26. Aching and Reunion

"Honey—what do you mean you don't want to go to school? You were so excited to sign up yesterday!" You took another, long, sip of your black coffee.

"I never said that." Dakota crossed his arms and squinted his eyes as he made a sound.

It was to early for the bratty attitude.

"Dakota dear." You forced a smile, knowing he was just tired. "You have to go to school—I legally have to send you." You walked over to him and pushed the eggs you scrambled closer to him. "Now eat."

You began to saunter towards the couch when he spoke up again. "Mom what does legal mean?" He asked and you sighed in relief when you saw he was shoveling the scrambled eggs into his small mouth.

"Why do you ask?" You questioned as you sat on the couch, pulling a large blanket over you.

"I've heard a bunch of people use that word talking about daddy. It's a weird one." His words were a bit muffled but you still understood each one.


"Good morning my favorite grandson!" Your mother entered the room, almost perfectly timed.

Again, you were sighing in relief as you slumped further into the couch.

The two of them were over by the counter whispering about you, but you couldn't care less. You did however begin to smile when you heard your son's infectious giggle.

You downed the rest of your coffee and shook out your arms as you walked back over to your son and mother.

After kissing her on the cheek, you turned towards your boy and titled your head to the side. "Ready to go little man?" You asked.

With a renewed confidence, Dakota nodded wildly before running off to grab his new race car print shoes.


"Its July—how can it be to late to register a five year old?" You groaned as your hands made their way under your large black sunglasses and you rubbed your eyes roughly.

"I'm sorry ma'am it's just—hold on." You perked back up as the front desk lady began to inspect your face. Your entire body stiffened as she pieced together who you were.

"Are you really Y/n Cheng?" She questioned excitedly, forgetting part of your name.

You laughed slightly. "Last I checked that's part of the name on my license."

She didn't even mind your snarky comment. "My daughter and I love you! Could I get a signature?" Her eyes were so bright and you wanted too say yes immediately.

"Could you get my kid enrolled in school?" Your expression was smug and her mouth hung agape.


"Have to use that celebrity privilege somewhere am I right?" You grinned, sunglasses now resting on your head.

She nodded. "As long as you don't tell anyone." She put a finger to her lips and you nodded knowingly.

"Oh I understand—I can keep a secret."

She began typing Dakota's information into the computer. "I had no idea you had children—I wonder if my daughter does, she loves to Instagram search you for outfit inspiration." She chuckled as she waved her hand and you tried to ignore the low key creepiness of it.

"She doesn't—we—I have tried my hardest to keep him private." You glanced over your shoulder at the happy boy playing with a Barbie and a race car. "If you wouldn't mind doing the same I would greatly appreciate it. You know how fans can get about celebrity children."

"I swear I get a weird news notification about it all the time." She laughs.

You nodded, not finding it quite as amusing. "You won't tell right?" Your voice was a bit more serious and she made firm eye contact with you.

"Not a soul." She smiled.

You sighed in relief. "Thank you so much."

She nodded. "But I am curious—is his father Adrien Agreste? Or maybe even that handsome man you performed a show with? Or maybe even—"

Quickly, you grabbed Dakota's hand as you slipped your sunglasses back over your eyes and waved a good day to the nosy woman behind the counter.


"Honey?" Your mom creaked the door open to your old—though the one you were currently using—bedroom.

"Yeah?" You asked, typing away, only taking a break to take a sip of your coffee.

"Don't you think it's time for you and Dakota to um—get a little more space?" She gently questions you, prepared for you too respond full-fire.

"Yeah probably. Didn't think you would kick me out so soon." You chuckled as you sent the email you were working on, closed your laptop, and walked back over to your mom.

"You know it's not that dear—you're welcome here anytime. You've just been back in Paris for two weeks now, the trial is starting soon, and I think it would be beneficial for Dakota to have a place he knows his dad will come back too." She explained as she soothingly rubbed your head that you were laying on her shoulder.

"You're right mom—always right." You hummed sleepily. "I did plan on apartment shopping today—I was just looking at a few actually. Zoe and Jess are flying in later today." You reminded your mother who had a skeptical look on her face. "They'll be staying at the Palace of course."

She sighed in relief, anxious to host any more guests.

"You know I love having them dear, I'm just tired." She spoke as if she had read your mind.

"I understand. If you'll just watch Dakota for a while, I'll go see if I like this apartment." She nodded excitedly.

"I love my time with that boy."

You smiled as you kissed her head. "Don't take it for granted." You warned. "He grows a bit more everyday. He's ever changing."

Sabine laughed as she watched her daughter scoot by her and walk down the stairs to find her son. She couldn't believe that she just received advice about children, but it all seemed full circle.

She was never around enough to watch you grow.

You knew that, acknowledged it too.

Instead of holding a grudge,

you just ensured that she didn't make the same mistake with her grandchildren.

She didn't feel she deserved by all of the love she received from her family, but she was eternally grateful.


You hopped out of your car and ran to your best friends, the three of you squealing like school girls.

"I swear—it's been forever!" You groaned as you hugged the two of the again, nearly choking them.

"Y/n!" Jess laughed as she gently pried you off her and her wife. "We missed you too, don't tell me though that touring around the world made you forget personal space?" She scolded as she playfully hit your head.

You rolled your eyes. "Forever mothering me."

"Well someone had to do it"

"The shade." You glared.