8. Rivalry and Love

Luka walked you home that night.

"Thank you," you spoke softly, holding your head down as the two of you stood in front of your family bakery. "I'm so sorry again—for everything."

Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, so you turned to the door to go in for the night.

Luka still stood behind you, at war with himself as he stepped forward, pulled you gently towards him by your wrist, and engulfed you in a hug.

It reminded him of the day Marinette was so tortured with the secrets she kept from everyone, that she broke down in his arms.

It felt like an odd sense of deja vu, how could he not compare?

"It's alright Y/n, no one blames you." He spoke with the upmost sincerity.

You gasped softly, the tears finally going freely as your loose grip on the back of his shirt tightened. "Thank you, Luka." You sobbed.

Luka let out a hum and placed a hand lightly on the back of your head, "I'm so sorry Y/n—I don't think anyone realized how much you have been hurting."

You laughed slightly and just shook your head. "There's no need for you to apologize Luka, you barely even know me."

Luka surprised himself with his response, "Yeah, but I'd like too." His eyes met yours and he had the faintest smile on his serious face.

You bit your lip and took a step back from him, your body chilling immediately now that it lacked his added warmth. "I don't know about that." You sighed as your thoughts went back to your raging sister.

"Why? Because of Marinette?" He asked. Luka felt so conflicted because while he still loved Marinette, he was pissed at her for the way she had treated you that night. When he looked at you he saw so much of her, but at the same time you were completely different. You were just amazingly you and he was starting to realize that now.

Though, the both of you were emotional.

You gazed down the street to avoid meeting his eyes and you watched as a car skidded past. "It's complicated." Your voice was exhausted and cracked from the backlash of screaming and crying.

Luka shook his head and touched your cheek ever so slightly to softly guide your face back to look at him. "Why don't you come over this weekend? We can write a song." He smiled, knowing you wouldn't be able to resist his suggestion.

Your frown immediately broke out into a smile, amused by how much he had learned about you so quickly. "Alright I'll be there, but just song." You grinned as your lips allowed a slight giggle to escape.

He laughed which caused your cheeks to flare up. "Alright just one, but some take a while to write." He spoke with soft grin and a quick wink. As he watched you wave goodnight, he couldn't ignore the overwhelming amount of guilt flooding him entirely.


As you walked into the bakery you saw your parents sitting on stools in front of the work area, passed out. Your eyes widened when you realized they had been up late waiting for you.

You walked over to your parents and quietly tapped your mother on the shoulder.

"Mom?" You whispered.

She lifted her head slowly and her eyes filled with tears as they focused on you. She stood quickly, knocking the stool over behind her and waking up your father in the process. She hugged you tightly, saying nothing.

A surprised gasp escaped you.

"We were so worried, Y/n." She spoke shakily and you could feel her guilt through her embrace and tears.

Your arms wrapped around her small form and your face fell against her shoulder. "I'm...sorry." Your voice was muffled by her nightgown.

Your father stepped forward and hugged the two of you tightly. "We're the ones who are sorry Y/n, for not realizing how much you were hurting."

Your father's surprising words brought more tears from your eyes. "I really didn't mean to make you guys worry." You cried out and your father stroked your hair as your mother continued to hold you.

She wished you were small again so she could hold you easily and comfort you like she did when you were just a child. Now before her, she saw her daughter growing into a young woman. The guilt of getting caught up in the bakery and not focusing on her children, was becoming unbearable.

"We'll try to be better for you guys baby, I promise." Your mother said.

You felt your father's head move up and down in a nod. "I promise too."

Marinette watched the interaction between the three of you with her own tears in her eyes, though she had a small smile spreading across her lips. She was glad that for the first time in so many years, you looked like you felt at home.


The next few days were extremely eventful.

You were reconciled with your friends and your relationship with Zoe was a work in progress. The next day at school, your teacher announced that City Hall was sponsoring your class's movie production-project.

"The project will be held this weekend and any student can participate! It will be majorly student led, but Mr. Roth hired Thomas Astruc to help you all direct it." Miss Bustier smiled as she announced the news.

Nino and Alya began to work on the script almost immediately after your teacher finished speaking.

"It's cool to see how hard everyone is working." You glanced up as Adrien took a seat beside you. His presence had a nerve wracking effect on you, speeding up your heart rate and causing sweat to build up on your palms.