7. Blame and Losses

His voice drew out every letter in the name he assigned to you.

You were gripping your head and trying desperately to fight back against him. "Who...the hell...are you?!" You gasped out and continued to grip your hair tighter, "Let go of me !" You screamed as the tension in your head caused tears to poor from your eyes. The echoing sound of his sly laugh rang through your ears.

"Don't struggle now...all I want to do is help you. Peace Wrecker, my name is Shadow Moth. I personally wanted to welcome you back to Paris."His condescending voice droned on. "Ever since you returned you've felt nothing but, dread, ." Every time he spoke he put more emphasis on the emotions you've been feeling.

"Fuck...off!" You cried out, desperate for air.

"Fight it Y/n!" You heard Marinette yell but her voice was barely processing in your head as you tried to fight off his power.

"Everyone around you has made you feel miserable for returning...I simply want to help you get revenge on all of those who have hurt you. Take away their peace! Make all of them feel as worthless and angry as you feel! I can give you the power to do all of this...all I need from you in return is Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous."

In the end, Shadow Moth's desire won over your dwindling will to fight.

"Yes...Shadow Moth." Tears streamed down your cheeks as you were submerged in his power.

Marinette began to run, yelling over her shoulder, "Everyone! Hide!" She dashed out of her friend's eye line to transform.

Marinette ducked in an alleyway and Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse. "Marinette..." her voice was disapproving and sad.

But her eyes, she looked fearful.

"I know Tikki! Jeez I know! I just don't even know why I'm like that!" Marinette sobbed.

"Jealousy. Marinette, not everything is her fault, I think-"

Marinette gritted her teeth, not wanting to hear her kwami say all of the things she already knew, "Tikki, spots on."


Marinette ran out of the alley as Ladybug with a pained expression across her face. She made her way back to the barge to find you standing on the very top of it.

You were laughing maniacally and spinning around dangerously close to the edge of the houseboat. You were now covered in a skin tight body suit that was black on the torso and thighs, and your arms and legs were adorned with a bright red fabric. You had a spiky black mask on your eyes and your backpack had morphed into the source of your evil magic, as you shot your power through the straps on the sides of your backpack that now connected with the black latex gloves on your hands.

"Anger...." You called out with your arms held wide as you stared down at your cowering friends. "All of you deserve to feel how I do!" Your voice echoed throughout the streets of Paris, disturbing the peace. The pitch of your voice left your mouth in visible sound waves, breaking the branches off the trees and knocking over cars. Ladybug noticed the tears streaming down your face as you shot a beam of energy at the group.

Luka, Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Ivan all went into a frenzy. Luka and Ivan were in the midst of a fist fight. Ladybug went wide eyed from worry that they were going to throw each other overboard.

Rose and Mylene were screaming at each other, and Juleka laid in a fetal position, unable to move. She was completely overwhelmed by sadness and loneliness as she watched the anger consume her loved ones.

Ladybug was frozen as she watched your vile actions in horror. She tried to move, to reach out to you, but it was as if her feet glued to the ground the moment she saw your tears.

She wasn't worthy of comforting you when you cried.

You hopped down on the deck and faced Zoe head on. She cowered at your presence which made your wicked grin only widen. "I saved the best for you, my ." You gathered your power with a simple lift of your hand as your face fell emotionless and shot it at Zoe.

She was sent into a massive wave of tremors as every single emotion you had felt since returning to Paris overwhelmed her. The sadness you felt for leaving the city of your dreams, the frustration you felt for your sister, the social isolation you caused yourself, and the overwhelming anger.

Zoe felt it all.

Ladybug stood there with tears forming in her eyes, because she knew all of this was her fault.

She didn't know how to fight her sister, the one time it truly counted.

"M'lady, what're your doing standing here when there's an akumatized victim right in front of you?" Chat Noir was now standing next to her with his hands and chin placed against his staff.

He stood there with her, ever hopeful that she knew exactly what she was doing. His hope fell when he saw her eyes.

Ladybug's lip trembled and she felt the horrible trembling sensation fall to her chin, "I-It's my...fault." Her voice was hardly audible and Chat Noir placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to help her regain her calm.

"What?" His voice was soft, but tense.

Ladybug shook her head, trying to regain her confidence. Her eyes met his and she morphed her expression to show her seriousness—even though her eyes were soaked with tears.

"That's Y/n Dupain-Cheng. We need to help her fast. The akuma is in her backpack." She spoke is short, choppy sentences.

The life from Chat Noir's skin seemed to drain at the mention of her name.

Chat Noir lifted his hand to hoist himself in the air with his staff. His hands were shaking from emotional backlash of terrifying situation. He was immediately brought back to that night he approached you on the ledge. He remembered thinking if you made one wrong move that you would be dead on the ground in front of you. His worries for you only grew when you confessed how out of place and lonely you felt living here.