Chapter 25

Marinette's P.O.V:

I look in the mirror one last time before I leave. Today I decided to wear some simple dark skinny jeans and a tucked in white t-shirt with my hair up in a messy bun. Over the top I wore a black leather jacket and a pair of black ankle high booties. To add a pop of color I also threw on my red and gray knitted scarf. I smiled at my reflection knowing that I made everything but the shoes myself. I tuck in my chain with the cat miraculous inside my shirt and rest the glasses on the top of my head.

I grab my purse with my kwami's resting inside and I walk out the door. Seeing Damian leaning against the wall waiting for me, I quickly take his hand to walk with him to the dining room. "I'm surprised your brothers aren't here to bombard us with questions." I say.

"Alfred called them away." Damian looked down at me. "I told you he was one of the only sane ones."

"I don't think your brothers are insane." I giggle. "I think they care a lot about you but just show it in an odd way."

"Well I wish they wouldn't." He rolls his eyes sarcastically.

We both enter the dining room and everyone stares at us in complete silence. "Uhh... Good morning everyone." I awkwardly wave at them.

"Looks like it is." Jason smirks at us. "Did you two sleep well?"

"Ignore them." Damian dragged me to the table to sit down. "Maybe they will go away if we pretend they aren't here."

I laugh at that as I grab some food and begin to eat.

"So, are you going to tell us or not?" Dick looks to the two of us. "I wanted to tell them but I wanted to give you two the opportunity yourselves."

"Tell us what?" Selina looks over to Dick. "Is something wrong?"

"No." Dick gives his family a big smile. "Quite the opposite. Tell them, baby bird."

Damian looks at me for help but all I do is shrug. "You know Dick will tell them anyways." I pat his knee.

"Fine." He takes a deep breath. "I asked Marinette to be my girlfriend." Damian speaks quickly so he can just get it over with.

"Really." Bruce raises his eyebrows in surprise. "And what was your response?" He looks to me.

"I said yes." I says softly as I smile down at my lap.

"You better pay up, Tim." Jason holds his hand out to him.

"Unbelievable." Tim digs out his wallet and hands some money over to Jason.

"You made a bet on us?" I look at them confused.

"Yeah." Tim shakes his head. "I thought for sure it wouldn't happen until next week. I guess demon spawn over here couldn't wait."

"Wow." I look over at Damian. "They bet on us like horses."

"I'm not surprised." Damian takes another bite of food.

"Jason, Tim please no more betting on Damian anymore." Bruce gives his boys a stern look.

"What about our current ongoing bets?" Jason asks.

"You made more than one?" I look at them confused. "What about?"

Jason gave me a knowing look and before he could answer, Bruce spoke first. "No. We're dropping this."

I still felt a little confused but decided to do as Bruce says. Finishing up my food, I look down at the time. "It's almost time to go." I speak up.

"Right you are, Miss Marinette." Alfred stands up and hands me some food for my kwami's again. "We should all be heading out."-----------------"Thanks for dropping me off again, Jay." I hand the motorcycle helmet back to him.

"It's no big deal, Pixie-pop." Jason looks over to the front doors of the Gotham recycling center and sees my class already lined up. "Sorry we don't have any more time to chat."

"That's okay." I gives him a quick hug. "I'll see you later." I wave at him before meeting up with my class.

"Good morning, Marinette." Madame Mendeleiev greeted me. "Seeing as we are all here, it looks like its time to start. Today we will be learning the process of how recycling works in this city." We all follow the teacher as she walks us into the building and begins her speech about safety.

"Hey, Marinette." Chloe looks at me. "How was your date yesterday?"

"Amazing." I smile at all of my friends. "We had a rooftop dinner and watched the sunset. It was so beautiful."

"Did you kiss him?" Alix blurted out excitedly.

"Shhhh." I looked to the rest of my class who all seemed to look over at us.

"Sorry." Alix whispered. "But did you?"

I looked at my friends shyly as I heavily blush.

"You did, didn't you?" Adrien gives me a sly grin. "Are you smitten by this boy?"

"Kinda." I looked at my friends. "He's just so sweet with me it's almost unfair."

"Oooo." Kim teases me. "So was Chloe right about marrying him?"

"We aren't getting married." I gave him a stern look. "He only just askes me to be his girlfriend."

"No way!" Both Chloe and Alix jump around me in excitement as the rest of the class gives us dirty looks.

"Girls." Madame Mendeleiev breaks us apart. "I know you don't get to see Marinette as often as you do the rest of the class but please calm down."

"Sorry." We all say in unison.------------"...and that is how we sort out the recyclables with the non-recyclables. That is it for now. Time for your lunch break." The whole class cheered at this announcement.

We all make our way to the designated lunch spot as Madame Mendeleiev hands out bagged lunches for all of us.

"This tour is by far the worst one." Kim looks around in his bagged lunch. "We didn't even get to choose the food we wanted to eat today."

"I know." I sighed. "But Madame Bustier wanted this place on the schedule. She thought this was the best learning experience for us and she's the one who set up these awful lunches." I pull out a crustless bagged PB&J, an apple and a bottle of water. "But this isn't the worst possible thing."

"Enough about this drab place." Chloe looked over at me. "So, what's the Wayne family really like?"

"They are way less uptight than I thought they would be." I say as I remember dinner with them a few days ago.

"According to all the interviews I've seen with Mr. Wayne, they all show him being a very serious man." Max says.

"And he is." I nod. "But not all the time. I think you need to learn to have a little bit of fun if you have a crazy life like his."

"Wait." Adrien gets our attention. "Listen to Lila now." He jerks his head towards the sausage haired girl.

"Yes. My date with him was the best. Damiboo even asked for my ring size. I think he wants to propose to me soon. Isn't that romantic?" She says in a sickening sweet voice.

"Wow girl! That's awesome. When do you think he will pop the question?" Alya ate the whole story up.

"I don't know. Hopefully soon."

"Did you happen to ask about that Interview with Mr. Wayne."

"I did." Lila gave her an almost believable look of disappointment. "Unfortunately, he is super busy as CEO of his company. Doing all that CEO work by himself is very hard I hear. I'm so sorry, Alya."

"Oh, it's okay girl. Maybe we can catch him when things aren't so hectic for him."

"Oh, Please." Max rolls his eyes to us. "Everyone knows that Bruce isn't the only one who runs his company. His son is also a co-CEO. She can't seem to ever get her facts straight."

"I don't even know why we bother to listen to the garbage that comes out of her mouth." Alix shakes her head.

"Because it's kinda funny." Kim wraps his arms around both Max and Alix.

"Yeah." Adrien agrees. "One day we might even get to witness her dig herself into a hole so deep that she may never get out."

"Maybe we can just dig a real hole and push her into it." Chloe jokes as all of us laugh.