25. Mystery and Memory

The bakery was silent.

A few dim lights were left on in the kitchen to easily guide you back inside the house.

You smiled at the consideration your parents gave, and turned off the lights and guided your way up the stairs with the flashlight on your phone.

The closer you got to Marinette's old room, the louder the house got.

You opened the hatch to her room and as soon as they heard the creaking sound the noise stopped.

"Hide!" His tiny voice shrieked and as you popped your head in—the two of them were laying on the floor, pretending to be asleep, laughing ever so slightly.

You rolled your eyes, reminding yourself not to let your sister babysit again.

"Oh well thank goodness they didn't stay up too late. I didn't want Dakota to be too cranky when we go sign up for school tomorrow." You were shaking your head as you closed the door and stood there with your hands on your hips, waiting for a reaction.

"I won't be tired mommy!" Dakota shot up almost immediately and you nodded.

Marinette looked floored that Dakota would so easily reveal their 'cover.'

"Oh, you won't now, will you?" You had an unconvinced look on your face as you tapped your foot.

"You look so pretty mommy." He grinned as he tugged on your silver sparkly dress that you were wearing under your long black coat.

"Come here you little rascal." You grabbed your giggling son and turned to your sister. "I'll be back in a bit." Dakota was still laughing as you carried him back down the stairs.

"Shh! Grandma and Grandpa are sleeping." You whispered and he nodded as he wrapped his arms around your neck quietly.

You opened the door to your old bedroom. It had been a while since you had been in there. Most of your decorations were gone, and the old full bed was replaced with a queen so you could comfortably share it with your son.

You walked over to the bed and placed your squirmy boy on it. You walked to the closet and pulled out your fluffy blanket you used to sleep with and put it over him once you managed to get him to lay down.

You sat on the edge of your bed and rubbed his hair back soothingly as you saw the tired begin to take over him.

"Now Dakota." You began and he cringed at your tone. "I'm glad you had fun with Auntie M, but you can't stay up super late like this anymore, alright?" You asked with a calm smile and he nodded.

"Yes mommy."

"Good. Now I have to go talk to your aunt, but I'll be back soon to snuggle you, promise." You said as you began to stand but his small hand grabbed your fingers.

"Please, just one song."

You smiled. "Fine, but a short one!" You laughed softly as you sat back down and sang him an old lullaby.


"I'm sorry Y/n, I really didn't mean to let him stay up that late! I just haven't seen him in so long and Mom and Dad really enjoyed playing with him too—just please don't yell at me!" She had been pacing back and forth and you couldn't help but double over in laughter.

"Marinette!" You laughed. "I am annoyed that you kept him up so late, but that's not what we need to talk about."

"It's not?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head.

You shook your head. "I wanted to talk to you about that night." You whispered and she nodded knowingly.

"This is the first time you've been back since we caught him." She was now sitting on her floor cross-legged. You sat down in front of her and leaned forward and held your face in your hands.

"I know. Trust me, I wanted to come back sooner. These last three shows have been torture." You sniffed as you wiped back tears.

"You were doing the best you could to protect him." She whispered as she pulled you in for a tight, reassuring hug.

"I know! That's what Adrien keeps saying." You laughed, irritated. "I just don't see how us staying away makes the situation any better. Adrien hasn't explained hardly anything and I've gotten minimal phone calls from him."

Marinette nodded. "I have the answers for that."

Your eyes widened. "Please—tell me. I can't fucking stand it anymore."

Marinette nodded. "Let me explain."

"You—" Your hands were trembling. "Didn't get the miraculous?"

"No." She shook her head. "Adrien was terrified for you and Dakota as soon as the reality settled on the both of us. We only stopped Gabriel, but these new villains outsmarted us and Gabriel Agreste. We have to be wary of them."