3. Secrets and Mistakes

"What are you doing now that you're back in Paris, Y/n?" You had been droning off as you walked, wishing to be anywhere but that damn school.

His voice immediately woke you from your haze and you glanced up at his direction.

"I've uh, just been hanging out in my room." Your voice was quieter than normal and you smiled up at him pathetically. The day was almost over and while you had no desire to be at school, going home sounded even worse.

Your house had been incredibly tense ever since you returned. Your parents were constantly working in their famous bakery, that only continued to grow in clientele after you left.

Marinette was just as sporadic as she ever was and you couldn't handle more than maybe five seconds of it. Every time your parents asked the two of you to help them down in the bakery, you walked back up into your room without saying a word.

You were amazed that you hadn't been grounded with your piss poor attitude, but it was honestly kind of thrilling to see how much you could get away with.

The two of you walked out of the school and you saw your sister get on the bike with a blue haired boy with a bright yellow helmet. You were surprised to see her with a boy at all, considering her tongue almost fell off any time she spoke to Adrien.

"Alright, it was nice seeing you again Y/n. I've gotta head out and meet my girlfriend." He spoke and pointed in the direction of the cars.

"Your...girl..friend?" You stammered over the surprise.

Any reminiscent feelings that had stirred up after seeing him today vanished, remolding itself as the stabbing heartbreak it had been the day you found out about Marinette's feelings for the blonde boy.

"Yeah! Her name is Kagami. You two should definitely meet sometime, I think you'd really get along!" He flashed you a farewell smile, waving as he hopped into his car. Your hand that had been raised to wave fell back onto your side and you felt your world shatter.

The walk back to your house solidified your depressing life. Everyone had moved one when you left, which was expected, but you couldn't help but go to that dark place where you thought of what could have been if you didn't give everything up for her.

Tears streamed down your face, but you felt to weak to wipe them away.

You just wanted to go but you weren't even sure where that was anymore.

You wanted Zoe, Jess, and New York. You wanted to go to the place where you finally felt like you belonged.

"!" An oddly familiar voice shouted. You had no time to try and decipher the voice to figure out who was calling out to you before you were shoved to the ground.

Your head slammed against the pavement and your vision went white. Once you regained yourself, you sat up angrily and ignored the pounding sensation swarming your head, determined to identify the person.

You watched as her yo-yo swung and she captured the small akuma, stopping it from evilizing you. She was amazing to watch, you had no idea how she saw that akuma following you—you hadn't even noticed.

" tha-"

"You should really be more careful." Ladybug spoke urgently. Your eyes met hers and you couldn't believe it, but she looked irritated with you. Every story you had heard from the victims saved by Ladybug and Chat Noir always had positive memories with the bug hero.

"How did you even see that before it got me?" You questioned through gritted teeth.

Ladybug was baffled by your response and began fidgeting awkwardly. She shook her head and her arms hard before pointing at you, "That's none of your concern!" She suddenly took in a deep breath before crouching down in front of you and staring into your eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a complete demeanor flip. Her quick attitude change elicited a shocked laugh from you.

"Wow, yeah, I'm just fine ." You pushed yourself off the ground and stood, shoving away the hand she outstretched to you—too late.

"Let me-"

"No, I mean it. I'm good." You snapped as you began tapping your wrists in attempt to regain your cool, "I don't need you or your dumb fuck villain to tell me how to handle my emotions. I'm just fine and I can walk home by myself." You spoke, trying your hardest not to spat at her face.

It was surprising that she wasn't phased by your behavior, just left with a silent whip and swing of her yo-yo.

You felt kind guilty for how you talked to her after she saved you, but she definitely deserved it.

You walked into your family bakery soon after your encounter and were surprised to see your parents in there without your sister, who always helped after school.

"Where's Marinette?" You asked along with the sound of the bell that chimed once you opened the door.

"Oh she's busy doing who knows what again?" Your mom spoke as she looked towards your father to remind her where your sister was. Your parents were always so busy that they often lost track of you all and your whereabouts.

"She's with a boy." Your father spoke and you remembered her getting on a bike with a kid with blue hair and an obnoxiously bright helmet.

You walked past your parents, muttering something about having to do homework so they wouldn't ask for your help in the kitchen. You walked into your room and threw your backpack on the floor and kicked it under your bed.

You locked the door, kicked off your damn shoes, threw them in the bucket, before allowing yourself to be swallowed by your sheets and comforter.

Your bed was the only part of paris you missed.

You rolled onto your stomach and pulled up your FaceTime messages, clicking on your best friend's smiling photo.


Your eyes brimmed with tears as you resisted the urge to chuck your phone at the wall. After your run in with evil, it seemed like a smart idea to control those negative feelings.

Instead of dwelling on your emotions, you closed your blinds, got under your comforter, and went to bed.

Avoiding everything.