13. Accidents and Truth

"You're back." Your voice was a whisper as you sleepily rubbed your eyes, laying down the book you had been reading on your nightstand.

"I didn't think you would still be up, or that your window would be unlocked." He stood rather stiffly as he shifted his weight on his feet.

You nodded, smiling softly. "I had a feeling you were going to stop by." You spoke softly to ensure you wouldn't wake your parents.

"Why?" He asked, not realizing how predictable he was.

"I figured with the way you've been acting that you would be worried about me after today." Your smile shifted into a smirk as you saw the bashful look spread across his face.

"Well getting turned into glitter is a big deal!" He whisper-yelled defensively and you nodded.

"Oh I know I was there." Your tone was playful and you noticed his sigh as he clenched his fist where his heart was.

"Do you know me in your civilian form or something?" You asked softly, knowing he couldn't answer that question but you were curious all the same.

You were surprised that he managed to keep his composure with that question. You knew he had a very dramatic and sporadic personality, so you honestly had expected him to throw himself out of the window.

"I can't answer that Y/n." He was stiff and you nodded as you laid back on your pillow.

"I know."

"How's your back?" He asked, noticing you were laying on it.

You dodged his question, "You sure do worry about me a lot for someone who potentially doesn't even know me in your real life." You continued on with closed eyes, feeling the tension radiating from him.

"Y/n." He warned softly.

"My back is okay." You admitted as you sat up again and pulled two bottles off your nightstand, "Icy hot is God's gift to the Earth. Three aspirins and a heating pad." You grinned, honestly feeling numb and a bit woozy at this point.

He was shaking his head and laughing at you. "You're a mess." He spoke but you knew it wasn't directed as an insult.

You shrugged, "Yeah but at least I'm a hot mess." You we're grinning again and didn't notice how your comment made the heat rise on his cheeks.

"I'll go and let you sleep." He whispered with a strained voice, not wanting to leave.

"Oh do visit me again monsieur, I do adore your nightly visits." You spoke in a goofy accent as you waved your hand around in circles.

He had an adoring look plastered across his face as he stood, ready to leap out your window once again. He would've answered and told you he would come back as much as you liked, but you passed out against your headboard.

He jumped  back into your room and placed the bottles back on your nightstand. He placed his hand under your knee and the other behind your upper back and moved you so you were laying properly on your pillows. He pulled your large, fluffy comforter over your body and you gripped it close to you and moved yourself into a hunched position on your side.

He smiled softly, "Goodnight, Y/n." Before sauntering back to your window and jumping out, closing and locking it for you.

Your eyes opened slightly, and your hand clenched against your heart like he had minutes earlier. "So many...conflicting feelings." You groaned as you thought about the three boys in your life who were each pulling at your heart.


You stepped onto the houseboat, more hesitantly than you ever had before. It was quiet, which was unusual for that time of day. You walked on slowly, worried that Luka had given you the wrong time.

"Y/n." His voice sifted through the air and bounced off your ears. You felt your entire body stiffen. Even though you came here by choice...you still felt incredibly awkward.

"Hey." Your voice was soft as you turned to face him.

Luka, as calm as ever, pointed towards his room. "Want to keep working?" He asked and you noticed the hope laced within his voice.

"Well I came all this way." Your smile was a tad playful.

Luka slightly jerked his head in the direction of his room, his expression unfaltering. You followed him and allowed yourself to ease into your steps.

You sat at the stool he had kept out behind his keyboard. You flipped through the bits of lyrics you had scribbled down the last time you were there.

The two of you bounced ideas off each other for a while, but there was an intensity in the air that neither of you could shake.

"Y/n." His voice was a bit sharp.

You looked up at him in surprise. "Yeah?" You questioned as you sat down your pencil that was on the verge of breaking.

"Why do you and Marinette have such a bad relationship?" He inquired and you froze immediately.

"What?" You choked out, not prepared to talk about her.

"Why are things so bad between the two of you?" He reiterated and you bit down on the inside of your cheek.

"They've always been like that." You murmured as you turned so you were no longer facing him, regretting going to his house.

"Even when you were little?" He kept going.

"Why does it even matter?" You snapped, "Our relationship won't change your relationship status with her!" Your eyes widened immediately. You slapped your hand over your mouth, ashamed of yourself. You hadn't realized how angry you still were with the two of them.

"That's not why I'm asking Y/n." His voice was low and continuously calm.

"I know...I'm sorry." You pulled your knees to your chest and sighed, "I'm just having a hard time forgiving." Your voice was a whisper.

"I told you I was sorry."

"I know...but that doesn't change the fact that you still chose her." You didn't face him but you knew that he had a shameful look across his face.

"If I could do it over again I would've gone to you." He was leaning against his wall now, staring out his window.

You adverted your eyes towards him, but they remained there for only a split second. "Don't say that."

"Why not?" He was sitting up now, confused.

"Because you don't mean it." You felt tears brimming in your eyes.

Luka stood and you kept your eyes glued to the floor. You watched as his sock covered feet crept closer to you. You let out a slight gasp when you felt his hand cup your cheek.

He lifted your face gently so your eyes met his. "Do I look like...I don't mean it?" His voice was just as gentle as his movements.

You scoffed half heartedly and tried to look away since the contact made you extremely nervous, "Dammit." You muttered softly.

"You should make up with Marinette."

Like that, the moment was shattered.

You shoved his arm off you and shook your head roughly. "No."

"Y/n I think it would be good for you to mend the re-"

"What do you know?" You screamed and he immediately recognized the darkness brimming in your eyes.

Luka shivered, but held his ground, "I know that you're extremely sad Y/n. If you don't mend it now, one day it'll be too late and you'll spend the rest of your life miserable like this!" His voice shifted into a snap as he gestured towards you.

You nodded your head with a pissed off hum, "So, I'm miserable now?"

"You look it!" He yelled again, not even realizing how you were interpreting his words.

"So do you think I'm pathetic too?" You laughed. "You don't get it Luka. At Marinette never even gives me chance to make up with her. I've been trying for years to figure out a way, at this point I'm done. You, and everyone else needs to back the fuck off and quit telling me how to handle my relationship with that bitch!" You screamed and stormed out of his room, slamming the door shut behind you so he would have a tougher time chasing after you.

Luka watched sadly as you left, not understanding exactly where he went wrong.

You ran into an alley, ignoring every warning your parents ever gave to you about that being unsafe.

Not only were you more pissed than you thought you ever had been, there was an akumatized victim running through the streets.

You pressed your back up against the bricks of the building behind you, and took in deep, shaky breaths as you tried to calm your nerves. You knew you were harsh with Luka, but him telling you all of that made your past efforts feel pathetic.

He made it sound so simple but it never was with Marinette.

You heard the leaves coating the ground rustle towards your left. Your breath hitched in your throat as you slowly turned your head in the direction of the sound.

It was Chat Noir.

He stood there, breathing heavily. Before you had a chance to say something to him or turn away, he spoke.

"Claws in."

You we're stunned with his words, forgetting to turn away.

You felt your body begin to shake as you stepped forward, your mind filling with confusion and a slight bit of fear.

"Here, to recharge buddy-" He heard your steps and his whole body froze. You saw the hard gulp he took before his eyes met your own.

He had originally hoped that you maybe missed him de-transforming, but seeing you standing there while your memories of the two of you raced your mind...he knew that you had seen everything.