Chapter 24

Damian's P.O.V:

"No!" I hear my Angel scream from her room. I slowly get up and walk to Marinette's room. I take a few moments before knocking softly at her door. "Angel? Are you okay?" I ask concerned

I hear her slide out of bed, then walk to the door to open it. "Hey, Damian. Sorry I woke you." Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she finally gets a good look at what I was wearing and I can tell she finally realizes that I'm shirtless. I squirm a little in place when she try's hard not to stare at my muscular body. Finally she forces her eyes back to mine.

"That's ok." I look at her with concern. "What happened?"

"I, uh..." She looks down at my abs for a moment before looking back up at me. "I had a bad dream is all."

"Are you sure you're okay? You look kind of out of it." My voice dripping with concern.

I can tell she doesn't want to tell me the real reason. So I will let her tell me when she's ready. She nods, "I'll be okay once I calm down."

"Do you want me to stay with you until you fall back asleep?" I ask.

"Yes." She smiles up at me. "That sounds nice." Marinette opens up her door the rest of the way for me to enter. Kicking some stray clothing out of her way as she makes a path way for us to the bed as we get in the room.

I leave the door open as I go down the path she made. Alfred the cat sneaks his way in. Before I could sit on the edge of her bed, the cat jumps up there first.

"Oh, a kitty! I almost forgot about Alfred the Cat." She reaches out to scratch his head.

"Yeah, sometimes he's hard to find. He wonders all over the manor." I smile as the cat playfully rubs against Marinette's leg. "He's not much of a people person. This is an odd thing for him." I say.

"That's what they said about you." She scoots over in her bed and pats the free spot next to her. "Come sit down. I wont bite." The bluenette grins at me.

"Are you sure?" I look at the bed.


I hesitantly climb in bed next to her and Alfred the cat. The cat playfully pounces on my foot before running over to Marinette to curl up on her lap. "I think he likes you more than he likes me." I say jokingly.

Marinette gently leans her head against my chest. "What? Are you jealous?" She says playfully.

I smile down at the small girl leaning against me. "No. Should I be?"

"I guess not." The cat suddenly jumps off the bed and runs out the door. "Easy come, easy go."

"He doesn't stay in one place for long." I hesitantly wrap my arm around her to get more comfortable.

Marinette smiles at me before she intertwines her fingers with mine. "I really am sorry I woke you up."

"I don't mind, Angel. I wasn't really asleep anyways."

"What were you doing then?" She looks up at him.

"Just thinking." I smile down at her.



"What about us?"

"I was just trying to figure out what we are."

"I get that." She nods. "I was wondering the same thing too." Marinette looks back up to the ceiling. "According to Lila, you two are already a couple." She giggles. "I would hate to break you two apart."

"Well she's delusional. There is nothing there to break apart." I shake my head. "She's not even my type."

"You have a type, huh?"

"I do." I run my free hand through her hair. "She has to be strong and have a smile that could light up the whole world. She has to know when to put people in their place how to do it. She also has to be selflessly brave and possibly a little bit too kind for her own good." I see Marinette shift to look back up at me. "Plus, having an adorable French accent wouldn't hurt either. Neither would the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen."

Marinette blushes for a moment before reaching up to kiss me on the lips. The second time this happens is just as powerful as the first and I hope that I will never lose this feeling. Pulling away, she smiles softly at me. "You know, for a guy who says he's never done this before, you sure are a smooth talker." She pecks me on the lips again.

"I'm only being honest, Angel." I cup her cheek. "You know I just want you to be happy." I say truthfully.

"You know what?" Marinette looks into my emerald green eyes. "I want YOU to be happy. I think you underestimate how beautiful and rare your smile is. I get butterflies every time I see it. Your happiness brings me happiness." I can tell she's being genuine based on her tone and the look on her face.

I smile even brighter at her and finally asks the one thing that was on my mind. "Marinette, will you be my girlfriend?" I can tell I shocked her by the expression on her face but I continue anyways. "I know most people would probably tell us to give this some more time but I don't care. I can't find a single good reason to wait."

"I thought you would never ask." She grabs both sides of my face and leans in for another long kiss. She slowly pushes her lips against mine. Her soft pink lips are soft and plump, while I don't hesitate to kiss back. I slowly melt into the kiss, she tastes sweet, there's a sweet sensation. We reluctantly pull away. "Yes." She says, out of breath. "I would be happy to be your girlfriend."-------------

Alfred's P.O.V:

I was just about to wake up the household for breakfast when I rounded the corner and saw Jason, Tim and Dick all gathered around Marinette's door.

"What's going on?" I ask as I approach all the boys.

"Shhh." All the boys replied.

"Come look." Dick waved me over. "But don't wake them." He whispered.

Looking inside the doorway, I saw Damian peacefully sleeping in Marinette's bed with Marinette herself quietly sleeping with her head on his chest. I briefly smiled at the young couple before turning to the boys. "Breakfast will be ready in 15. Go get dressed." I shooed the boys away.

After they all dispersed inside their respective bedrooms, I turn to look at the two peacefully sleeping for a little bit longer before knocking on the doorframe. "Master Damian, Miss Marinette. Breakfast will be ready in 15. I suggest you get dressed."

Damian immediately wakes up and looks down at his chest where Marinette is sleeping. He smiles for a moment before putting on a straight face. "Thank you, Alfred." He nodded to me as I walked off down the hall.

Damian's P.O.V:

"Angel." I gently shake her shoulders. "You have to get up."

"No, Tikki. 5 more minutes." She mumbles into my chest.

I look over to the kwami's to see them fly out of Marinette's bathroom. "Don't worry." Tikki smiles at the two of us."We got this."

I nod and watch as the kwami's float a few inches above Marinette's head. They all take a deep inhale before screaming in unison "AKUMA!"

I had never seen someone move so fast. Marinette quickly jumped up out of bed and looked around in a panic. "Where is it?" She ask before becoming aware of her surroundings. "Oh." She relaxed. "Good morning, Damian." She said a blushing mess.

"Good morning, Angel." I smiled at her noticing her messy hair. "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." I slid out of her bed.

"Right." She yawned. "I guess I have to get dressed."

"As do I." I started to walk out of my room before I paused. "Am I walking you to breakfast this morning?"

"You better." She smirked at me. "What kind of boyfriend would you be if you didn't?"

"Boyfriend?" We both heard Grayson come running from down the hall. "Did I hear that correctly?" He sticks his head into the room.

"Alright." She sigh. "Everyone get out." She pushes Grayson and I out of her room. "It's too early for this. At least let me get dressed." She shut the door the second we all were in the hallway.

Looking over at Grayson, I see him looking at me like he wants to say something. "If you know what's best for you, you want say anything ." I give him a warning glare and when he doesn't say anything I head to my room to get ready for the day.