Chapter 10

Marinette's P.O.V:

"...and that is the end of our tour!" Dick smiled at the class. "I now have to turn you all over to your teacher here," He points to Ms. Mendeleiev. "but I hope you all have a wonderful time in Gotham."

"Okay class, I'm going to need you all quiet down and line up in alphabetical order." The teacher informed as Dick walked away. "Except you, Marinette."

"Why does she get special treatment?" Ayla seemed to be annoyed that I was once again singled out.

"Mr. Wayne and her parents came up with an agreement for her." The teacher almost sounded bored. "She will be staying elsewhere while we go back to the hotel. If you want to, now would be the time to say goodbye to her and don't worry, we will see her tomorrow at the Wayne botanical gardens."

All my friends gathered around me. "Why didn't you tell us you won't be staying at the hotel with us?" Chloe was the first to ask.

"Well I wanted to, but you all ran away from me today." I shrugged at my friends.

"Well yeah." Alix lightly punched me on the shoulder. "We saw how you were looking at Dick's brother over there." They all looked over to Damian who was talking quietly with Dick. "You two seemed to have hit it off." She wiggled her eyebrows at me who was now blushing a light pink.

"Aliiix! Don't tease me like that." I hid my face behind her hands.

"So, where are you staying then anyways?" Adrien questioned her.

"You guys promise not to freak out if I tell you?" I peeked between my fingers.

"We promise." All five of my friends said at the same time.

"I'm staying with Mr. Wayne and his family at his Manor." I braced myself for all my friends answers.

"Awesome!" Kim yelled excitedly at the same time Alix whispered "Woah."

"Why did he agree to that?" Max looked up from behind his glasses.

"I... I don't know." I shrugged. "But I have seemed to have already met most of his family and Damian is under the impression that they all like me."

"Wait wait wait wait wait." Chloe grabbed a hold of my shoulders. "Are you telling me that you have been chatting with the real Damian Wayne all day?"

I nod. "Please don't tell anyone though. I don't need the rest of the class on my back more than they are already."

"Of course, we won't." Adrien spoke up.

"Thanks." I looked over at the class lining up. "You better go line up before Madame Mendeleiev gets mad. Apparently, someone already went to get all my things from the hotel, so this is goodbye until tomorrow." I open up my arms for all my friends to give me a group hug. After an onslaught of farewells, the class gets in line and piles onto the bus.

When the bus is out of sight, I turn around to meet up with Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian. "So, what now?" I ask.

"Dick and Tim here still have some work to do, Sunshine." Jason lazily wraps his arm around my shoulders. "So me, you and Damian are gunna ride back to the house. Are you ready to go Pixie-pop?"

"Pixie-pop?" I raise an eyebrow at the nickname.

"Yeah." Jason smiles down at me. "You are just so tiny and adorable that the name just fits."

"Okay, I guess." I shrug. "But what's up with you and your family giving me all these different nicknames?"

"What do you mean? I thought I was the only one giving out the amazing nicknames."

"No." I giggle. "Damian gave me one too."

All of Damian's brothers look at me like I was satan or something.

"Really?" Tim asked, intrigued. "What does he call you?"

"That's none of your concern, Drake." Damian barks.

"We wanna know, baby bird." Dick calmly pats Damian on the shoulder.

"Forget it." He scoffs.

"No, Damian. It's okay." I  gently grab his hand.

It was like night and day how quickly his features changed. Instead of his usual brooding look, his face relaxed and he smiled down at me. "Okay." He sighed.

Damian's brothers watched in what seemed amazement at how I could have such a drastic impact on him in a matter of seconds.

"Damian calls me 'Angel'." I say while looking back to his brothers.

"Demon spawn said that?" Jason asked in disbelief as I nod. "Are you sure?"


"And you don't have a fever or anything?"


"And he didn't say it sarcastically?"


"Am I dreaming?"

"No." I laugh at his antics.

"Please stop harassing her." Damian glares at Jason.

"And you taught him how to say please?" Dick gave me a quick hug. "Maybe you really are an Angel. We need to keep you around." He winks at me.

"Come on."I cocked my hip to the side. "Damian isn't that bad." I say in a serious tone. "If you say so, Sunshine." Tim pats me on the head.

"Hey, that's my nickname, Timmy." Jason pokes his brother on the side of the head. "Go get your own."

"I will." Tim rubbed the side of his head where he was poked. "And it will be a million times better than yours."

"Not that this isn't riveting," Damian says sarcastically. "But I would like to go home. Alfred texted. He's waiting for us out front."

"Looks like you have to be going." Dick waved to me. "We will see you at dinner tonight." Dick said.

Jason grabbed me by my free arm and guided me to the front doors with Damian in tow. "Bye Dick! Bye Tim!" I yelled over my shoulder as we exited through the doors.

Jason stopped in front of a large stretched limo with an older gentleman standing beside it. The man opened the door as they all approached.

"Good afternoon Master Jason, Master Damian." He nodded respectfully at the two. "And you must be Miss Dupain-Cheng." He nodded his head towards me. "It's lovely to meet you. I am Alfred Pennyworth but you can call me Alfred."

"Hello Alfred." I say giving him one of my signature smiles, which makes him smile back. "Damian has told me a lot about you. It's so great to meet you too."

"All good things, I hope." He states as Jason ducks into the limo.

"Of course." I look back Damian who give me a sheepish smile. "He thinks you are one of the 'sane ones'." I use my free hand to do air quotes.

"Well I'm flattered, Master Damian." He gives him a smirk while eyeing our joined hands.

The two of us climb into the back after Jason and buckle up while Alfred closes the door and walks his way to the driver seat. Not long after, Alfred starts the car and we all make our way to Wayne manor.