Chapter 11

Marinette's  P.O.V:

"Is this your first time in a limo, Pixie-pop?" Jason asks as I stare out the window in wonder.

"No. Some of my friends have one and I've been in my uncle Jagged's a few times, but the view from the window has never been this amazing." I answer while pulling out my sketch book to start drawing.

"You think Gotham looks good?" Jason looked at me confused. "You live in Paris. I know for a fact that Paris is a better-looking city than Gotham will ever be."

Putting my pen down, I look over at Jason. "I guess it depends on how you look at it. All I have ever known is Paris and yes the city is beautiful but its like comparing apples to oranges." I point to an old brick apartment building. "You see that? The faded red-brown color of the brick and the rusty steel fire escapes." Both Damian and Jason look out the window and nod. "We have nothing like that in Paris, with the deep colors and the industrial feel. Sure, it may look run down to you, but to me it's inspirational."

The boys watch me for a few minutes as I sketch out my idea and then once done I turn the book to them. On the page is a red-brown jumpsuit with a black belt synched around the waist. Over top of it is a rust colored crop leather jacket with studs and a pair of black combat boots. "See. If you just look at everything at the right angle then you can make something amazing out of it."

"This is amazing, Angel. And to think you only came up with this in about 3 minutes." Damian smiles fondly at me.

"Thank you, Damian." I blush while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear to look down at my lap.

Alfred watches fondly at the two of us from his rear-view mirror. "So, Miss Dupain-Cheng" he speaks up. "I think you would be happy to know that we have an old sewing machine at the manor that you are more than welcome to use."

"Please, call me Marinette. I know my last name is quite a mouthful." I smile at him through the mirror. "And I wouldn't want to use your things like that. I'm just grateful you are letting me stay at all."

"It would be no trouble, Miss Marinette. No one even uses the old machine anyways."

"If you insist." I think for a moment. "Maybe I can make you all something as a thank you."

"You don't need to do that, Pixie-pop." Jason pats me on the head gently. "You can make whatever you want to."

"Well I want to make something for you all." I swat his arm away playfully.

Damian grabs my hand and I look over at him with surprise on my face before settling with a grin. "You are too kind, Angel."

We stare at each other for a long moment and were slowly moving closer together before Jason clears his throat loudly, effectively breaking us apart. "Not that I don't love the new and improved Damian, but could you guys kiss each other anywhere other than in front of me. It freaks me out."

I duck my head down while Damian glares at Jason. "We were not going to kiss, Todd. Mind your own business."

"We are almost here." Alfred speaks up before a fight can escalate. "We are heading through the gate right now."

I quickly shuffle my way to the window to look out. "Wow... You all live here?" I catch sight of the large and vast manor with its many roof peaks and windows. "This place is amazing." I say in awe.

The limo pulls around to the front doors and comes to a stop. Alfred makes his way around the vehicle and opens the car door for all of us. Damian is the first to step out and he holds out his hand for me to take.

Stepping out, I take in the sight around me. The manors grounds seemed to be perfectly manicured, with its green grass and shrubbery shaped like many different animals. The building itself towered above me and I looked at it with awe.

Everyone with me watched me take it all in and they all smiled at my elation of everything around me. Breaking out of his trance, Alfred opens up the front door for all of us.

"Welcome to Wayne manor, Miss Marinette."

Looking away from all the tall stone columns at the front of the house, I make my way to the doors Alfred is holding open.

"Thank you." I whisper to the butler as I pass through the doorway.

The inside of the manor was just as beautiful as the outside, from the marble floors to the crystal chandelier.

"So, how do you like the place, Sunshine? I know its better than that grungy hotel you were staying at." Jason leans his arm on my shoulder.

"It's beautiful." I look up at Jason. "I am 100 percent going to get lost in this place."

"Just don't go wondering off all by yourself and you will be fine." He laughs at me.

"Master Damian, why don't you show the lady to her room. All her things from the hotel should already be there." Alfred encourages. "Then afterwards you should show her around."

"Yes, Alfred." Damian takes my hand without hesitation.

Once out of ear shot of the other two, I look up at Damian. "Who went and got my things from the hotel anyways? I forgot to ask earlier."

"Selina did, I believe." He said matter of factly.

"Selina? Who's that?" I tilted my head.

"My father's fiancé. We all felt it would be best for a female to get all your things. Plus, she is the most discrete."

"She went through my things?" I was completely mortified.

"No. She just looked through your room for anything that wasn't in your suitcase that seemed to be yours and actually put it there. If she missed anything, we can always go back for it."

I sighed in relief. "I just didn't want her to go through all my clothes. That's kind of weird. But all of my important things I carry with me at all times." I pat my purse.

"Selina would never invade your privacy like that but she is very excited to meet you. Along with Barbara and Kori."

"Who are they?" I ask as we round a corner to a hall with doors every few yards on either wall.

"Barbara is a family friend. Her father is the police commissioner here in Gotham and Kori is Grayson's girlfriend." Damian stands by a door half way down the hall. "This is your room."

I look at the door before turning my attention to Damian. "When will I get to meet them?"

"I don't know when you will meet Kori because she is out of town for a bit but the others will all be here for dinner in a few hours."

I open the bedroom door and step in. Looking around, I see two large windows on either side of an immaculate four post bed with a chandelier hanging over it. Bedside tables are on either side, with my suitcase at the foot of the bed and to the right of the doorway I entered is a desk with a lamp and chair. On the far-left wall are two more doors and the right wall has a large flat screen TV with a loveseat in front of it.

"The first door is the walk-in closet." Damian points. "It's pretty much empty. The second door is your bathroom. It should have everything you need in there."

"This" I gesture to the whole room. "is way too much. I'm seriously going to have to thank your father like a million times before he will ever understand my gratitude. A smaller room would have sufficed."

"We don't have small rooms." I look to see if he is serious or not and I quickly find out that he's not joking. "But if you don't like this room, we have other vacant ones you can choose from."

"What?" I shake my head. "No, this room is more than enough. It's probably twice the size of my room back home and I haven't even seen the other two rooms." I pull off my hat and walk over to set it on the bed. Looking back, I see Damian still standing in the doorway intently looking at me. "Do I have any neighbors?"

"To the right of this room is Todd's and to his right is Grayson's. Across the hall from him is Drake's and then Barbara's when she stays here. Then there is mine."

"So, you will be directly across the hall?" I ask as I feels the silk sheets.

"Yes." He nods.

There is an awkward silence for a moment before Damian clears his throat. "Do you want me to show you around?" He holds out his hand for me to take.

I look at him for a moment before cracking a smile and nodding. "I'd love that." I take his hand to follow him out.