A Miraculous Birthday

"There's no way you're wearing that." Zoe's voice was firm and you turned towards her with a shocked look across your face.

"Why not?!" You asked and she just shrugged.

"It's September, way too hot, and so not your style." She pointed at the sweater you had on. You had to admit you were burning up from how thick it was.

You pulled it off leaving you in a tank top and threw it back into the pile of clothes you had still yet to donate. You grabbed your laundry basket grumbling, "I guess I'll do laundry."

"Happy Birthday!" She called out in a teasing voice.


Once you finished your laundry you dressed yourself in a large graphic tee, with a pair of ripped black jeans, and black combat boots.

"Now that's the Y/n I know." She grinned from ear to ear. She stood and pulled back the strand of pink the two of you had dyed in your hair around midnight that night. Being that it was your birthday you wanted to do something to spice up the new year.

She pinned the strand of hair to the side of your head and smiled. "You look amazing." She smiled brightly and you smiled just as bright when you hugged her.

"Thanks Zoe."

The two of you walked downstairs and you were greeted by your parents.

"Oh sweetie, I love you hair." Your mom forced out a smile, clearly a bit more disapproving of the new style than she let on.

You played along and kissed her cheek, "Thanks mom." You left the bakery with Zoe, grabbing a chocolate filled croissant on your way out. The two of you were heading towards the barge to meet up with Luka, Juleka, Rose, and Adrien who surprisingly managed to leave the house for your birthday.

"Hey birthday girl!" You heard your friends call as you approached the Couffaine's house boat.

You giggled excitedly as you were greeted with a tray of cupcakes your friends had been making all morning.

"Luka isn't very good at baking." Juleka muttered and you laughed as he lazily defended himself.

Adrien soon arrived, late due to his father claiming he never allowed Adrien permission to go out. He had a wide gift clutched tightly in his grip. Your eyes widened as you saw it and you felt yourself start to shake with excitement. "Is that a present? For me?" You we're speaking with a certain giddiness your friends had never seen from you.

"Adrien! The two of them are getting their gifts tonight." Rose spoke with a warning tone.

Adrien's expression grew flustered as he shifted the gift behind his back. "Gift? What gift?"

"Oh no way Agreste!" You walked towards him, "You can't just show me the present and pretend like you didn't bring one! That's totally against the birthday rules." You claimed and he blushed out of embarrassment.

Juleka muttered in agreement.

Your friends all laughed and allowed Adrien to give it to you, but only because you were begging.

You took the present from his arms and ran into the center of the dock and sat down with it. You began to rip the wrapping paper off and found a taped box inside. You glared daggers at the blonde, "You're one of people." You hissed and he laughed as he threw his arms up in defense.


You stuck your tongue out at him and Luka handed you his pocket knife. After you cut the box open you were greeted with a massive amount of tissue paper. You glared at Adrien and his laughing form as you threw the papers at him. Under it was a hand made gift. It was a sort of statue with half of the Eiffel Tower and the other half was the Statue of Liberty. There was a metal arrow with a quote and airplane leading the quote in a circle.

You sniffled as you felt tears well up in your eyes. Most of your friends and family were back in Paris now, but you still had Jess and Anon and the family you stayed with during your program. You loved everybody with all your heart.

"Thank...you Adrien. That was really thoughtful." You smiled at the boy.

"I just wanted you to always have a reminder." His smile was small but bright nonetheless.

Luka's eyes darted back and forth between the two of you. He realized he didn't have all that great of a gift for you, compared to Adrien at least.


Night soon began to fall. Your friends had you blind-folded as they guided your through the streets of Paris. You already knew you were having a birthday party, but they insisted on having your eyes covered so you could be surprised by their decorating.

When the blindfold was removed, all of your friends and family shouted happy birthday to you and your sister. Your eyes immediately shot up and you saw Marinette standing directly across from you on the other side of the field. You smiled softly and looked around the park. It was filled with black, white, and clear balloons with stars in them. There were a ton of fairy lights in the trees and there was a banner that said

The way it was decorated almost made it look like Marinette had designed it. You smiled and felt more tears threaten to spill. The two of you had always loved the stars, and especially loved being under them together.

Your family and friends all gave their presents to you.

You smiled brightly as you finally got to Luka's. "A guitar?" You asked with a curious smile, knowing he knew that you were a pianist.

"I was hoping uh...I could teach you." He had his hand cupped behind his neck and he was looking away from you with a bashful expression.

"Thank you Luka, I'd love for you to teach me." You flashed him a closed eye smile.

After they all sung happy birthday, your guests began to disperse between the food and the dance floor. You grabbed an ice cream from Andre and walked over to the bench you saw your sister sitting at. You sat next to her with a reasonable amount of distance between the two of you so you could set the ice cream down in between the you.

She looked at you with wary eyes and you simply smiled as you nodded your head down in the direction of the cone.

She was hesitant, but took a tiny spoon and ate some of the ice cream that had flavors to match the two of you together.

It was quiet for a while until she looked up and watched the stars. You followed her motion. "Happy birthday Y/n."

You smiled as you felt an overwhelming warmth in your heart. "Happy birthday Marinette."