super secret comic for the comtest," Alix said. You raised an eyebrow. "Super secret comic?" Alix nodded her head.

"Yeah, apparently he's been working on it for a year now. I'm surprised you didn't know about it considering you're his best friend." She went back to eating her lunch. You thought about it.

Why wouldn't he tell you about it? Juleka piped up, "Yeah, speaking of, you two seem pretty close. Are you guys a couple or something?" Her question made your cheeks grow red.

"W-what? No! I don't like Nathaniel! That would be weird!"

Alix smirked. "Could have fooled me." Then she went back to her lunch.

"H-he's just a friend..."

You walked into the art room, ready to greet Nathaniel. He was drawing in his sketchbook at his desk. "Hey, Nath. How's it going?"

Said male jumped and rushed to close his journal. "Oh, (Y/n)...hey." You raised an eyebrow at his odd behavior.

"Is that another comic idea?" You asked. Nathaniel shyly nodded his head. You smiled.

"Can I see?"

"N-no! No...i-it's not ready yet." Nathaniel put the sketchbook in his bag. You frowned.

"Ok...just let me know when it's done. I'm really excited to see what you have in store for the competition." The bell rang, putting your conversation on pause. You looked at Nathaniel, ready to go.

And you both walked to class together, you worried about the rapid beating of your heart.

You sat at the table with your mom and dad. You were wondering how to tell them. You had realized what the feelings you were having were.

You were falling for Nathaniel. You guessed that when Alix and Juleka brought it up, you suddenly realized that they were right. You had never noticed how you felt before that day.

You were gay.

And you were ready to come out of the closet. But how do you tell your parents about this change? How do you tell them that you've fallen for your best friend?

Well, you had to start somewhere. "...Hey, Mom? Dad...?" You hesitantly looked up at them.

"Yes, (Y/n)?" Your mother asked as she read her book. Your father glanced at you to show he was listening. You drew a deep breath, and let it all out.

"I-I'm in love with someone," You started. Your mother smiled. "That's great, Hunny. Who's the lucky girl?"

You averted your gaze. "Th-that's the thing... It's not a girl." Your mother put her book down.

Now both of them were staring at you. You were nervous. Your father cleared his throat.

"So what are you saying, Son?" He was almost begging you to take it back. You felt your cheeks go red in embarrassment.

"I'm in love with Nathaniel... I'm gay."

Your mother went to say something when your father cut her off. "No! That's not how that works! You are not gay!" He stood from his chair.

Tears formed in your eyes. Why was he so mad? Your mother tried to reason with him.

"No son of mine is going to be gay!"

You cried as your father shamed you. "You have brought shame to this house!" It hurt.

"You're no longer a part of this family."

Your father marched out of the room, leaving you and your mother. You sobbed. Arms wrapped tightly around you.

Your mother hushed you and ran a hand through your hair. "He doesn't mean it. Give him some time to let it sink in. It's ok." She wiped away your tears.

"I am very happy for you, (Y/n). Nathaniel is very lucky to have you in his life." She rocked you in her arms soothingly. "Can I tell you something, (Y/n)?"

You gave her silence. "I kind of knew from the start that you were gay." "H-how?"

"A mother knows her child well."

You walked up the steps of the school, heart racing and cheeks reddened. Your mother had convinced you to confess to Nathaniel today. You were very nervous.

You spotted the red head ahead of you. "N-Nathaniel!" You caught up to him.

"(Y-Y/n)?" He had his sketchbook tightly against his chest. He had been working on his comic entry.

"I-I have something to t-tell you." You found it suddenly hard to breathe. You tried to look away but pulled yourself together.

"I love you."

You felt your hands shaking. Nathaniel wasn't saying anything. He was staring at you with wide eyes.

"(Y/n), I-I don't know what to-" Nathaniel was cut off by someone running into him. He dropped his sketchbook and it fell open. Inside were drawings and such of Marinette.

Your eyes widened. He...he still liked Marinette? You quickly took the book before Nathaniel could get it.

You flipped through it, finding nothing but Marinette. He was planning on using this as his competition entry? The last page was of a kiss.

A kiss between him and Marinette. It hurt. Tears filled your eyes.

"(Y/n)- I-" "No, no. It's ok. I'm sorry. I-I'll leave you alone now." You handed him his book back and turned away.

You let the tears flow out as you rushed down the street. Of course Nathaniel wouldn't like you. He only saw you as a friend.

And now, he wouldn't see as anything.

You ran home and to your room. You knew the chances of him rejecting you were high. You just didn't know it would actually happen.

You aid down the door as you sobbed. There was knocking from the other side. It was your mother.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" She tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. "Why are you back home so early?"

You sat leaned against the wall while your mother tried to get in. You stuttered and choked out, "M-mom, please...leave m-e alone..." You sighed as the knocking stopped.

"...What happened, (Y/n)?"

You wiped your tears away and sniffed. You should've never said anything. You should've never told them about your feelings for Nathaniel.

You should've never confessed to Nathaniel. You drew a shaky breath. "He...rejected me, Mom. Nathaniel rejected me."

You stared at the purple butterfly circling your window. It flapped around, staring back at you tauntingly. And then it was dark.

"I'm sorry..."

(A/n)- Sorry if the ending was a little off. I didn't want it dragging out. And the rest is up to y'all! Sorry, but I'm not making a part 2 to this. But I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! Bye for now!